Health, Diseases and Conditions
Ringworm: treatment and symptoms
Ringworm, the treatment and symptoms of which will be considered in this article, is an infectious disease. Its causative agent is a fungus that can be transmitted from infected animals. In most cases, the most common cats are carriers. The most common infection occurs between late summer and mid-autumn.
This fungal disease affects the skin, as well as nails (but this occurs in fairly rare cases). Malicious fungus, getting on the human body, is introduced into it and begins to multiply actively. If the spores of the fungus are in the area where the hair follicles are located, a specific bald patch may form on the person's head. The reason for this is that spores of the fungus easily damage the hair follicles, spread rapidly over the entire surface of the hair itself and leave its spores in the space between its scales. In other words, the hair is attacked from all sides.
Perhaps, only the foot fungus can be called a more common infectious disease than ringworm. Treatment of it in most cases is not something complicated, but do not forget that ringworm is very quickly and easily transmitted and can easily hit many people before it is destroyed. Most often, children suffer from it, since in any childcare institution of this infection it is easy to spread. That's why children are always examined for it. In addition to children, young girls and women often suffer from it. In men, it appears less often, especially in those who have reached adulthood.
Main symptoms
On a smooth skin in the same place where there was an introduction of a fungus, a small speck is formed, which has very clear boundaries. Over time, it will begin to grow. As a rule, some specific discomfort in this case, the foci of ringworm does not cause, but a slight itch is still possible.
Ringworm on the part of the head that is hairy, most often occurs in children from five to twelve years old. It is believed that adults are protected by the fact that their hair contains organic acids that appear only after reaching a certain age.
At the first stage in this case, the skin dries and flakes, and later the affected hair begins to fall out.
Ringworm in humans: treatment
Here you can use a lot of different tools. Ringworm, the treatment of which we are considering, can also go away if we use modern drugs, and if "grandmother" means.
In general, foci on smooth skin is recommended to be treated with special antifungal drugs in the evenings, and in the mornings it is recommended to perform iodine treatment. Ringworm, the treatment of which is carried out with such ointments as Isonacol, Clotrimazole, Bifonazole or Cycloperosis, simply can not last long. You can also recommend a drug called Terbinafine (or Lapizil), it can be a cream and a spray.
Ringworm, which attacked the hair, is easily treated with a drug called Griseofulvin. It is available in the form of tablets, and it is best taken three to four times a day, along with a meal and a small dose of vegetable oil. Children under three years of age should take it as a suspension. Together with taking the drug it is recommended to treat foci in the same way as in the case of ringworm on smooth skin.
Treatment depriving folk remedies
Traditional medicine advises treating foci with dark raisins, vinegar or garlic. It sounds very simple, but it all works really well.
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