Beauty, Nails
Beautiful and simple design for nails for beginners
The modern industry of nail art offers a lot of options for creating beautiful nail designs. Cleverly applying the proposed materials, you can beat and emphasize the length, shape, natural beauty of the plate, turn a manicure into a highlight of the image, hide all the shortcomings. However, this requires the master to have a certain qualification and skills. And what about those who only make the first uncertain steps? Do not despair and do not panic, believe in yourself and learn! In the meantime, we will show you that the design for nails for beginners can be simple, but beautiful.
Everything you need at your fingertips
Often the most banal objects can serve in skilled hands with real magic wands. Creating a design for nails for novice masters, most importantly, do not strive to immediately master supercomplex techniques and drawings. It is better to master the simple techniques perfectly, and then move on. But the imagination can not be restrained, it will help create unusual compositions with a minimum of skills.
What you need: base, varnishes of 3 colors, fixer, pieces of foam rubber. Lucky is better to choose in one range from light shade to dark or neighboring in a rainbow, so the result will be more beautiful. We cover the nails with a base, wait for the drying. Then we put one varnish on foam rubber (for example, you can pinch pieces from a new household sponge). With pathetic movements we cover 1/3 of the nails. Then repeat the operation with the remaining two colors. Clear boundaries for the layers should not be, shades as if flowing from one to another, creating the illusion of the rainbow. This simple technique helps to create an original design for nails. For beginners - the very thing.
Printed text
What you need: base, bright matte lacquer (beige, white, gray), alcohol, newspaper, nail polish remover, lac finish. We put the base and the base color, carefully drying each layer. We immerse the nail into alcohol for a couple of seconds and press to it a piece of newspaper with letters. Carefully remove the paper and see that the printing ink has adorned the surface of the nail plate. All that is left on the skin, you can easily erase the liquid to remove the varnish. Now it remains only to carefully apply the fixer. Already looks like drawings, but does not require special skills, it can be the design of acrylic nails, gel or natural.
Sticky tricks
Scotch is in every house and it can also be safely applied, creating a nail design. For beginners, this is a good opportunity to expand the range of created songs. The tape should not be too sticky and one-sided. The simplest variant is to cover the nail with a base, dry it, apply a layer of varnish on half the plate, and dry it again. Then take the tape and glue it so that the edge of the tape is in the middle. Now cover the unpainted space with another varnish. We wait for drying, then we remove the tape. It turned out a nail with a clear border of two colors in the center. In general, with the help of such a universal method, you can make a domino-manicure, a chessboard, to represent geometric figures or strips. Such a design for nails for beginners can boldly compete with salon compositions. Also do not be afraid to use rhinestones, foil, sequins and other materials for decoration. If you can not create drawings yet, you can try to replace them with ready-made translations and stickers.
Trends in focus
The nail art also has its own fashion. In order not to lag behind life, it is necessary to follow what new trends arise in it. Try to learn all the time about various techniques and techniques, practice. Pay attention to last year's fashionable nail design. Photo 2013, novelties of the nail industry, competitive works of eminent gurus - all this will help you create your own style of work.
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