Food and drinkCooking tips

How to make lemon juice from citric acid: proportions

It's not a secret that lemon juice is a treasure of vitamins and all sorts of useful substances, it consists of acids and essential oils. It is used as an antiviral and anti-infectious agent, also it is used by cosmetologists in its field. And, of course, many are interested in the question of how to make lemon juice from citric acid. But first we will find out whether lemon is as useful as it is commonly believed.

Lemon that kills

Strange phrase, because for all lemon juice is an invariable assistant not only in the kitchen, but in general in everyday life. But if you correctly argue, then the lemon really kills. After all, it completely destroys the bacteria. And then it is better to use not natural fresh, namely lemon juice from citric acid. If the cutting board is wiped with a solution of citric acid, then you can get rid of all the bacteria that can not destroy many purchased products.

Lemon juice does not allow the development of pathogenic bacteria that cause dysentery. By the way, in this case, too, you can make lemon juice from citric acid at home. In this situation, it can easily replace natural.

Interesting Facts

Surely everyone will be interested to know:

  • In the XVIII century, this solar fruit was available only to bohemia. You could get bright fruits in Holland. They came to our country only in salt form. Then no one even questioned how to make lemon juice from citric acid, since this same acid was not yet able to extract.

  • Usual cabbage is more useful than bright citrus. After all, it contains more vitamin C. And even more of this useful substance is in the dog rose.
  • Citrus juice will help at a temperature. Although in this situation it is also better to make lemon juice from citric acid, the proportions here are different. You need to throw a little in the cool water, by the eye. This solution is rubbed into the ankles, hands and back. After about ten minutes, the temperature will drop by one degree.

Helpful Tips

The reader may not be aware of the following important properties of the lemon:

  • If you struggle with depression more and more difficult, it is necessary to cut the fruit into slices and arrange it around the apartment. The smell of this southern fruit is a good mood.
  • When insomnia also helps the sun citrus. You just need to squeeze a slice of lemon into a glass of water before going to bed. Fall asleep after such a drink will be much easier.

  • Helps lemon and calluses. First, you need to steam your legs, and then attach a piece of fruit to the damaged skin and put on socks. The truth will need 10 to 15 similar procedures to get rid of the calluses forever.
  • If it is important not only taste, but also benefit, then do not add lemon to boiling water, this destroys vitamin C.

This fruit with a bright skin has a lot of useful properties. He can be a therapist, a nutritionist, and a cosmetologist.

Lose weight with lemon

The use of citric acid when losing weight simply does not know the boundaries. It helps the production of gastric juice, fights against fats, positively affects metabolism. How to make lemon juice from citric acid in this situation? Very simple. You need to dilute a teaspoon of powder in a liter of water. It should be noted that natural orange juice has the same useful qualities, but its calorie content is much higher.

Lemon juice in cosmetology

Juice of citrus will help get rid of acne and age spots on the face. If you regularly rub your face with lemon juice, the skin will become lighter and get a healthy glow.

An excellent remedy against inflammation on the face is a mask of lemon juice with white clay. To get the desired effect, it is enough to leave this mixture on the face for only fifteen minutes.

You can freeze lemon juice with water. These cubes are very nice to wipe your face after morning cleansing. This procedure will help make the skin matte and give it a beautiful blush.

Lemon juice against pigment spots

If you mix starch with lemon, you can fight with pigment spots. It is necessary to dilute a tablespoon of starch with lemon juice until the mixture becomes viscous. The mask is applied only to stains for twenty minutes. Then it must be washed off.

If you mix lemon and hydrogen peroxide, then you can easily whiten the skin. To do this, two spoons of peroxide are mixed with the juice squeezed out of the half of the fruit. In this solution you need to dip gauze and apply to the stains for half an hour. Repeat the procedure for ten days. Such a solution dries the skin very much, so it will be necessary to stock up with fat cream and sour milk masks.

The easiest way to prepare juice is to take the fruit and squeeze fresh juice from it.

Why to make artificial lemon juice

It often happens that you do not want to cut a whole fruit for the sake of a droplet of juice. It may turn out that the necessary fruit is simply not in the kitchen, and if half the lemon is lying in the fridge, it could rot or dry out. And then the question arises, how to make lemon juice from citric acid? The recipe is quite simple. It all depends on what purpose this juice is for.

Citric acid has a lot of advantages

It certainly does not rot and does not dry. It does not need to be stored in the refrigerator, it has enough space on the shelf in the closet. Here the most important thing with anything is not to mix it up. There are a lot of powders on the shelf. It will be very annoying if, for example, a pot of okroshka suffers from the fact that sugar is added instead of lemon.

The most interesting is that the answer to the question of how to make lemon juice from citric acid is quite simple. You just need to mix this very acid with water. It will not take more than a minute. Another thing is proportions. It all depends on the purpose of using this fluid. But the manufacturer does not affect the taste of the drink in any way, since all citric acid is the same. Its quality does not depend on the place of production.

What is citric acid

It is such a food additive. It is used both for conservation and confectionery production. If you mix acid with soda, bubbles of carbon dioxide start to separate out. This helps improve the quality of the test. It becomes lush and airy.

Limonka itself does not pose any danger, but if a concentrated solution falls on vulnerable parts of the body, then it can trigger a burn.

This substance also affects the enamel of the teeth. Inhalation of citric acid powder is strictly prohibited, it can cause a burn of the respiratory tract. The juice, which is used in cooking, contains no more than five percent of the acid.

For example, if you need one tablespoon of juice, then the acid content in it will not exceed seven hundred milliliters. That is, you need to use no more than one sixth of a teaspoon.

If you need to make shugaring, then you need to take ¼ teaspoon. Here, the juice is replaced with acid if it causes an allergy or irritation. Often, women use citric acid instead of a hair conditioner. After washing, the head should be rinsed with a solution of water with lemonade. A liter of water - one teaspoon.

Than dangerous lemon

You can not eat it in large quantities. Even if you do this once, the consequences can be quite unpleasant. Coughing is the most innocuous thing that can happen. In addition, there may be bloody vomiting, the mucous membranes in the esophagus and stomach strongly irritate. In one tablespoon is placed 25 grams of lemon, and in the tea - 8.

Composition of artificial lemon juice

And so we came very close to the question of how to make lemon juice from citric acid, the proportions here are fairly simple to remember. For two teaspoons of purified warm water, one teaspoon of citric acid powder is necessary. And do not necessarily get attached to teaspoons. The main thing to remember is that water should be twice as much as lemon. How to make lemon juice from citric acid for a salad? It is prepared in the same way. All the same two to one.

Cooking process

First you need to measure one teaspoon of citric acid powder. Then pour it into a clean, dry cup. The container must be made of glass or porcelain. With the metal, the acid can react. For example, aluminum itself will darken, and the juice will turn into a dark, unpleasant color.

Now the mug is supplemented with warm, purified water, preferably, it should be boiled. Water should be exactly twice as much as acids. Water, of course, can be used and cold, but then the acid will dissolve longer. Have to wait for about seven minutes, at the same time, do not forget to stir the solution. But if the water is warm enough, the juice will be ready instantly.

Many housewives are wondering how to make lemon juice from citric acid for a cake. The answer is the same. Proportions are always the same, if you need juice. It does not matter what for confectionery, what for salads. Another thing, if you need not juice, but a solution. There are many options here. Some of them were listed above.

Of course, in no case it is impossible to rinse your head with artificial lemon juice. There is a risk of burning not only the skin, but also damage your eyes. We need a much weaker solution.

With citric acid, although it is considered food, you need to be extremely cautious. After all, it is acid. Do not drink artificial lemon juice. It can only be used in small quantities during cooking.

Limonka should not be on the open surface if there are children in the house. After all, if you try it with the tip of a tongue, it can seem very tasty. But in large quantities can cause great harm to the child's body.

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