
"Gastrotsepin": instructions for use. Analogues of "Gastrotsepina"

Perhaps it is difficult to find a person who has not even heard of such insidious diseases as stomach and duodenal ulcers: the defeat of the mucous membrane of the above organs leads to disruption of the processes of cellular nutrition, thus detrimental to the structure of the tissue, and therefore, disrupting the functions of the organ. Typically, the ulcer is characterized by a prolonged course with periods of exacerbations and remissions depending on the season.

Why a person falls ill: the opinion of doctors

Indirect causes of the disease are many, but the main causative agent of the ulcer is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which lives in the stomach and duodenum and, under certain conditions, provokes the emergence of such dangerous conditions as ulcer, erosion, gastritis, polyps and even cancer. Adverse factors: malnutrition, smoking, stress, weakening of immunity - lead to the reproduction of Helicobacter pylori, as a result of which the ulcer develops on the surface of the mucosa.

Treatment and prevention of disease

Selection of competent and effective treatment helps to significantly reduce the frequency and morbidity of seizures, improve the overall condition of the patient. The medicine "Gastrotsepin" has proved very well. Indications for use are gastric and duodenal ulcer in chronic and acute form. Produce "Gastrotsepin" in the form of tablets of 50 or 150 mg and solutions for injection. Intramuscularly or intravenously, the drug is administered for the prevention and treatment of ulcers, bleeding erosions, initial treatment of severe forms of acute and chronic ulcers of the upper gastrointestinal tract.

How and by what is the effectiveness of the drug

Pirenzepine is the main active substance of this drug. It helps to reduce the production of gastric juice and increases the level of acid-base balance in the stomach, selectively inhibits a certain type of receptors that participate in the reduction of smooth muscles of the stomach and increase the secretion of glands. Pirenzepine in recommended for therapy doses is not able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier, that is, its entry with blood flow into the brain is excluded.

How to apply the drug correctly: indications and contraindications, dosage

Every medicine has contraindications. Not exception and "Gastrotsepin": the instruction for use contains a warning that the use of the drug by patients who are hypersensitive to any of the components in the composition, as well as with intolerance to sugar galactose is undesirable. In the presence of tachycardia, glaucoma, benign prostatic hyperplasia, this medicine should be used with extreme caution. If the doctor has appointed you "Gastrotsepin," the instruction for use is the first thing you need to pay close attention to. Take the drug usually half an hour before meals, washed down with a small amount of water (unless the doctor has prescribed a different treatment regimen). The daily dose (usually 50-150 mg) is distributed evenly throughout the day for several doses. Sometimes at the initial stage of therapy, you can take an additional amount in the middle of the day. As a rule, this medicine is prescribed 50 mg twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

The drug "Gastrotsepin": duration of treatment, price

Many patients report a fairly rapid improvement in the condition after the onset of admission, but this should not be an excuse for stopping the use of the drug or reducing the daily dose used, unless otherwise provided by the attending physician. As a rule, the course of treatment with "Gastrotsepin" is 4-6 weeks. One of the important characteristics of the drug "Gastrotsepin" - the price: it is an average of about 350-400 rubles per package (20 tablets). Accordingly, the drug in ampoules (5 ampoules of 2 ml, dosage of active substance 10 mg) costs about 750 rubles per package.

Possible side effects of the drug, overdose

What should I know when taking "Gastrotsepin"? Instructions for use lead to a number of side effects of this medication: increased heart rate, gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea, constipation, nausea), migraines, difficulty urinating, allergic reactions - up to anaphylactic shock. At the moment, no overdose of the drug in humans in clinical practice has been reported. However, in case of ingestion of excessive doses of pyrenesin, tides, hyperemia and dryness of the skin, tachycardia, dry mouth, intestinal obstruction, delusions, muscle cramps, urinary retention, athetosis are possible. The same can be said about an overdose in a patient taking analogues of "Gastrotsepin." When poisoning in the case of a single admission of an excessive dose of drugs, it is necessary to conduct general primary measures to remove toxins from the body, such as activated charcoal and gastric lavage. With a severe degree of intoxication, which is characterized by an increase in body temperature, severe tachycardia, hallucinations and delirium, it is possible to administer intravenous injection of the drug "Stigmine."

What patients say

How do patients evaluate "Gastrotsepin"? Reviews about him vary - someone helped the medicine, someone did not have the desired effect. Doctors say that by appointing him, they noted a violation of accommodation for their patients. Also, physicians testify that "Gastrotsepin" is not the best drug for people suffering from renal and hepatic dysfunction, heart diseases, thyroid disorders. A very important point: you can not prescribe yourself a medicine alone without consulting a doctor, a preliminary examination and a correct diagnosis. According to one of the patients, the effect of treatment "Gastrotsepinom" came soon, and no side effects the girl did not observe, despite the doctor's fears. However, there are also complaints of side effects that do not detract from the efficacy of the drug. And the most important thing to remember: self-medication is unacceptable.

Drug analogues

On the market you can find analogues of the drug "Gastrotsepin", indications for the use of which are the same as those of the above-mentioned remedy. These are such medicines as "Gastrozem", "Pyrene", "Gastrotipin-Darnitsa". The active substance in them is one and the same, they differ only in the auxiliary components, the name of the manufacturer and sometimes the price. The dosage and the admission scheme are usually the same as for the main medication. For example, analogues of "Gastrotsepina": preparations "Vikair", "Vikalin", "De-Nol", "Rabiril" and others - have a similar effect, but are based on the action of other active components. Ideally suitable for you means should be chosen by the doctor taking into account all the individual characteristics and sensitivity to the components, as well as on the basis of clinical analyzes and instrumental studies. Feeling the pain and discomfort in the stomach, you should see a doctor. In no case can you do self-medication: this is often ineffective, and sometimes - just dangerous. Only the specialist "Gastrotsepin" will work effectively. The instructions for use are just information for the patient's attention, and only a professional gastroenterologist can choose the drug and dosage correctly, taking into account the main principle - "do no harm".

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