Health, Diseases and Conditions
Biological death: its main features and difference from the clinical
Biological death always comes gradually, it goes through certain stages. People often talk about its suddenness, in fact we simply can not in time recognize the first manifestations of death.
There is a so-called terminal condition, that is, a period characterized by a sharp disruption in the work of all internal organs, while the pressure drops to a critical level, the metabolism is markedly disturbed. It is this state that includes certain periods that characterize biological death. Among them, one can distinguish pre-teaching, agony, and clinical and biological death.
Teaching is the first stage of the process of dying. At this stage, a sharp decrease in the activity of all vital functions is observed, for example, the pressure drops to a critical level, the work of not only the cardiac muscle of the myocardium, the respiratory system, but also the activity of the brain is disrupted. A characteristic feature of pre-teaching is that the pupils still react to light.
Under the agony of experts mean literally the last surge of life. After all, in this period there is still a weak heartbeat, but the pressure can not be determined. At the same time, people breathe in the air from time to time, and the pupils' reaction to bright light slows down considerably, becomes sluggish. It can be concluded that the hope to return the patient to life fades before our eyes.
The next stage is clinical death. It is also called the intermediate stage between the final death and life. It lasts no more than five minutes in the warm season, and during the cold period the process of death of brain cells slows down considerably, so biological death only comes after half an hour. The main signs of clinical and biological death, which combine them and at the same time distinguish them from other stages, include a complete disabling of the central nervous system, stopping the work of the airways and the circulatory system.
Clinical death means that the victim can still be brought back to life with the full restoration of the main functions. After its establishment, resuscitation should be carried out, namely artificial respiration and indirect heart massage. If there is a positive dynamics, resuscitation can be carried out for several hours, until the arrival of an ambulance. Then the team of doctors will render already qualified assistance. The first signs of improving the state of health are the normalization of complexion, the presence of pupillary responses to light.
Biological death implies a complete cessation of the functioning of the body's basic processes, which ensure further vital activity. But most importantly: these losses are irreversible, so any measures to restore vital activity will be completely useless and have no meaning.
Signs of biological death
As the first symptoms it is considered to be complete absence of pulse, cessation of cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and there is no dynamics during half an hour. Sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish a biological stage from a clinical one. After all, there is always a fear of the fact that the victim can still be brought back to life. In this situation, one should adhere to the main criterion. Remember that at clinical death the pupil of the person reminds "a cat's eye", and at biological it is as much as possible expanded. In addition, the reaction of the eye to bright light or to the touch of a foreign object is not manifested. The person is unnaturally pale, and after three or four hours on his body appear corpse stains, and a maximum of 24 hours after stiffness occurs.
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