Health, Alternative Medicine
How to clean the intestines at home?
Bad work of the small and large intestine affects many systems of the body. Slags and deposits in the cavity of the digestive tract interfere with the absorption of vitamins and trace elements, which affects the overall health and immune system. In addition, toxins can be absorbed into the bloodstream and manifest as inflammations on the skin.
As it is not strange, but excess weight can also be associated with congestion in the intestine. Getting rid of unnecessary, you can lose up to several kilograms, as cleaning the intestines at home or with a doctor - this means bringing out what is accumulated in his folds.
How to understand that it's time for purification?
Clear signs of slagging may be bloating, irregular stools, a feeling of heaviness, raspiraniya and smell from the mouth. But very often a person gets cold, tired and does not know that the problem can also be hidden in his digestive tract.
Therefore, it is desirable to cleanse your bowels regularly, without waiting for the complete disruption in the body.
There is a medical procedure - hydrocolonotherapy, the essence of which is to wash the intestines with a lot of water. However, it can often not be done. It is better to do yourself at home and apply soft means.
How to clean the intestines at home safely?
It is known that our food can be both an enemy and a friend. If you know that certain foods act in the lumen of the intestine as a "broom", then their regular consumption as food will be the most correct approach to purification.
Fiber - that's what helps to exclude the superfluous. Fresh fruits and vegetables should be present in the daily diet (about 400 grams), dried plum, dried apricots and apples help well. Oatmeal porridge for breakfast is an excellent means for cleansing. To all you need to remember enough fluid.
How to clean the intestines at home with an enema?
For the enema you will need to buy a mug of Esmarch, in fact it is a hot-water bottle with a hose and tips that is in the pharmacies. You can cook a decoction of chamomile or salt water. The important thing is that the water temperature should be comfortable for the body, ie about 37 degrees.
Before the procedure, you need to read the rules several times, if cleansing is carried out for the first time. Perhaps you need an assistant, but not necessarily. In order for water to flow freely from the mug into the intestine, it is necessary to take the knee-elbow position, while the mug itself should be located above the level of the head.
After all the water (1.5-2 liters) has got into the intestine, you need to try to keep it inside for at least 10 minutes. To do this, you can lie down first on the left side, then on your back, then take the "candle" posture, and then lower your legs and roll over to your right side. Thus, water will move to higher intestinal areas and purification will be more effective.
How to clean the intestines at home with constipation?
Fecal masses during congestion are densified and, when passing through the anal canal, it can injure, so in this case it is possible to make an enema with a small amount of oil (50-100 ml), heating it as well as water, to 37 degrees.
How to clean the intestines with laxatives?
Manufacturers of modern laxatives argue that such drugs are able to cope with slags no worse than an enema. Indeed, osmotic laxatives "suck" water on themselves, increasing the amount of content in the intestines and effectively withdrawing everything to the outside.
Just remember that you can not get involved with laxatives, they get addicted and then it will be difficult to do without them.
Enema and enema can not be used for obstruction, hernia (abdominal and inguinal), if there are bleeding in the history, this should be remembered if you are going to clean the intestines at home.
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