Education, The science
Social psychology - an important tool in the knowledge of the laws of development of society
In life, people do not just exist, but interact with each other. In other words, they communicate, show certain emotions, relate to others in a certain way, and so on. If you unite the whole social life, then it can be called one word - psychological reality. It is this psychological reality that social psychology studies.
All the knowledge that people have in the framework of social psychology, for convenience, are systematized. Thus, this science contains scientific ideas about the most diverse socio-psychological phenomena, laws, the causes of their emergence, functioning. In addition, social psychology is divided into sectors that are deeply studied. General views on the direction in which social psychology develops . Methods of using the accumulated experience in public relations. In the first place among social and psychological relations is the social psychology of groups, as well as interpersonal relations. And for the second time, social psychology studies all the remaining social processes and phenomena, such as, for example, the mood of people, their feelings, the "climate" in a certain group.
Social psychology has its own object, that is, what its action is directed at. So, the object serve as groups and associations of people, and individual individuals. The socially-psychological phenomena themselves are classified according to the basic principles of belonging to one or another, often completely different, community or entity. So, socio-psychological phenomena take place in organized communities, that is, small and large groups. In large groups, social psychology is expressed in terms such as "nation psychology," "religious psychology," "class psychology," and "psychology of politics." All these concepts look at least unambiguously, but in reality there is a lot of complexity in their content. Even to this day, scientists have been ambiguous about explaining this or that phenomenon.
As for small groups, there are also socio-psychological phenomena related to the relationship between several people or whole groups. However, it is worth considering that it is in such groups that the closest contact between all people and their individuals is possible. The branch of social psychology that affects relationships, phenomena and processes in small groups is called the psychology of a small group. In addition to the organized communities mentioned above, there are also unorganized communities. To these communities can be attributed spontaneously the emerged crowd or other mass of people. Social and psychological phenomena that spontaneously arise in these masses are called mass-like, while the behavioral responses that are characteristic of people from the crowd are spontaneous. In this regard, we can identify several areas of social psychology: the psychology of panic and fear, the psychology of the crowd, the psychology of propaganda, the psychology of advertising, the psychology of rumors and some others. The very branch of the section of social psychology that studies these processes and phenomena is called the psychology of the mass class of socio-psychological phenomena.
Separately, we must say that the main object of study in social psychology is the personality. It is worth noting that the personality represents a different phenomenon, different from the individual, and not related to interpersonal and group relationships.
However, the personality itself is capable of changing under the influence of social relations, moving into some other state. These changes and processes are studied by a separate branch of social psychology, whose name is the social psychology of the individual.
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