
The drug "Alicaps". Feedback and application

Means "Alicaps" is a very effective biologically active additive, designed to correct the erectile dysfunction of an adult male. It is not a medicine, so do not wait for an instant miracle. This drug gradually, in a natural way, restores male potency. It consists of components of exclusively plant origin (root extracts of long-leaved eurychoma, Damian leaf and dwarf palm). Due to its natural composition, this remedy can be combined with small doses of alcohol.

The preparation "Alikaps" is produced in a package of 4 and 8 capsules. It is not addictive, but before using it, you should always consult a doctor.

Means "Alicaps" - application:

  • An eight-day course is recommended. Take one capsule strictly before lunch with meals.
  • If it is not a question of regular problems, but of fatigue, then let's take a single dose of the drug in the amount of two capsules.

Supplements "Alikaps" - contraindications:

  • Age up to 14 years;
  • Severe atherosclerosis;
  • Problems with cardiac activity;
  • insomnia;
  • Increased nervous excitability;
  • Individual intolerance.

Supplements "Alicaps" - description of the action

To raise the vitality and enhance the sex drive, it is advisable to take the Alicaps. Reviews of men indicate that after a week of taking it, the erection becomes stronger, and the duration of the sexual intercourse is longer.

Under the influence of the components of the drug, sperm production increases. Thus, to increase the strength of orgasm, you can also take "Alikaps" (reviews indicate the possibility of several full sexual acts in a row). Basically, this drug was developed to help men of middle and older age - to maintain male health. Due to its efficiency and safety, it quickly acquired the status of a bestseller from a strong part of humanity that had already reached the age of forty. Many people think that the best remedy for impotence and male weakness is the drug Alicaps. Reviews about it also indicate an indirect positive influence on the quality of family life in general, and not only its intimate component. In order to achieve a sustainable result in the improvement of sexual life, the combined effect of psychotherapy and Alicaps are recommended. Reviews of sex therapists speak of a rapid positive dynamics when applying this correction scheme.

Subjectively, the effect of taking Alicaps is described as the appearance of orgasmic brightness, as well as erections, not only with mechanical effects on the penis, but also with fantasies of an erotic nature. And although this means in the market of drugs of this group is relatively recent, the feedback received indicates its really effective effect.

As already mentioned, the composition of dietary supplements "Alicaps" is completely natural. Its components are not something fundamentally new in medicine. Long-leaved eurycoma is a remedy given by Malaysian medicine, where it has been used for more than one century to strengthen sexual desire. The extract of palm dwarf purposely stimulates the production of sex hormones. It is due to its presence in the preparation that the duration of the erection and the amount of production of seminal fluid increase. And, finally, the Damian leaf extract - this plant has a very ancient history of application. Even the Maya Indians were aware of its strong stimulating effect, which was used for ritual purposes.

Storage of the drug "Alicaps" should provide a place inaccessible to children. The permissible temperature is up to + 25 degrees.

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