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How quickly to cure the flu at home? Folk remedies. Medication

All people are equally susceptible to various diseases. However, in some population groups there is a decrease in immunity. Such persons are most likely to be infected by viruses. Eliminate this or that viral disease always. This article will discuss how to quickly cure the flu at home. You will learn what medicines can be used. You can also get acquainted with the traditional methods of treatment. It is necessary to say about what are the symptoms of influenza in adults and children and how not to confuse this disease with a common cold.

Influenza and its symptoms

Before getting acquainted with the ways of how to quickly cure the flu at home, you need to learn something about the disease itself. Many people confuse this pathology with conventional ARI. It is not right.

The flu has several distinctive features. At the very beginning of the disease a person does not feel pain in the throat. Also, the patient with the flu does not complain about the common cold, which usually starts with any cold. The signs of this pathology are usually the following: a person feels pain in the forehead and temples. In some cases salivation increases and fear of light arises. Also, the flu is characterized by pain and aches in the joints and bones. Suffer mainly hands and feet. After a few days of such unpleasant sensations, the temperature rises. With a classic cold, the level of the thermometer does not rise above 38 degrees. If you get sick with the flu, you can see a mark of 40-41 degrees. Already after raising the body temperature , a person begins to feel pain in the throat, lack of appetite, runny nose and stuffy nose.

How many days does the flu last?

How long can a person stay in a state of illness? Doctors do not give an unambiguous answer to this question. In many respects the outcome of events depends on the prescribed treatment and lifestyle of the patient. If you comply with bed rest, take all the prescribed medications and not be nervous, then the disease takes about 5-7 days.

When a person tries to transfer the disease on his legs, he simply does not have enough strength to fight the virus. In this case, the pathology can last for 2-3 weeks. Also, complications occur with improper treatment. If you are faced with this outcome, then the fight with the consequences will be long and tedious.

How quickly to cure the flu at home?

If you are overtaken by this ailment, you should first consult a doctor. You can visit the polyclinic. But it is better to call a specialist at home. Especially if you have a high fever. It will be difficult for you to go to medical institutions. In addition, you can infect other people with a virus.

Treatment of influenza can be carried out in several ways: medicamental and folk. Physicians prefer to appoint proven drugs that can quickly put the patient on their feet. However, some people do not trust doctors and prescribe their own treatment. It is worth noting that if you combine these two methods, you will be able to overcome the disease much faster. Consider the key proven methods of how to quickly cure the flu at home.


Among a wide range of medicines there are certain groups that are aimed at combating this or that disease. So, the preparation can be antiviral or antibacterial, analgesic or antipyretic, immunomodulating or regenerating. You can continue indefinitely. What flu drugs are suitable for home use?

Antipyretics and pain relievers

Tablets from the flu can be: "Paracetamol", "Nurofen", "Nyz" and others. All of them perfectly struggle with a fever and remove a painful syndrome. You can also prefer suspensions and syrups. Such flu medications are easily taken and do not cause any discomfort. These include: "Nimulid", "Kalpol", "Ibuprofen" and so on. For the convenience of patients, sometimes doctors prescribe powder formulations. They need to be diluted with hot water and taken as tea. Among such means, solutions of "Fervex" and "Teraflu" from influenza are very popular.

It is worth recalling that you need to apply these medications only when the thermometer shows more than 39 degrees. Until then, the body is trying to fight the virus by itself and isolates human interferon. If the disease strikes a child or an elderly person, then taking antipyretic drugs is already after raising the temperature to 38 degrees.


Drugs from influenza can be boosting the immune system. At present, pharmaceutical companies offer a variety of different medicines. You can choose what will be convenient for you.

Immunomodulating agents include the following:

  • Tablets "Arbidol" or "Cycloferon";
  • Solutions "Interferon" or "Aflubin";
  • Candles "Genferon" or "Viferon", as well as many other drugs.

Remember that these drugs should be taken immediately after infection, as soon as you feel the first symptoms. Otherwise, they may simply be ineffective.

Treatment of a cold

To treat nasal congestion, you will need vasoconstrictor drugs. Among such tools you can choose "Vibrocil", "Otritin", "Nazivin" and so on. Depending on your preferences, you can buy a drop or spray.

To combat bacteria and viruses, doctors appoint funds "Pinosol", "Isofra" and others. To disinfect the nasal mucosa and stop the flow of fluid, you can use the drops of "Protargol" or "Sialor".

Treatment of throat

The flu pills that help with sore throat can be: Strepsils, Stopangin, Grammidine, and others.

To combat the cough, you can take syrups "Doctor Mom", "Gerbion", "Ambrobene". Be sure to take into account the nature of the cough: dry it or wet.

Traditional treatment

If you refuse medical treatment, then you can use the basic folk recipes. Among them, you can allocate funds for oral administration, topical preparations and formulations for prevention. Let us consider them in more detail.

Preparations for local processing

To such means it is possible to attribute any broths and infusions of herbs. You can apply chamomile (for the removal of inflammation), sequential (to remove pathological microorganisms), breastfeeding (to reduce pain and accelerate regeneration), as well as many others. All herbs are prepared as follows: one tablespoon of crumbly powder is poured into a glass of boiling water. Insist solution should be half an hour. After that, cool the product and rinse the throat.

Also you can apply sea salt and soda. Such a medicine can be washed and nasal sinuses. Take one teaspoon of loose material for a glass of water. This remedy perfectly removes germs and has a healing effect.

Means for ingestion

To folk medicines for the treatment of influenza can include honey, milk, garlic, onions, potatoes and many other products used for cooking.

Warm milk with several spoons of honey works well on the mucous membrane of the throat. Honey softens and warms, and also eliminates bacteria. Regular tea with lemon fills the body with vitamin C, which fights well with viruses. Garlic is a natural antibiotic. Using it daily, you will help your body cope with the disease.

Preventive measures

To quickly cope with the flu, you need to follow some rules. They can be successfully combined with medication or folk medicine. The most common methods of preventing this disease include the following:

  • Wash your hands several times a day;
  • Spread out the onions cut into slices;
  • More often open the windows, but do not stay in the draft;
  • Humidify the air (you can arrange several containers of water around the house);
  • Keep bed rest until full recovery;
  • Do not eat heavy foods (give preference to vegetable soups and broths).


Now you know the most popular ways and drugs that help to cope with the flu. Try to get help from doctors in case of illness and follow all recommendations. Especially when it comes to childhood illness. Get well and stay healthy!

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