Food and drinkCooking tips

How to cook pork in the oven

If religion allows you, then, of course, you are happy to cook pork. The use of pork is not so widely known, but undeniable. Pork is easily digested, it has a lot of protein (which is very useful for nursing mothers), and elements such as zinc and iron make pork useful for patients with vascular diseases. Pork also has a positive effect on "man's power". If we know about her so much good, then how to cook the pork in the oven so that it will please all the members of the family?
You can, of course, fry, but then it will become greasy and excessively harmful. A pork boiled or cooked for a couple, as a rule, pretty fresh. But in the oven it will become very tasty, and with proper skill will retain most of its positive properties. Here are a couple of simple, but good recipes for cooking pork.

How to cook pork in an oven with a potato
The simplest and easily accessible recipe is pork in spices, which is best cooked with potatoes. In the saucer, pour olive oil and mix salt, pepper and two or three types of spices in it. Usually use parsley, dill, marjoram, you can add garlic that has been crushed. Pork fillets are cut into medium slices of three to four centimeters in thickness. In the resulting mixture you need to roll and pork, and sliced potatoes. You can just lay the pork on a baking tray, but then the meat can dry out a little. It is better to use pots, and even more preferably - cauldron. In it put meat with a potato, pour out the rests of sauce, and put in an oven approximately minutes on 40-45. Bake the dish at 190 degrees.

How to cook pork in an oven in a sweet sauce
A real delicacy is pork ribs. We advise them to cook them in sweet sauce, although sweet meat, of course, is an amateur. First you need to prepare the ribs, rub them with salt and pepper, and then put them on the appropriate size baking sheet and pour the sweet sauce prepared from one part of apple sauce, one part of ketchup and three parts of brown sugar (the usual one is also suitable). In one part, half a cup is taken. All the ingredients should be mixed well and add a little lemon juice, paprika and cinnamon. Before you put the ribs on the baking tray, you need to let them stand for 30 minutes in a cool place. Bake the dish you need in the oven, heated to 180 degrees for one hour.

How to cook pork in an oven in foil
Very tasty, and most importantly useful, will be meat, baked in foil. A pure pork fillet weighing 500-700 grams is smeared with salt and pepper. Then in the meat, long cuts are made, into which are inserted pieces of carrots and onions. You can also lard meat pieces of garlic, sprigs of marjoram, paprika or basil. The pork stuffed in this way is wrapped with foil, leaving free places for broth, which is formed during baking. We cook pork in the oven at a sufficiently high temperature, about 180-200 degrees for about an hour and a half. Pork turns very juicy, and the broth can be used as a sauce to the side dish. All nutrients will remain in the meat and broth. It turns out low-fat and very tasty.

How to cook pork in a microwave oven
You need to take a pork shoulder with skin (800 grams), rinse, dry, rub with salt and sprinkle with pepper. Then you need to make neat cuts in the form of a mesh. The depth of the incisions is 1 centimeter. After that, put the meat in the microwave for 10 minutes. Cover the dish until you need to. The temperature should be 180 degrees, and the microwave power - 50 percent. While meat is cooked, we clean and cut vegetables and greens. We take one carrot, a large onion, a celery root, a few cloves of garlic and greens. Add the vegetables to the meat, pour a glass of water and cover with a lid. After 15 minutes we take the pork from the microwave, take it out of the pan, cover it with foil and let it stand for ten minutes. Vegetables need to be ground in a blender, salt and pepper to taste, and then for one minute put in a microwave. Fried pork with gravy is ready! Bon Appetit!

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