HealthHealthy Eating

Dill. Useful properties of spices

Dill is widely distributed as a cultural annual vegetable garden from the umbrella family. Spice, accessible to everyone, easily grown even on the windowsills of city apartments, is often used in cooking. However, dill is appreciated not only for flavor and aromatic qualities. The use of dill, especially its seeds, was known to our distant ancestors.

Dill has beneficial properties due to the presence in it of fragrant essential oils (and in seeds - and fatty oils), flavonoids, camphorol, phytoncides, carotene and vitamin C. They were escaped from the accumulation of gases in the intestines, the lack of milk in nursing mothers, constipation, coughing , Lack of appetite, hypertension, inflammation of the eyes and other ailments.

Not one mum came to the aid of dill, whose useful properties were rescued at a time when the baby had intestinal colic or when she herself had a catastrophically lack of milk. In such cases, a teaspoon of seeds of a plant was boiled with a glass of boiling water (it is even better to brew with milk), insisted and allowed to drink the child instead of water during the day. Lactation is well enhanced by the following recipe: pour 400 liters of bovine cheese in a liter of boiling water, bring to a boil, add a little chopped dill, insist and drink like tea throughout the day.

Frequent use of dill is a guarantee of the prevention of hypertension. And if it happened to get sick, it will help to cope with hypertension of kidney origin at the initial stage. Removing inflammation in the kidneys, acting as a diuretic, expelling sand from the kidneys, dill simultaneously and the pressure lowers. Also, the plant is able to gently dissolve stones in the bladder, it acts as an analgesic in case of painful urination. For men in such cases, especially important is the fennel, the useful properties of which help to facilitate the passage of urine when it is delayed. Infusion to improve the excretion of urine, the removal of inflammatory processes in the kidney is prepared in a water bath. A glass of boiling water is poured with dill seeds (2 tablespoons) and heated by means of a water bath for 15 minutes in an enameled pot covered with a lid. After that, 45 minutes insist, filter and drink before each meal with a glass of infusion.

In one collection with other herbs, dill is effective in gastritis with a decreased secretory function. To make this infusion, it is necessary to take dill seeds in a crushed form, cones of hops, a herb of golden thousand, leaves of plantain, flowers and althea grass (1 tbsp of each component), pour them with boiling water (one liter), insist 20 minutes. Drink infusion for 14-21 days in small doses (2 tablespoons) for half an hour before meals.

Cleansing the inner shell of vessels from layers, cholesterol, fennel allows them to become elastic again and fully fulfill their functions. And clean vessels are nothing more than the absence of atherosclerosis.

When inflammation of the eye first to help at home comes fennel. Its useful properties in this case are the ability to relieve fatigue, redness. For this purpose, it takes only 15-20 minutes to apply a compress of decoction seeds to the eyelids.

The systematic use of the leaves of this plant will help not only cope with the aforementioned diseases, but also serve as an excellent prophylaxis. It is known that dill can be stocked for the whole winter: dried, salted, frozen. In order not to forget to add it to your diet, you can prepare the simplest seasoning by combining the salt, without which a rare dish is handled, and the crushed leaves and seeds of dill.

Unfortunately, not everyone can consume dill, there are also contraindications to its use. Caution should be given to people suffering from hypotension, since the use of this plant in large quantities can lead to a decrease in the general tone of the body, cause fainting, temporarily impair vision.

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