
How to remove a toothache? TOP popular painkillers

Of course, when a toothache occurs, the most correct and logical way out is to contact a dentist who will help to eliminate its cause. But in time to visit a specialist is not always the case. How to remove a toothache at home? Best of all, if in your medicine cabinet there will be a suitable anesthetic drug for such a case.

A rather popular remedy for toothache is "Aktasulid." The main active ingredient in it is nimesulide. This remedy is forbidden for people suffering from peptic ulcer, having diabetes mellitus, kidney and liver diseases, suffering from hypertension or heart failure. Also caution should be taken "Aktasulid" for the elderly and for those whose work requires intense attention and good reaction. It is not recommended to give children under 12 years of age.

Many believe that "Aspirin" is also a good option for those who are looking for ways to remove toothache. It affects the painful centers of the brain and is a constituent of many other drugs ("Acelisin", "Asfen", "Citramon", "Ascofen"). It is best to take "Aspirin" after eating or drinking a lot of milk, as it is able to eat up the mucous membrane of the intestine and stomach. For adults, the maximum dose is 3 grams per day. Contraindicated "Aspirin" for children under 1 year, and in the presence of viral diseases - up to 12 years. Also, do not use it for gastrointestinal diseases, venous congestion, hypertension and insufficient coagulability of blood. In addition, "Aspirin" is not recommended for use by patients with bronchial asthma.

A good drug that can be purchased by those who are looking for how to remove toothache is Grippostad. Its active ingredient is paracetamol. In addition, the composition of vitamin C is present, due to which the drug better relieves pain and retains its effect longer. "Grippostad" is not worth drinking to people with high blood pressure, having problems with the kidneys. It is contraindicated in women in the II and III trimesters of pregnancy and lactating mothers. It is forbidden to give it to children under 6 years old. The use of "Grippostad" to quench the toothache can cause allergic reactions, pain in the stomach. Adult for 1 time can drink 1 tablet.

Thinking about what you can do to remove a toothache, pay attention to the "Ketanov". This drug is not steroid and narcotic. Ketorolac (the main active substance) has a systemic effect. Already after 15 minutes after taking the concentration of the drug in the blood reaches a maximum level, and the effect can last up to 5 hours. "Ketanov" can be consumed from 16 years, but it is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. With extreme caution it is taken by people suffering from peptic ulcer, asthma and kidney failure. The use of "Ketanov" can have side effects: lethargy, migraines, diarrhea, diarrhea.

Another tool that will be useful to those who are looking for ways to remove a strong toothache - "Ibuphen" based on ibuprofen. "Ibufen" is produced in a variety of forms, from tablets to syrup. Like other pain relievers, it is contraindicated in pregnant women and those who breastfeed, suffering from gastric ulcers, colitis, poor coagulation and Crohn's disease. Adult patients are sufficient to relieve the pain of one pill per day.

If the pain is not strong, then another preparation that should be mentioned when talking about how to remove a toothache is "Dexalgin 25". 30 minutes after taking the pill pain recedes and does not return about 4-5 hours. Take "Dexalgin" before meals (single dose - 25 mg). The side effects of this drug, which you may encounter, are coordination disorders, heartburn and stomach pain. As for all of the above medicines, bronchial asthma, ulcers of the intestine and stomach, Crohn's disease and colitis are contraindications to the use of this pain medication.

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