The Internet, Email
How to use and how to quit Yandex.Mail
Many newcomers to the Internet space often wonder how to enter or how to get out of Yandex.Mail. Before answering this question, let's look at what this site is and how to use it.
Main characteristics
"Yandex.Mail" is a convenient and accessible for all resource, through which you can easily exchange letters with friends, relatives and colleagues. In addition, there is "Yandex.Disk" in the mail, which means that at your full disposal there are as many as 13 GB of free space on which you can download folders with documents, photos and video.
On this mail service there is a separate "Contacts" tab, in which the entire list of previously used e-mail addresses is stored in alphabetical order. You can create groups on your own that will contain contacts on different topics, for example, "work", "friends", "family", etc. This will greatly facilitate the search for your desired email address and save your time. So, this is the first thing you need to know before asking yourself how to get out of Yandex.Mail.
If you no longer need a contact, it can be deleted by you from the Contacts list.
"Yandex.Mail" is not only a repository of letters and documents, it is also a collection of interesting and diverse entertainment. For example, you can subscribe to interesting pages of different topics, such as career, politics, society, cars and much more.
Authorization to "Yandex.Mail"
The question of how to get out of Yandex.Mail, should arise only after you can enter this site.
The first thing you will need to do for further work with Yandex.Pochto, disk, contacts and subscriptions is authorization on the site.
If you visited this service for the first time, you will have to go through a short procedure to create a new account. To do this, you will need to enter your name and surname, come up with a login. Please note that the login you invented may already be occupied by another user who registered before you, and "" has already entered his data into the clipboard.
Come up with username and password
However, there is a way out of this situation, and very simple. For example, you came up with the login aleksandr, which is already busy. A little lower you can choose the similar combinations of letters and figures offered by the robot, which no one has yet applied.
This may be some part of your name and surname (ivnovaleks) or a name associated with the date of birth (aleksandr1980). Choose from the options offered the most optimal for creating your email account.
The next point is to come up with a password and confirm it. For confirmation, you will need to enter the mobile phone number to which the code will come. It must be entered in the appropriate field. Also you will be able to enter an additional email address for reliability , if you have one. This item is optional and is designed to make it easier to recover email if you forget your login or password. However, for this critical case, there are several solutions: through the phone or through a security question.
How to get out of Yandex.Mail? Hover your cursor over your email address in the upper right corner of the screen and select the "Exit" function.
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