Health, Preparations
"Nano Gel" from psoriasis: reviews, user manual, composition, results
Psoriasis is a noninfectious skin disease associated with immune disorders. Despite the fact that the ailment does not pose a threat to life, it still needs to be treated. One of the latest developments of French cosmetologists is "Nano gel" from psoriasis. Reviews innovative tool has managed to deserve a wide variety. It is worthwhile to understand in more detail the mechanism of action, composition and effectiveness of the means, which, according to the manufacturer, is capable of relieving many dermatological problems.
The drug has a unique composition that will not cause an allergic reaction due to the absence of chemical inclusions. Some means for external application in psoriasis are hormonal and can adversely affect the health status with prolonged use. "Nano Gel" from psoriasis instruction is presented as an exclusively natural, but not less effective medicine. It can be used at any age without any contraindications.
The innovative French remedy "Nano Gel" from psoriasis has the following composition:
- Silver ions are the main active substance with antibacterial effect. It has anti-inflammatory effect, it starts the process of skin cells regeneration and forms a protective film on the dermis surface.
- Mint extract - promotes the rapid elimination of pruritus of psoriatic plaques.
- Vitamins A, E - moisturize the over-dried skin areas.
- Extract of blackthorn - has an antibacterial effect and destroys the pathogenic microflora.
- Antioxidants - have a positive effect on skin pigmentation, relieve inflammation.
The selected components in the complex with regular application allow you to quickly get rid of the characteristic for autoimmune ailment of the rash and restore the skin a normal healthy appearance.
When can I use Nano Gel for psoriasis?
The reviews of many doctors and patients indicate that the drug can cope with many diseases of the epidermis. According to the annotation, the gel is effective against such pathologies as onychomycosis of the skin and nails, eczema, seborrheic type dermatitis, epidermal fungal infection (mycosis) caused by dermatophytes or yeasts, acne.
Causes of psoriasis
To date, it has not been possible to establish the true etiology of the development of this disease. There are several basic assumptions, the leading position of which is the hereditary factor. In the history of each second patient it is indicated that one of the parents was ill with psoriasis. Ailment may not manifest itself for a sufficiently long time. The provoking factor in this case can be a strong emotional shock, stress, a tendency to allergic reactions, the effect of chemicals on the skin, bacterial damage to the dermis.
The second place is occupied by the immune theory, according to which protective cells recognize skin cells as foreign, which triggers the process of rejection. Studies in this direction have confirmed the hypothesis of scientists: psoriatic scales contain antigens, which are absent on healthy skin. The trigger mechanism can also be viruses and infection, metabolic disorders, hormonal changes, psychological upheavals, malnutrition, mechanical skin damage.
Numerous attempts to create a miracle cure that could completely cure the ailment did not succeed. The French cosmetology company has tried to develop a means that could effectively combat external manifestations, and it really happened. The drug of European quality "Nano gel" from psoriasis (the price is about 1000 rubles.) Has already won a lot of positive reviews.
How does the gel work?
The drug passed clinical trials before going on sale. According to the results of studies in which patients with various degrees of severity of psoriasis participated, the gel did help to get rid of itchy skin rashes after 3-4 weeks. You can also use as a prophylaxis "Nano Gel" from psoriasis.
Manufacturer (French cosmetics company Nano) declares the following product properties:
- Effectively removes the itching in the skin lesions with psoriasis, providing a cooling effect.
- Thanks to silver ions, the gel has antiseptic properties and fights pathogens.
- Removes inflammation.
- Softens the horny areas of the dermis, which helps to eliminate dryness and a feeling of tight skin.
- Prevents the spread of psoriatic plaques.
- Promotes the alignment of the skin.
- Saturates the dermis with useful minerals and vitamins.
How to use the gel correctly?
To obtain a positive result of therapy, it is necessary to correctly apply the cosmetic "Nano Gel" from psoriasis. The instruction says that it should be applied 2 times a day for 2-4 weeks. The duration of the course of treatment can vary from 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the severity of the symptoms of the disease and the individual characteristics of the organism. Some patients suggest that with regular application of the gel to the affected skin areas, after 14 days, a marked improvement and almost complete disappearance of psoriatic plaques were observed.
According to the annotation, the gel does not have a negative effect and is absolutely safe. Therefore, it can be used even for the treatment of children with signs of autoimmune disease, allergic dermatitis. It is recommended to consult with a dermatologist in advance to determine the duration of treatment.
Many patients start using the "Nano Gel" ointment from psoriasis at the first symptoms of the disease manifestation (after the remission stage). This allows you not to start the pathology to a serious condition and the development of complications.
Application process
Before applying the gel to the affected areas of the skin, prepare the surface. To do this, it is enough to clean the epidermis with soap and water and wipe dry. A small amount of the drug squeezes out of the bottle and gently rubbed into the skin. The gel is quickly absorbed (within 15-20 minutes) and leaves no traces on the clothes, which can also be attributed to the benefits. The surplus can be removed with a paper napkin.
Follow the instructions and apply the gel at least 2 times a day. If the symptoms begin to disappear earlier than 2 weeks, the course of therapy should not be interrupted, in order to prevent the recurrence of plaques and dry skin. It is necessary to use a nano-tool for at least 14 days. The natural base completely excludes an allergic reaction or any side effects.
Is it possible to cure the disease completely?
Psoriasis (or squamous lichen) is a chronic disease, which is completely impossible to get rid of at the present time. Existing methods of therapy can only suppress exacerbation of the disease, eliminate external symptoms. If a person has encountered such a problem, one should immediately consult a dermatologist, go through the examination and start treatment of psoriasis.
"Nano Gel" - this is a fairly new tool that has successfully passed clinical trials and is popular in many countries. It is allowed to use it as part of complex therapy.
Will Nano Gel help?
According to the manufacturer, the remedy is one of the most effective for today and allows you to get rid of psoriatic plaques on the skin, remove itching and redness on the affected areas. Components in the gel saturate the dermis with nutrients, disinfect the inflammation foci, strengthen the skin's immunity and at the same time are completely safe for the human body. According to the results of the tests, many patients managed to get rid of flaky rashes in a short time due to the drug "Nano gel" from psoriasis.
The price of an innovative product (original) is slightly higher than similar means for fighting the disease. For example, the popular drug "Psorilom", produced in the form of shampoo, gel for external use, tablets, cream and granules, will cost 350-400 rubles., While the bottle of "Nano gel" costs about 3 times more expensive.
Do not expect from the French means of lightning-fast action and complete cure for the disease. Gel effectively eliminates the external manifestation of autoimmune disease, but to get rid of the cause that led to its development, he is not able, like any other medicine of this kind. Evaluate the result of therapy should be 2 weeks after the application of "Nano Gel" from psoriasis. The reviews of most patients confirm its effectiveness.
Do I need to follow a diet?
The manufacturer states that during the treatment it is possible not to follow a special diet for patients suffering from psoriasis. At the same time, everyone who has encountered this ailment knows that, following simple rules, it is possible to prolong the stage of remission. Diet Pegano is aimed at normalization of metabolic processes in the body, which allows to avoid the appearance of plaques on the skin, redness, itching and flaking.
For each individual case, it is necessary, with the help of a specialist, to select the optimal method of influencing the problem. Applying the diet and "Nano Gel" from psoriasis in a complex (patients' reviews confirm this) one can achieve a positive result in treatment in the shortest possible time.
Where to buy the product?
The French cosmetology medication for the elimination of psoriasis symptoms can be purchased at online stores. It should be noted that the purchase should be made only on official websites, because recently cases of fraud have become frequent, and customers receive completely different means in the parcels, and not Nano Gel from psoriasis. In pharmacies, this drug is extremely rare. Patients who still managed to purchase the drug in the pharmacy leave very positive feedback.
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