HealthDiseases and Conditions

Every symptom of hemorrhoids requires attention

Hemorrhoids are a rather insidious disease. The main difficulty in its detection lies in the fact that it has a pronounced undulating flow. As a rule, attacks of pain are replaced by a prolonged remission. That's why many people do not turn to doctors for years, preferring simply to endure another peak, not realizing that the disease spreads further.

This disease is enveloped in a number of prejudices. Most believe that the main symptom of hemorrhoids is the presence of "cones" protruding at the anus. But this disease can be internal, besides, it has many signs, by which it is easy to recognize even before the appearance of these nodules.

In order to prevent the disease from becoming chronic, it must be treated in a timely manner. To do this, you need to know the main signs of the developing disease. So, the most striking symptom of hemorrhoids is the burning sensation in the anus. This happens because the hemorrhoidal nodes in the fall give off acrid mucus, which irritates and even corrodes the skin and mucous membranes.

The second widely known symptom of hemorrhoids is the appearance of fresh red blood in feces. Bleeding can be either episodic or permanent. It is shared not only by duration, but by volume. Blood can remain on toilet paper or be slightly visible on the stool. The most dangerous is the case when it flushes during a defecation. This can lead to a sharp decrease in hemoglobin in the blood.

The most painful is acute hemorrhoids. Symptoms of it, in contrast to the chronic form, are always much brighter and more pronounced. There is a strong tingling and obsessive, annoying pain in the anal area. These uncomfortable sensations are a consequence of the fact that the disease is progressing. In this case, tingling is observed not only at the time of excrement, but even when walking and prolonged sitting. And in complex, neglected cases, they become permanent. Another symptom of hemorrhoids in acute form is inflammatory edema. They bring severe discomfort to the patient even with a simple sneeze.

Specific features have external hemorrhoids. Symptoms of it, as a rule, are already pathological. It is about the loss of nodes. Initially, they are in the internal cavity of the anus. These are only the first stages of the disease. But as the hemorrhoid develops, the nodes fall out. The extent of the disease can be judged by how you can put them back into the intestinal cavity: in the second stage they leave on their own, on the third they turn their hands, on the fourth, only surgical intervention can help.

And the last symptom of hemorrhoids is constipation. This sign is not strictly specific, since it can indicate a variety of diseases. But its distinctive feature in this case is the lack of urge to defecate. The above symptoms of hemorrhoids can occur both in the group and individually. This disease has an individual character and largely depends on the structure of the body and immunity. But if at least one of these signs appears, you need to see a doctor for medical help. This disease never goes by itself.

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