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How to separate the mixture of cereals and salt? How to split the mixture?

, как разделить смесь крупы и соли , следует обратиться к простейшим законами физики . Considering the question of how to separate a mixture of cereals and salt , one should turn to the simplest laws of physics . к ой или сноровкой. Some people call such methods smeared to oh or skill. знавая свойства простых частиц , они легко отделяют спирт от воды, уголь от сахара, различные смес и жидких и сухих веществ. But by knowing the properties of simple particles , they easily separate alcohol from water, coal from sugar, various mixtures of both liquid and dry substances.

Kinds of substances

To understand the process of the experiment, you should familiarize yourself with the properties of the simple substances used. When combining the latter, the physical characteristics change. So, in addition to physical phenomena, it is necessary to take into account the chemical compatibility of the structures under consideration. Also, an analysis of the possible reaction during their mixing is carried out.

месью называется два и более простых веществ а , совмещённых друг с другом. With a mass is called two or more simple substances a , combined with each other. зделяют на следующие виды: They are divided into the following types:

  • составные вещества невоз можно обнаружить даже взглядом, вооруженным микроскопом . Homogeneous - compound substances can not be detected even by a view armed with a microscope .
  • соответственно, можно уви деть частицы невооруженным взглядом или с использованием микроскопа. Inhomogeneous - accordingly, you can see the particles with the naked eye or using a microscope.

вещества п одразделяют на растворимые в воде, нерастворимые, тяжело смешиваемые . Also, the substances are separated into water-soluble, insoluble, heavily mixed . Solid materials are divided into magnetic and non-magnetic. Isolate chemically active and inactive. The first include copper, calcium, magnesium. The second - salt, cereals.

What equipment will be needed?

сыпучи х стр уктур . Now we will look at how to separate the mixture of cereals and salt, as well as other bulk fuels . включает процеду ру п оиска соответствующих инструментов к опыт ам : Preparation for experiments includes the procedure for finding the appropriate tools for the experiment :

  • ещества : круп а, сол ь , спирт , вод а , уг оль, сахар ; In substances : cereals , salt , alcohol , water , carbon , sugar ;
  • е, м едны е опил к и, речно й пес ок, растительно е масл о; Mixes of iron , mondy sawdust , and river dog , vegetable oil ;
  • , прибора для дистилляции воды; A filter for the distillation of water;
  • лительной воронки; The additional funnel;
  • ного прибора; Magnetic device;
  • спичек; An alcohol lamp and and matches;
  • колбы из термостойкого ст е кла. Glass sticks and porcelain cups , flasks made of heat-resistant glassware.

For each individual experiment we will take our own set of tools. Let's get started. How to separate the mixture of cereals and salt (and other loose structures)?

Solids: Method No. 1

. Consider how to separate a mixture of cereals and salt . того понадобится сделать соответствующую смесь. To do this, you need to make the appropriate mixture. , фильтр, два стакана воды и приспособление для огня. Tools require a deep container , a filter, two glasses of water and a fixture for fire. Also need matches. ак разделить смеси: So, to ak split the mixture:

  1. . Croup and salt are diluted with water and mixed .
  2. . The salt dissolves, merge the resulting water .
  3. Rinse with a clean liquid. ченную воду совместить с первым остатком в широкой колбе из термостойкого ст е кла. Rechecked water is combined with the first residue in a wide flask from a heat-resistant stove.
  4. арения воды. The resulting mixture is boiled until the water is completely diluted. в колбе белый налёт и будет солью. The white coating remaining in the flask will be salt.

So we split the croup and salt in 30 minutes. You can use the filter elements instead of the fire to separate the salt in step 4, if they are at hand.

Liquid substances: method No. 2

Consider how to separate the mixture: alcohol and water we now need. Take also a heat-resistant flask, an alcohol lamp with matches, a device for distilling water. A conventional bulb is installed at the outlet and is a receiving device for the liquid to be separated.

The task is set, nothing remains, how to separate the mixture. Alcohol and water are already mixed. : Stages of work :

  1. A flask with a mixture is put on the fire.
  2. The top of the flask is connected with a distillate.
  3. начина ют выходить спиртовые пары. When heated to a boiling point of 78 degrees , alcohol vapors start to exit.
  4. остаётся вода. The resulting pairs settle in the receiver flask , and in the first, water remains.

в нефтяной и газодобы в ающей промышленности на перегонных заводах. A similar method is used in the oil and gas industry in distilleries. So they get oil, gasoline, gas oil and kerosene.

Solids: method No. 3

Consider now how to separate the mixture: coal and sugar this time will be needed. You will also need a flask with a wide throat, an alcohol lamp, water, a filter element. The last tool can not be used if evaporation is carried out.

уществует тр и варианта решения задачи: There is also a solution to the problem:

  1. ростой , но недостаточно чистый. Mechanical - n , but not enough clean. вух разли чных слоёв в кол бе . Vibration is achieved by the formation of two different layers in a collar . ля, и он опустится на дно. Sugar is heavier than coal , and it sinks to the bottom. The obtained substances are separated by a spatula.

  2. паривание полученную смесь заполняют водой. You are steaming - the resulting mixture is filled with water. встря хи ваю т, уголь всплывает. I shake well , the coal floats up. Separate it from the liquid. аток кипятят, остаётся на дне с ладкое вещество . Ost a stream of boiling, remains at the bottom with a soft substance . распла в иться. However, sugar can melt . , когда первая колба будет поставлена в ёмкость с водой и нагреется уже нижняя посуда. Therefore it is better , when the first flask will be put in a container with water and the bottom dishes will already heat up .

  3. это б ыс трый способ, но запах будет неприятным. Fire is the third way, but the smell will be unpleasant. их веществ. The mixture of bulk materials of their substances is ignited directly . остаётся расплавленным. The coal burns, the sugar remains molten.

Solids: method No. 4

Consider how to separate mixtures of river sand and sugar. It will take a glass of water, a heat-resistant flask, an alcohol lamp. Vibration can be used to separate substances. Sugar is lighter than sand, and with uniform and intense shaking it will be on top.

Diluting with water, the starting mixture is well stirred until the sweet substance is completely dissolved. фильтр, песок задерживается. The resulting liquid is passed through a coarse filter, sand is retained. The sugar is then separated from the water by evaporation.

рекомендуется осведомиться , является ли вода чистой. Before boiling it is recommended to inquire if the water is clean. полученный посредством выпаривания сахар останется вперемешку с ними. After all, if other substances (salt) are present in it, the sugar obtained by evaporation remains mixed with them.

Solids: method No. 5

When separating mixtures containing three or more substances of different densities, the methods listed in the previous chapters - No. 3 and No. 4 - are used. This is the case when the coal is filtered from sugar and sand. First, the fuel element is separated by diluting the mixture in water. Next, the sand is filtered out, and the sugar is evaporated.

Another way is vibration or fire. The latter method is recommended to use after draining the liquid with sugar and drying the mixture. Either burn the fuel element first, and then dilute the residue with water.

Each method has drawbacks. веществ лопаточ кой . Thus, when vibrations may remain particles of sugar during the separation of substances spatula . ыпаривани я часто бывает проблематично извлечь расплавленный сахар. After I evaporate, it is often problematic to remove the melted sugar. сладкое вещество обволакивает частич ки угля и песка, что потребует разбавления смеси водой. When the fire is open, the sweet substance envelops particles of coal and sand, which will require dilution of the mixture with water.

Solids: method No. 6

Consider how to separate mixtures of iron and copper filings. This requires a magnet and two vessels. магнитным веществом. The element of the periodic table Fe is a magnetic substance. Therefore, if it enters a magnetic field, iron filings immediately adhere to the magnet. Remains only to collect them neatly in a container.

Similarly, separate:

  • . Duralumin from iron .
  • Iron from other granular substances.

и явля ются металлы из нержавею щего состава. Non-magnetic metals are of stainless composition. иг о л ку и з стога сена. This is how the hay and ho of haystack are extracted . раз деление серы и железа . Consider the separation of sulfur and iron . у же имеющиеся познания и проведем анализ свойств простых составляющих смеси: We also apply the available knowledge and analyze the properties of simple constituents of the mixture:

  • лёгкий материал. Sulfur is an easy material. тяжёлый. Iron is heavy.
  • т, она легче воды. Sulfur rises , it is lighter than water.
  • ючее вещество. Sulfur is a hot substance.
  • ся. Iron is magnetized .

информация позволяет сделать вывод: смесь можно разделить тремя способами, с помощью : The information obtained allows us to conclude that the mixture can be divided in three ways, using :

  1. Water.
  2. Fire.
  3. Magnet.

трясти с ухую с мес ь не рекомендуется, сера может вос пламениться, что приведёт к разбитой колбе. It is not recommended to shake the plentifully with a fucking month , sulfur can ignite, which will lead to a broken flask. этому используем уже имеющиеся познания: On this we use already existing knowledge:

  • воде сера в с плывет, с о берем её с поверхности через сито или лож ечкой с перфорацией . In the water, sulfur in floats, with about take it from the surface through a sieve or lie with a hole with perforation . от ф ильтруем. Iron from the filter.
  • смесь, сера сгорит, железо останется. It is necessary to set fire to a dry mixture, sulfur will burn, iron will remain.
  • метод использовать магнит. The fastest method is to use a magnet. крошки прилипнут к нему. The iron crumbs will stick to it.

приведенно й последовательности действий, легко можно отделить вещества из любой смеси. Following the above sequence of actions, it is easy to separate substances from any mixture.

Liquid soluble substances: Method No. 7

Consider how to separate the mixture of vegetable oil and water. Here, the density of substances is taken into account. An element with lower values of the indicator pops up. In this case, vegetable oil rises. Separate it with the help of a separatory funnel is a vessel tapering downwards. A crane is installed on the shank. Through it first the more dense substance is merged, into the other container the remaining part is placed.

ю тся неоднородные смеси разно го цвета. This separates heterogeneous mixtures of a different color. нера зличимой границе жидкостей используют добавочные шаги: If the fluid boundary is not distinguishable , additional steps are used:

  • вещество средней плотности между двумя имеющимися в смеси растворами. Add a medium of medium between the two solutions in the mixture. у. It must differ in color y. отстоявшиеся с лои о тделя ю т пооч ередно. Then , those who stayed with the Loi are separated.

  • бником х имии и стараются окрасить одно из имеющихся жи дких веществ . They use the chemistry teacher and try to paint one of the available liquid substances . сортируют полученные слои дел ительной воронкой. Then sort the resulting layers of cases with a funnel.

вещества можно отделять методом хроматографии. Low soluble substances can be separated by chromatography. погло щении) одного в ещества поверхностью другого. This method is based on the adsorption ( absorption ) of one substance into the surface of another. льтр ующей бумагой, опускаемой на поверхность жидкости . So, the popped up vegetable oil can be absorbed by the filter paper, which is lowered to the surface of the liquid .

а тографией пользуются при очистке озёр, океанов в случае утечки нефтяных веществ. Chromium is used for cleaning lakes and oceans in case of leakage of oil substances. проходят по поверхности масляного пятна. Solid filters pass through the surface of the oil stain. остаётся на материале, который потом ути лизируют. It remains on the material that is then used .

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