HealthDiseases and Conditions

Diarrhea on the face: causes, treatment, prevention

The appearance of lichen on the face is a rare phenomenon. It is usually associated with the individual features of the human skin and the negative effects of fungal infections. From the materials of this article, you will find out what kinds of depriving the face, what determines their appearance, how to treat pathology.

General information

Under deprivation is understood a whole group of dermatological diseases, which manifest themselves in the form of papules and pigmented spots with characteristic ecdysis. Dermatitis refers to pathologies of infectious nature. Their development in most cases is due to the impact of a number of viruses and fungi. Some forms of lichen arise against a background of reduced immunity and are transmitted predominantly through a contact-household route.

Pathology can appear on absolutely any part of the body. However, certain forms arise exclusively on the face. We will discuss them in more detail in this article.

The main reasons for the appearance of lichen

The disease develops as a result of the introduction into the body of pathogenic microflora (fungi, viruses). Not always its primary signs are treated correctly. Often spots on the face are taken for the symptoms of ordinary dermatitis or allergies. That is why, faced with this problem, you need to seek medical help to establish the correct diagnosis.

There are several types of lichen on the face. Depending on the form of the disease, doctors call various reasons for its occurrence.

  1. Reduced immunity.
  2. Penetration into the body of a specific fungus. Lishay can be transmitted by the household way from the infected person. High temperature and humidity - the optimal conditions for reproduction of the fungus.
  3. Hereditary predisposition.

Lishay on the face is more common in men and women 30-50 years. The course of the disease and the duration of treatment are individual.

What symptoms indicate a pathology?

Lishay is a disease caused by harmful bacteria. They live in the organisms of many people, but strong immunity does not allow them to multiply. The disease begins to manifest itself when the bacteria have favorable conditions for life. Usually this happens with beriberi or with antibiotics.

Ringworm on the face is a rare disease, so it is often confused with dermatitis or an allergic reaction. The lack of timely treatment enables the bacteria to multiply. Different types of disease are accompanied by a specific clinical picture. However, physicians identify a number of definite signs that help distinguish lichen from other pathologies.

  1. Appearance of rashes on the skin.
  2. Enlargement of lymph nodes.
  3. Peeling skin.
  4. Temperature increase.
  5. General malaise.

It is important in the occurrence of these symptoms to seek help from a doctor to confirm the final diagnosis and determine the type of disease. Lishay on the face in most cases manifests itself in five basic forms: pink, red flat, ringworm, pearly, girdling. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Pink lichen

This type of disease is the least dangerous, but at the same time the most common. As a rule, pink lichen is diagnosed in school-age children, but neither babies nor adults are immune from it. The main reason for its occurrence has not yet been clarified. Most experts agree that the disease develops against a background of decreased immunity. However, some physicians believe in its genetic nature.

The development of pathology is preceded by the appearance of a "mother plaque" on the trunk. It is small in size and oval in shape. The plaque is hard to miss, because its occurrence is accompanied by itching and painful discomfort. Approximately 14 days later, the daughter foci of lichen appear. Characteristic rashes are localized on the face, chest, extremities. Treatment of the disease is not specific. Doctors recommend limiting allergenic products. With severe itching, antihistamines are prescribed.


The causative agent of the disease is the trichophyton fungus. Ringworm on the face is usually diagnosed in children. Infection occurs after direct contact with a sick person, using general personal hygiene. The preferred location for pathology localization is the area of the shoulders, the scalp, the skin of the face.

The disease begins with the appearance of a pink spot with clear boundaries. As the disease develops, the focus becomes inflamed, crusts and bubbles appear on its edges. The skin in the center of the spot begins to peel off. Initially, lichen is not accompanied by a pronounced clinical picture, over time, itching occurs. Treatment of the disease is carried out in a hospital and includes the use of antifungal drugs.

Red flat lichen

This chronic disease is diagnosed mainly in women from 40 to 60 years. It is characterized by the appearance of brightly colored papules with dangling edges. At the beginning of the disease, the rash may be shiny, but later it always acquires a cyanotic shade. The appearance of papules is accompanied by severe itching and burning. Flat lichen on a person on his face - a rare phenomenon, but still has a place to be. Usually pathology affects limbs, skin in the genital area and mouth mucosa.

The main cause of the appearance of this disease has not yet been established. Opinions are expressed about the viral nature, hereditary predisposition and immune responses of the body. Specific treatment of flat lichen is not, before the course of therapy the patient is carefully examined for the pathology of internal organs. Patients are usually prescribed antihistamines, corticosteroids and vitamin complexes.

Peregrine lichen

Pungent lichen on the face manifests itself in the event that there is multiple lesions of the skin of the chest, limbs and back. The disease is characterized by the appearance of rounded pink spots. Eruptions are usually accompanied by severe itching.

It is assumed that pityriasis often occurs in people prone to excessive sweating. The main cause of its development is the pathogenic fungus Pitirosporum. Treatment is appointed complex. Usually, patients are prescribed antifungal drugs, shampoos with selenium. The positive effect of therapy manifests itself quickly, but there is a high probability of relapses.


Pathology is caused by the varicella zoster virus. After a childhood illness, he is in a dormant state. As a result of serious emotional overload or frequent overcooling, the infectious agent can become more active. As a consequence, in the course of nerve endings, rashes in the form of vesicles may appear on the skin.

Shingles on the face is very rare. Usually, the pathology is localized in the chest and lower back. It is not contagious, so isolation of the infected person is not required. Patients are prescribed symptomatic therapy with non-steroidal and antihistamines.

What to do if there are symptoms of deprivation?

First of all, you need to consult a dermatologist. Before the final diagnosis is made, it is better to exclude close contacts, use separate utensils and personal hygiene items.

A comprehensive survey will be required to determine the specific type of disease. It includes a blood test, scraping from the skin and bacterial culture. Sometimes additional diagnostics are required, for example, to detect pityriasis. For these purposes, the dermatologist conducts Bald's iodine test and examination using a Wood lamp. In the first case, the doctor smears stains on the skin with iodine, and after staining wipes them with alcohol. Infected areas acquire a characteristic dark brown hue, while absolutely healthy remain yellow.

Timely recourse to a doctor helps to avoid serious consequences, including infection of the eyes and complete blindness.

How to treat lichen on the face?

Treatment of this disease is always complex. Usually it consists of the reception of immunomodulators ("Decaris", "Reaferon"), the use of local medicines and vitamin therapy. If the lichen is caused by a virus or fungus, antiviral or antifungal ointments are prescribed, respectively.

To oral preparations can be attributed "Acyclovir", "Valaciclovir", "Griseofulvin", to local - "Mikoseptin", "Exoderil." It is also recommended to treat affected areas with a weak solution of iodine or sulfur-salicylic ointment.

When infecting with ringworm form, compulsory admission is mandatory. The home course of therapy also implies a complete isolation of the patient.

If the doctor has confirmed pink deprive, treatment specific is not required. Usually this form of the disease disappears on its own within 5-8 weeks. To reduce the intolerable itch, you can take "Tavegil" or "Zirtek".

The help of traditional medicine

No less effective may be treatment depriving folk remedies. Before resorting to alternative medicine, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist. Next, we list the most popular recipes of folk healers.

  1. Boil 20 g cones of hops, burdock roots and 10 g of calendula flowers. One part of the resulting broth must be combined with two parts of Vaseline. It is recommended that this mixture be applied to the affected areas.
  2. Pour 100 g of birch leaves with a liter of boiling water, insist for 30 minutes and strain. A hot infusion should be treated skin twice a day.
  3. Apple cider vinegar is an excellent remedy for a disease such as lichen. Treatment involves the use of this tool as a lotion. The procedure is recommended to be repeated several times a day. A few days later, there is a tangible relief: the skin ceases to itch, the itching disappears.

Preventive measures depriving

Ringworm is a serious enough disease, therefore it is better to prevent pathology before its appearance. To do this, you must follow a few fairly simple rules.

First and foremost, doctors are advised to pay special attention to personal hygiene. It is equally important to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and eat right. It is better to restrict contact with sick animals.

If the treatment of this pathology is not started in time, its consequences can negatively affect the quality of human life. Diarrhea on the face is easily confused with ordinary dermatitis or the manifestation of an allergic reaction. Therefore, when you have a suspicious rash, you need to contact a dermatologist for examination of the body and the appointment of competent treatment. Only in this case it is possible to avoid the occurrence of rather dangerous complications for the person, to reduce the likelihood of future relapses. Be healthy!

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