HealthWomen Health

Inflammation of the cervical canal: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Inflammatory diseases of the genitals are in the lead among the main causes of infertility in women. They are accompanied by uncharacteristic discharge from the vagina and discomfort in the lower abdomen. Many women ignore such symptoms, writing off them for stress or hypothermia. Among all pathologies of the female reproductive system, the "honorable" place is occupied by inflammation of the cervical canal. It is a common disease that can be treated well. However, neglect of the doctor's recommendations for many women results in infertility. What else is dangerous?

The essence of pathology

Cervical canal connects the vagina with the uterine cavity. It has the shape of a cone or cylinder, and its length does not exceed 4 cm. The cervical canal of the cervix performs two functions: it protects against infections and promotes the movement of spermatozoa during the period of ovulation. Under the influence of various external and / or internal factors, its mucosa can become inflamed. This disease is called endocervicitis. It does not pose a threat to women's health with timely diagnosis and competent treatment. Otherwise, the pathological process can lead to serious complications.

The main causes of endocervicitis

Inflammation of the cervical canal can have an etiology of both an infectious and non-infectious nature. In the first case, various pathogenic microorganisms (candida fungi, streptococci, chlamydia, gonococci, papillomas and others) play the role of disease-provoking factors. Most often they penetrate into the body sexually. However, infection is also possible through the digestive tract or lymphatic system. Noninfectious inflammation of the cervical canal in most cases is due to external influences or congenital anatomical defects. To this group of causes include injuries, radioactive irradiation, tumor formations.

Separately, we should consider factors that indirectly affect the development of the inflammatory process:

  • Decreased local immunity;
  • Frequent stress;
  • menstruation;
  • Damage to the tissues of the uterus due to abortion, installation of the spiral.

Normally, the mucous plug is always in the lumen of the cervical canal. It protects the uterus from pathogenic flora. Due to various medical manipulations, the plug is deformed, its chemical composition changes. As a result, any infection freely penetrates into the uterine cavity, causing inflammation. Pathogenic flora can also enter the cervical canal along with menstrual blood. Therefore, during this period it is necessary to pay special attention to the hygiene of the sexual organs.

Symptoms and manifestations of the disease

Inflammation of the cervical canal is characterized by a specific clinical picture. First, in the genital area there is an unpleasant itching and burning. Then the symptoms are supplemented with discomfort in the abdomen and abundant secretions. The absence of timely treatment of the acute form of the disease is dangerous by transforming it into a chronic one. In this case, the described symptoms disappear. However, this does not mean that the woman has recovered without medical assistance. The organism thus adapted to infection, and the disease became latent. If even at this stage, neglect therapy, inflammation can spread to neighboring organs. The prolonged course of the disease leads to changes in the tissues of the uterine canal. As a result, doctors diagnose erosion or dysplasia. The inflammatory process changes the qualitative composition of the mucus produced in the cervix, which threatens infertility.

Establishing diagnosis

Symptoms of inflammation give grounds for conducting a diagnostic examination, which allows you to differentiate pathology from other diseases. What tests should I take?

  1. Bacterial sowing from the cervical canal to determine the causative agent of pathology.
  2. Colposcopy allows you to assess the area of the lesion.
  3. Cytological research helps to determine the state of the cells of the epithelium.
  4. Smear microscopy is necessary for the detection of pathogenic flora, evaluation of the inflammatory process (it is confirmed by the presence of leukocytes in the cervical channel).

Only after a complete examination of the patient and identification of the pathogen the doctor can make a final diagnosis, choose therapy.

Treatment with medicines

The scheme of treatment of inflammation depends on the degree of its severity and the type of pathogen. Therefore, at the stage of diagnosis, a bacterial culture from the cervical canal is prescribed. Medication therapy simultaneously addresses several problems: elimination of pathogenic flora, symptoms of the disease, prevention of relapses. Most often to eliminate these problems doctors prescribe a universal antibacterial drug "Polizhinaks".

Additionally, medications are prescribed to restore immune defenses. If the cause of the disease is fungal infection, antibiotics of the tetracycline group (Doxycycline, Monomycin) and macrolides (Erythromycin) are used for treatment. When trichomonads are detected, it is expedient to use antiprotozoal agents. Restoration of the vaginal microflora involves the use of drugs based on lactobacilli. Preparations for treatment and dosage are selected by the doctor taking into account the state of health of the patient. Self-use of medication is not recommended. The length of the course of therapy depends on the neglect of the pathological process.

Scraping the cervical canal

Usually, to confirm the inflammation in the cervical canal, the patient is given a vaginal swab and then sends it to a histology. Sometimes the cause of the disease can not be determined. In such cases, a scraping procedure is used, in which a top layer of the endometrium is removed with a special instrument for later examination. Over time, it is restored, so all manipulations are safe for the patient's health. As a rule, scraping of the cervical canal is prescribed for suspected malignant disease.

Methods of preventing inflammation

To prevent the development of pathology, you should go to the gynecologist twice a year . If you experience any of these symptoms, you should consult your doctor. Examination of the gynecological chair and a series of tests can confirm the inflammation of the cervical canal. Treatment is appointed after a diagnostic examination. Only on the basis of the patient's complaints the doctor can not confirm the diagnosis and prescribe medication. Avoid this disease can be, if you follow fairly simple rules:

  • Use condoms during sexual intercourse;
  • Do not neglect personal hygiene;
  • Regularly undergo examination at the gynecologist;
  • Have one constant sexual partner.

Observance of these recommendations helps to always stay healthy.

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