
Gamavit: instruction

"Gamavit" for animals is used as an auxiliary in complex therapy for infectious diseases. The drug is indicated for various intoxications (poisoning with food and synthetic poisons, antiparasitic (including anthelmintic) drugs, hypovitaminosis, anemia.) The drug "Gamavit" instruction allows for use in the recovery period after injuries, antibiotic therapy, and surgical interventions.As a maintenance drug, the drug is effective In the treatment of chlamydial, bacterial, viral, parasitic pathologies (including babesiosis).

The instruction describes the "Gamavit" as a medicine that promotes the working capacity of skeletal muscles and resistance to physical exertion. It is used in preparation for various competitions, training, exhibitions, for long trips and other stressful situations. In particular, the preparation is needed by a weakened animal.

The medication is used for normalization in cases of complicated labor. "Gamavit" instruction describes how stimulating the uterine musculature drug. The medication promotes acceleration and alleviation of the birth process, rapid cleansing from the dead fruits of the uterine horns.

The drug normalizes metabolic processes in animals, has an immunomodulating and detoxifying effect. The use of the drug helps to improve the effectiveness of the treatment used, stabilize and improve the condition of seriously ill animals. The drug also accelerates the recovery process in the affected systems and organs.

Detoxifying properties provide the drug "Gamavit" composition. Due to the balanced content of the components, detoxication and elimination of toxic, harmful and other decomposition products are carried out. As a result, the affected functions are normalized.

Included in the preparation of amino acids (glycine, L-glutamic acid, lysine, arginine and others) in combination with sodium nucleate have the ability to neutralize nitrogenous slags that have toxicity. In addition, these components linking accumulated in excessive concentrations of endogenous ammonia (for violations of detoxification of the liver function), prevent brain intoxication, affect the liver, activating the reparative processes in its cells. Thus, cytolytic syndrome is eliminated, metabolism is normalized, bilirubin level is reduced and adaptive abilities of the organism are increased.

Of particular importance in the use of "Gamavita" is the antioxidant activity of the drug, which helps neutralize the negative influence of free radicals, which prevents oxidative stress and protects the animal from damage with toxic components of exogenous (external) and endogenous (internal) origin.

The use of the drug is considered highly appropriate for poisoning with various substances. In veterinary practice in such cases, "Gamavit" instruction allows use in shock doses with intensive therapy. After the administration of the drug on the second-third day, there was a significant decrease in intoxication.

In the postoperative period, "Gamavit" helps to reduce the rehabilitation period. The appointment of the same drug for injuries of different origin not only contributes to the elimination of shock, but also to the acceleration of tissue regeneration. So, aseptic wounds (postoperative) with almost no complications healed for two or three days earlier.

Special effectiveness of the drug is noted in the prevention of psychoemotional stress, as well as its negative consequences when administered a few hours before the proposed situation (housing change, transportation, holiday salutes, exhibitions, visit to the doctor and others).

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