The Internet, Email
How do I know if the email you sent is read?
When the message sent is of great importance, the question may arise: how to find out if the e-mail is read. After all, the understanding of who and when opened the message, relieves of unnecessary emotions. There are several ways how this can be done.
How do I know if the email is read "Mile"?
If you are a Mail.Ru mail service client and are interested in how to find out whether an email is read, it will be easier to understand than to users of other services.
"Mail" has a built-in option - "Notification about reading". If it is activated, the sender will receive a message as soon as the letter is opened.
It works like this:
- Look for the sign to the left of the address input field. It looks like three horizontal stripes. After clicking, the context menu will drop out, where select "Notify about read".
- In the new design of Mail.Ru it's still easier: click on the envelope to the right of the topic entry line. When you hover the cursor, the phrase "with notification" will be displayed.
- When the recipient opens such a letter, he will come up with a proposal to confirm the reading. Unfortunately, a person can refuse. Then it will not be possible to find out about receiving the message.
It is worth noting that some users complain about the correctness of the function when sending to other email services.
How do I know if the user has read the Yandex.Mail?
The answer to the question "How do I know if an e-mail is read in Yandex?" Will not be very different from the instructions for Mail.
The difference is only in the location of the button about enabling the notification. Users of Yandex.Mail need to look for it at the very bottom of the message. Acknowledgment of the reading is sent automatically. Another useful difference from colleagues from "" - notification of the mail service "Yandex" works correctly when sending messages to other services.
How do I know if the recipient read the email sent to Gmail?
But before you know whether the email is read "Google", you need to use a different approach. The built-in service functions are not offered to users. As well, that there are substitutions for Google Chrome! Such programs work even better. In addition to the fact of reading, they can also:
- To notify, whether the recipient opened the attachments from the letter, and also clicked on the links;
- To remind, if the deadline was not answered within a specified period;
- Help to make mass sending of personal letters to people.
At the moment there are several worthy options. But the extension called Yesware is especially popular. It operates on the same principle as many others. A small picture is inserted into the letter. But it serves not for beauty, but as a Tracking Pixel. When a person opens a received letter, the image is downloaded from the company's own servers. At the same time, of course, leaving "digital footprints."
Yesware receives a signal to open a picture, and you - a notification of reading. Also, alerts can later be revised in the menu. A useful bonus: with the help of the service you can find out the city and the device of the person who read the letter.
How to hide that you read someone else's letter?
Sometimes you find yourself in the place of a person who wants to hide the fact of reading a letter.
If this is about you, use a few tricks:
- Disable the display of images in the body of the message. And it's better not to open letters from unfamiliar senders.
- If a link is attached to the letter, hover the cursor over it. But do not rush to press! Look at the bottom left corner of your browser. There the address will be displayed, on which there will be a transition at a click. If it has nothing to do with the one specified in the link, you should not take risks.
How do you know if a letter is read with the help of psychology?
There is no time and no desire to understand technical subtleties, but the question remains, how do you know if an e-mail is read? Then you can use simple psychological tricks:
- Address the addressee by name and point out that the text was written personally for him. The majority is located to close the automatically generated texts at once.
- Be concise, otherwise the reading of the letter is likely to be postponed for later. Have not you yourself ever sinned?
- Format the text so that it's nice to read. Remove words and constructions that do not make sense. Break the narrative into parts. You can use lists, underlines, or bolding. Above all, do not overdo it.
- Ask the recipient a specific question. If you can quickly answer it with a couple of sentences, many people will do it right away. But a long opus will take time to prepare.
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