The InternetEmail

Examples of email addresses: making the right choice

Choose an email address today is not so simple. There are several obvious obstacles: all good and unique names are already occupied by someone, and there is no fantasy for something special. Let's figure out how a simple Yandex email address can affect not only network communication, but also your career and business.


So, you probably know that today most mail services are free. Paid simply can not stand competition. On any of these services, you can register an email address, an example of which looks like this: This is a good option for personal mail, not very suitable for business, but for an individual career it is quite suitable. The name of the email is divided into two parts: the first you come up with yourself, the second is taken from the service on which you register the box. There are several features that should be followed in choosing a name.

No figures

Of course, your cell phone number is unique, but you do not need to call your mail that way. No client will remember it and write to you. All because the digits are worse absorbed by our consciousness, since they do not find any embodiment in images and pictures. Unsuccessful examples of email addresses: 873649207 @ or Vk_45324 @. In general, numerical combinations if and can occur in your address, then they should be justified: 365days or 33korovy. Then the user will remember them easily.

No personal

Do not express in the address anything personal: this includes your political views, preferences in intimate life and the like. The most unfortunate examples of email addresses are ihatenegros or wannasex. No person will have business with you either in the first or in the second case. It is much better if the name of the mail is neutral and non-binding.

No difficulties

If you came up with a word in Russian, and recorded it in English, then the degree of uniqueness is very high, but the degree of memorability is zero. Here are examples of email addresses: vjz_rjirf (my_cock). No one will remember you, and if you start explaining to someone that you need to write in Russian on the English keyboard, they will be treated to you simply disdainfully, and therefore they will not want to do anything. In terms of complexity, it is also worth noting the lower underscores, the names in the transliteration with the letters "ж", "щ", "ы", etc., points and other things, which prevents understanding of your address. Ideally, the address should be understood from the first second. If a person is forced to ask again, this is a bad address. After all, he may not ask again, but simply ignore you.

Let's sum up the results

Examples of e-mail addresses that have an unpleasant bias in their meaning, are inadmissible. Numbers and different punctuation marks in the names are undesirable. Avoid complications. So, for example, if your company is called "Ideal", then the address should look like ideal @ any service. But it happens ... never. You can write ideal24 @ by specifying a region, or moyideal @, and idealtut @. The address should be easy to read in Russian, because not everyone still knows English even at a basic level. In general, look for your combination. And make it as convenient as possible for the end user.

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