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Terminal Ileitis (Crohn's disease): causes, symptoms, treatment

Inflammatory processes in the intestine are known to many. Symptoms such as diarrhea, bloating and flatulence occur almost everywhere. Nevertheless, there are diseases of the intestines that are chronic and progressive. One of such pathologies is terminal ileitis. The main sign of this disease is the inflammation of the end parts of the small intestine. Despite the fact that the pathology is not considered rare, the reasons for its appearance are not known to the end. Considering the progressive nature of the disease, constant supportive treatment is necessary.

Description of terminal ileitis

The disease "terminal ileitis" is characterized by inflammatory phenomena in the small intestine. Most often the distal department is affected. Another name for the pathology is Crohn's disease. In addition to the terminal department (ileum), other parts of the gastrointestinal tract may be involved. Usually the inflammatory process proceeds in a fragmentary manner. That is, only certain parts of the digestive tract are affected, which alternate with a healthy tissue. This is the difference of Crohn's disease from another chronic pathology of the intestine - ulcerative colitis. Terminal ileitis is also called uncharacteristic granuloma and lymphadenitis. In addition to the inflammatory process, pathology is characterized by the formation of ulcers and scars in the lumen of the intestine.

Terminal Ileitis: the causes of the disease

The etiology of this disease is not known exactly. There are several theories of the development of this pathology. Each of them has confirmation, but, nevertheless, does not give a complete answer to the question of etiology. It is known that Crohn's disease (terminal ileitis) develops under the influence of provoking factors. Among them:

  1. Autoimmune aggression. Occurs when the protective mechanisms of the body are disrupted.
  2. Chronic inflammatory process caused by bacterial or viral flora on the background of weakened immunity.
  3. Insolvency of the buginium shutter. This formation consists of muscle tissue and serves as a valve between the small and large intestine.
  4. Incorrect food. Most often, the disease develops in people who take food dry, poorly chewing food.
  5. Genetic predisposition.
  6. Weighed down a hereditary anamnesis. The risk of developing ileitis increases with incidence among relatives.
  7. Bad habits, in particular smoking.

How does ileitis develop?

In most cases, terminal ileitis develops suddenly. Usually people learn about the presence of the disease only when symptoms appear. By this time, pronounced changes can already occur in the lumen of the intestine. In the first place the mucosa is exposed to inflammation. The lesion is 10 to 20 cm in length. With the progression of ileitis, the deeper layers are also involved in the inflammatory process, granulomas (tubercles) appear. In the intestinal wall, erosions are first formed, followed by ulcers. Inflammation can also spread to other areas. Most often it is the large intestine and PDK. The affected areas are clearly delineated from healthy tissue. Another link in the pathogenesis is inflammation and enlargement of the lymph nodes located along the bowel. A prolonged course of pathology can lead to the formation of scar tissue and stenosis.

Crohn's disease: symptoms and treatment of pathology

It should be remembered that pathology refers to chronic recurrent processes that have a progressive nature. This is one of the features on which distinguish other colitis and Crohn's disease. Symptoms and treatment of pathology also have specific features. Usually the disease first makes itself felt in 15-25 years. More often it occurs in the male population. The main symptoms of ileitis are abdominal pain (at the navel and below), an increase in body temperature and upset of the stool. Some patients have dyspepsia. These include nausea, vomiting. In addition, frequent signs of the disease are flatulence, rumbling of the intestine.

The later symptoms include anemia, asthenia (weight loss), general weakness. In addition to the characteristic clinical picture, other manifestations may occur. Among them: inflammation of the mucous membrane of the oral or nasal cavity, dermatological disorders, pain in the joints. It should be remembered that the disease can spread to any part of the digestive tract. Therefore, new symptoms may appear, depending on the localization of the process. This can be a violation of swallowing, epigastric pain, heartburn, a tendency to constipation or, on the contrary, diarrhea.

Diagnosis of terminal ileitis

It is quite difficult to diagnose terminal ileitis. This is due to the fact that there are many similar in the clinical picture of pathologies. Therefore, it is so important to identify the disease in time and begin adequate therapy. Diagnosis is based on clinical manifestations of pathology, laboratory and instrumental examinations. Suspect Crohn's disease can be according to the history (patient's age, the presence of hereditary complications, concomitant inflammatory phenomena).

Also the main feature is the progressive and recurrent nature of the pathology. Changes in laboratory parameters are observed in coprological research and in the UAC. A blood test indicates the presence of anemia, an increase in the number of leukocytes and an acceleration of the ESR are also observed. Investigation of feces is also very important. In the coprogram, it is possible to detect the appearance of bacteria, leukocytes, and blood. The main diagnostic method is X-ray examination with the introduction of contrast. The images show large granulomatous formations in the gut lumen. Such changes are called "cobblestone pavement". Endoscopic examination is also performed - colonoscopy. It gives an idea of the size of the inflammatory process, the presence of ulcers, cicatricial changes.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of Crohn's disease is usually long and complex. First of all, it is important to normalize the nature of nutrition and lifestyle. Diet in terminal ileitis should include the introduction of a diet rich in fiber. The food must be a fraction. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of fatty foods, as well as exclude extractives that irritate the mucous membrane (sweet, bitter and sour). If the patient has anemia, it is important to introduce into the diet food rich in vitamins of group B, iron. The treatment of terminal ileitis by folk remedies is often effective. It is recommended to drink decoction of herbs (peppermint, sage, chamomile and valerian) 3-4 times a day, add the boiled onion peel to the food. You can also prepare yarrow infusion, which has anti-inflammatory effect. To get rid of intestinal colic, use infusions of mint and sage. Effective and alcohol tincture of the lily of the valley.

Medication for terminal ileitis

Medicamental treatment includes the use of anti-inflammatory drugs (preparations "Sulfasalazine", "Prednisolone"), antibiotics. In addition, it is important to carry out symptomatic therapy. With pain in the intestines, you need antispasmodics ("No-shpa" tablets). In the period of exacerbation, antipyretic agents, anticholinergics, enveloping medications are used. If the disease has reached a severe stage, surgical treatment may be necessary.

Complications of Crohn's disease

It should be remembered that Crohn's disease is a serious pathology, the treatment of which can last for years. With the progression of destructive processes and the lack of adequate therapy, complications often develop. These include: bleeding, intestinal obstruction, cicatricial strictures and peritonitis. All these processes require urgent surgical intervention (resection of the affected area).

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