HealthAlternative Medicine

Diagel (grass): useful properties and contraindications

It is difficult to find another plant that would have enjoyed the same popularity as angelica (grass). Useful properties of it were known to our ancestors. The healing power of Angelica has come down to our days. The plant is used to make a variety of medicines. It is used by healers to fight most diseases. Diagonal - grass, useful properties and contraindications which must be studied before use. Let's consider them in detail in this article.

Short description

Angelica officinalis is a herbaceous plant. The leaves are unusual: large, tri-pinnate, ovoid or oblong. Flowering appears the next year after disembarkation. It lasts from June to August. Flowers are small, light green. Located at the very top of the stem, forming umbrellas with soft down. At the end of August, after flowering, fruits appear on the plant. Propagated by seeds angelica - grass, useful properties of which have been estimated since ancient times. From one plant bush it is sometimes possible to remove up to 500 g of seeds.

Angelica grows on the territory of Eurasia, on wet soils near reservoirs, bushes and forests. Has a popular name - the archangel. Let's get acquainted with a plant such as a duckweed (grass). Useful properties (photos allow you to view the amazing grass) its numerous.

Unique composition

For medical purposes, the root of the plant is most often used. Because it contains a lot of necessary substances. Grass, useful properties of which are also widely used in folk medicine, are still used somewhat less often.

Useful properties of the plant are determined by the medicinal composition:

  • essential oils,
  • Resin,
  • Useful acids,
  • tannins.

Often used for medicinal infusions or decoctions of seeds, leaves and stems of an amazing plant called angelica. Grass, the useful properties of which will be described below, is often the subject of collection of traditional healers.

Beneficial features

The plant has a wonderful healing effect. It can participate in the fight against various diseases and ailments. It is simply impossible to list all of its unique and curative effects.

This plant began to be used by our ancestors. Decoctions of angelica were effective in the treatment of pneumonia, nervous disorders and flatulence. A tincture from this plant was taken with cough, urolithiasis, colitis and insomnia, and also to improve the work of the intestine.

In modern medicine, the indications for the use of medicines based on angelica are much broader.

Preparations use:

  • As an anesthetic;
  • Tonic;
  • Diaphoretic;
  • Strengthening;
  • Antispasmodic;
  • Sedative;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antimicrobial;
  • Expectorant.


No one will argue that the plant has many beneficial effects on the body. Let's consider, what restrictions to application angelica possesses, medical properties and contra-indications of which we consider.

To protect yourself from negative effects, you should always seek medical advice before starting treatment.

It is known about the following features:

  1. Angelica contains many essential oils. In large quantities, their use can be harmful. And with an overdose, there are quite serious consequences. With severe intoxication, paralysis of the nervous system may occur.
  2. Also, the plant can cause skin disease. For example, after being on the street, under direct sunlight, there is a rash and irritation. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account such herbs as angelica, medicinal properties and contraindications.
  3. The use of angelica in the period of expectation of the child, as well as lactation is strictly prohibited.
  4. Do not take the plant for bleeding or after an abortion.
  5. With diarrhea, arrhythmia, tachycardia, heart failure and after a heart attack, the plant should also be used with extreme caution.
  6. Also angelica is contraindicated if there is an individual intolerance.

Treatment of bronchitis

To prepare the broth you need 3 tbsp. L. Roots of the plant (crushed). Pour them 200 grams of boiling water. Next, boil the broth for 5-7 minutes on a small fire and allow to cool. Take medication 3-4 times a day for 50 g.

Another option for therapy is inhalation with the addition of angelica essential oil.


Take 1 tbsp. L. Powder, which is made from the root of the plant. It is poured 300 ml of boiling water. The agent insist for at least 2 hours. Be sure to strain. Do not forget to squeeze well. Take 15 minutes before eating 2 tablespoons. L.

Decoction from the seed of angelica officinalis is a potent diuretic. Therefore it is used for cleansing the kidneys. For this you need 1 tbsp. L. Dry seeds pour 500 ml of boiling water and boil in a small flame for about 5 minutes. Cool the broth strain and drink 5 times a day, adding a little honey, 100 grams.

Treatment of joint diseases

A good remedy for such ailments is the bath with the addition of decoction of angelica. 150 g of plant roots should be poured into 1 liter of boiling water, cook for 5 minutes. Insist about 2 hours. Then strain. Pour it into the tub. This procedure is suitable for daily use as an adjunct to therapy.

Treatment of colds

Take 1 tbsp. L. The roots of Angelica and the same number of flowers of calendula. Pour 200 ml of boiling water and allow to stand for 1 hour. Filtered warm infusion take with honey throughout the day 3-5 times.

Benefits for women

Dyagel - grass, useful properties for menopause which have been studied for a long time. In the menopause period it is often recommended to consume it. It is known that the herb normalizes the menstrual cycle and hormonal balance, activates the functions of the ovaries.

It is also recommended to take medicines based on Angelica for various inflammations, PMS, infertility, mastopathy and other female diseases. In addition, it is established that this unique plant makes stronger sexual sensations.

The process of rejuvenation

For dry and fading skin tonic comes from the angelica's infusion: it takes 1 tbsp. L. Roots and poured a glass of boiling water.

Adding a plant (in the form of a powder) to face masks promotes smoothing of wrinkles and makes the epidermis elastic.

Treatment of arthritis and radiculitis

100 g of roots (ground) are poured into 0.5 liters of vodka. Close tightly and press for at least 14 days in a sunny place. Then strain the filter. Store it in the glass.

Use as grits or compresses for arthritis, sprains, radiculitis and muscle pain. This tincture is suitable for elimination of bloating, as well as for colitis. Use recommended for 20 drops. In day apply 3-4 times.

Opinions of people

What do those patients who took Angelica think? Therapeutic properties and contraindications, reviews must be analyzed before use.

Women note that drugs containing angelica officinalis help to improve mood, normalize the condition with PMS. In addition, the plant can improve the functioning of the nervous system, relieve cramps.

However, it is not recommended to use medicines without consulting the doctor.

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