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Folklore. Genres of folklore

Folklore acts as the art of the people, an ethnic society that inhabits a certain territory. Because of this, it is always local. This national or common ethnic art takes place within the framework of regional (territorial) traditions.

Genres of folklore are different in expressive means of their language. There is a certain science that studies the complex of verbal, musical, verbal, musical-choreographic, dramatic and gaming types of folk art. For domestic folklore, the base is genres of Russian folklore, peoples living in Russia and abroad.

The field of study of the science in question includes, first of all, the theory of folk art - the formation of a theoretical basis.

One of the main subjects of study is the history of folklore. This category includes the study of the historical poetics of creativity, evolving in time and manifested in various forms. In the study of history, there is also a reconstruction of archaic creativity that preceded the formation of subsequent artistic trends. In addition, the study of history involves studying such a section as small genres of folklore.

The main types of folk art are proverbs, ritual poetry, fairy tales, riddles, legends. Genres of folklore include both demonological stories, historical songs, spiritual verses, theatrical performances, epics, children's works.

In the study of the branches of folk art, some of them develop, specializing, in particular, in the study of certain systems. Such branches should include epistemology, fairy tale and others. In addition, in addition to developing some of the old genres of folklore, new systems are being formed.

Science, which studies folk art, explores and interprets this art in the conditions of later traditions. Modern genres of folklore represent a certain set of works that are heterogeneous in composition from different branch systems of creativity.

It should be noted that the study of interactions at various levels also plays an important role in the development of folk art. In particular, folkloristics deals with the study of mutual influences on the semantic, stylistic, figurative, intra-genre, inter-genre levels. At the same time, new ties of the branches of creativity are revealed and systematized.

Of course, consideration of folk art is impossible separately from ethnographic, cultural, natural-geographical and historical environment.

Folklore studies also the textology of folklore, refining this very concept, treating it as a phenomenon differing in its diverse nature. In folk art the word is associated with gesture, intonation, facial expressions, costume, dramatic play, music. Together with this, the specificity of the folklore text is also investigated.

Undoubtedly, from ancient times to the present, the genre system of folklore has undergone certain changes. However, the main forms of creativity retained their original structure. In particular, this is typical for small genre forms: chastooshkas, jokes, lullabies, boring tales. To the same group include everyday creativity (sayings, zaklichki, teasers), and poteshki (tongue twisters, podsovki, tall tales).

Among the main folklore genres, one should mention riddles, counters, games. A special place is in the folk art of the epic. This category includes fairy tales about animals, short stories (satirical, anecdotal), fairy tale-mockery, heroic, family, social-class stories. The same category includes legends, historical songs, poems, epic rhymes.

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