Food and drinkRecipes

Cooking pies

Pouring pies are distinguished by original taste and simplicity of preparation. From conventional baking, they differ in that they do not need to put a dough, which usually rises from half an hour to an hour and a half. It is enough to cook a mixture of flour and eggs, almost like cooking pancakes, which can be baked right away. Another advantage of such pies is that absolutely any ingredients, such as mushrooms, cabbage, meat, fish, etc., can be used for the filling.

Consider the recipe for a cake with cucumbers and tomatoes.

Necessary ingredients for cooking:

- 300 grams of milk;

- 130 grams of ordinary creamy or melted butter;

- 3 eggs;

- 1 cup of flour;

- 3 sausages;

- 2 pickled cucumbers;

- 150 grams of hard cheese;

- 6 dried tomatoes;

- 1 onion;

- 1 tsp. Tomato paste;

- 2 cloves of garlic;

- 1 bunch of greenery;

- green onions (optional);

- olives and olives (optional);

- salt, pepper to taste;

- Hydrated soda.

The process of preparation of pouring cake:

1. For the filling you need to cut thin cucumbers cucumbers, sausages, tomatoes, and cheese, and onions - half rings. Mix all this.

2. Next, you need to prepare the sauce. First you need to chop very finely (but in no case press on garlick) garlic and mix it with tomato paste. To somehow dilute the sauce, you should add a few spoons of water, depending on the resulting density. Add black pepper and a little green onion.

3. To prepare the dough, you need to pour the milk in the bowl, break the eggs, add butter and salt. In this mixture, gradually add small amounts of flour and soda, while stirring simultaneously until a homogeneous mass is obtained. It is desirable that no lumps remain in the test. Pouring pies do not tolerate haste, so you need to stir the lumps carefully.

4. Next, you need to oil the baking mold and pour a little less than half of the resulting dough. Top out the toppings and sauce from tomatoes and garlic. All this pour the remaining test.

5. Cheese, grated on a fine grater, mix with finely chopped herbs (dill and parsley) and evenly sprinkle on the dough. If desired, you can decorate with olives and olives. Oven to warm up to 260 degrees, put the cake for about 35 minutes.

The cake turns out very delicate and delicious! This is a kind of pouring pizza, just tastier!

You can also make a cake filled with canned fish. It is very tasty, in spite of its simplicity, a jellied pie, the recipe of which will be mastered even by those who are not particularly friendly with the dough.

Necessary ingredients for the preparation of the pouring cake:

- 0, 5 liters. Low-fat, one-percentage kefir (you can take curdled milk);

- 2 chicken eggs;

- 1 cup of flour;

- 5 tubers of potatoes;

- 1 onion;

- 1 fish preservation;

- granulated sugar;

- vegetable oil;

- hydrated soda;

- Ground pepper, salt.

The process of preparation of pouring cake:

1. Chopped onions and potatoes should be fried in a frying pan until half cooked.

2. To prepare the dough, mix kefir, eggs, flour, salt, sugar, vegetable oil and soda vinegar or acetic acid, and beat to sour cream.

3. Next, we thoroughly lubricate the frying pan with fat (or oil), pour into it exactly half of the semi-liquid dough prepared by us, and then spread the potato with onions and well-crushed fish canned food. All this is filled in with the remains of the dough.

4. Oven to warm up to 260 degrees, put the cake for about thirty to forty minutes.

The readiness of a dish is most conveniently checked with a wooden stick or toothpick. The cake turns out to be low-fat and has a very delicate, pleasant aroma and taste!

Cooking pies are a good alternative to conventional pies with a yeast dough. At the same time, their baking does not take much time, and the taste is simply delicious. Thanks to the use of various fillings, pouring pies look bright and appetizing. They can be served both for family tea drinking, and for the anniversary, and for the festive event. This pastry will decorate any table and will please with its excellent taste of the household and guests.

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