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Colic in the abdomen: what to do in order to quickly get rid of unpleasant sensations?

There are a number of problems associated with intestinal colic. First of all, these are gastritis and pancreatic diseases, in which food is not digested properly and enters the intestine in this form. Too cold or spoiled foods can also provoke colic in the abdomen. What to do in this situation?

First aid for intestinal colic

To get rid of the problem, you must first find out the cause of its occurrence. And to relieve the patient's condition up to this point, you can advise the following:

  1. Put a warm water bottle in the inguinal zone - this will help remove the spasm and relax the muscles.

  2. At home, you can use drugs, antispasmodics, which act mainly on the intestines. Experts in such cases recommend to drink 1-2 tablets "No-shpa", squeezed decoction of mint, 2 tablets of the drug "Platifillin with papaverine," "Bellalgin" (available in the form of tablets and candles). The medicine "Smecta" will help you to get rid of unpleasant symptoms. The powder pack must be diluted in 100 ml of pure still water. Sometimes an enema (200 ml) with a warm broth of mint helps. If it is a question of usual colic, after the gases and liquid stools are removed, the pain will recede.

  3. It is equally important that after a while there are no more colic in the abdomen. What to do for this? It is best to give the intestines a "break" and for 12 hours to refrain from eating. You can drink light tea without sugar and eat crackers.

What should I consider before taking medication?

Doctors strongly do not recommend taking ordinary pain medication for those who encounter such an unpleasant phenomenon as colic in the abdomen. What can I do if I can not consult a specialist? It is best to use antispasmodics. Analgesics, in turn, can cause problems with the correct diagnosis. And, in addition, cause a feeling of final recovery. However, getting rid of the symptoms of the problem, you will not get rid of it yourself. And in the future, the disease, which provoked the appearance of intestinal colic, can lead to more serious complications.

Analgesics are allowed only if you are 100% sure of the cause of the pain.

Taking antispasmodics, it should be remembered that if within 2 hours the pain does not pass, and the cause of it remains unknown, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance team. Preparations that will help you in this situation, we have already listed: these are medications of "No-shpa", "Smecta", "Papaverin" and "Bellalgin". These drugs can be used for colic of any type.

Traditional medicine in the fight against intestinal colic

Talking about how to treat colic in the abdomen, you should separately touch on the topic of folk remedies that will help you eliminate painful sensations. Here are a few recipes tested by many generations and effective in such situations:

  • To begin with, it is necessary to prepare two infusions - aira and a wrestler of many-leaved. A teaspoonful of each plant should be poured with a liter of boiling water and insist them for an hour. After that, herbal infusions are mixed with each other, and the resulting liquid is used, making compresses on the stomach to the patient.

  • A separate infusion is used to get rid of colic caused by circulatory problems. You will need a mixture of three herbs: large-leaf gentian, sculpin and red sandalwood, taken in equal proportions. A teaspoon of raw material is poured into a glass of boiling water and allowed to stand for half an hour. Infusion should be rubbed painful places.

  • Very effective and useful in colic berry broth. In equal quantities we take plums, black currant leaves, blueberries and gooseberry berries. Gulf the mixture with boiling water, you need to let it cool down and drink the broth as a regular tea in any quantities.

Is it compulsory to see a doctor?

After using medicines or home remedies, you will feel relieved. However, if you do not know why colic in the abdomen have appeared, visit a specialist as soon as possible. Treatment of certain diseases accompanied by intestinal colic may require hospitalization and even surgical intervention. Therefore, the sooner you are diagnosed, the more successful and faster the process of therapy.

Prevention of intestinal colic

If you already know how disagreeable this phenomenon is, you should know how to prevent the further occurrence of colic in the abdomen. What to do for this? If you encounter such problems often enough, you should adhere to a fairly strict diet. Namely: exclude from the menu sweets, smoked products, fatty, pickled and spicy foods, carbonated drinks. In addition, it is important not to overeat.

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