Arts & EntertainmentMusic

Battle on the guitar or how to master the art of a six-stringed instrument

Guitar is one of the most common musical instruments at the moment. And in the dashing 80's, how many songs for the guitar was played by the balconies of their beloved romantic young people? The romance of those times disappeared somewhat, leaving the guitar as a legacy. At all times, on picnics and hikes, the main entertainment was this wonderful musical instrument.

The guitar craze began not only with the trend of Western culture, but also thanks to Russian famous singers and singers. Songs that sounded on the radio and live concerts fostered interest in learning the art of playing this instrument. The brightest star of the guitar horizon is, according to many music lovers, Vladimir Vysotsky and the "Kino" group. It is their songs, most of which are played by battle, won furious popularity in all countries of the former Soviet Union.

Fighting the guitar is one of the most common ways of playing. He is worshiped by millions of professionals, beginning with him beginners learn. In order to master this method of playing, you need to learn the basic chords and learn how to quickly replace them on the fretboard of the instrument. The most difficult for beginners are considered chords with the use of a bar, where it is necessary to clamp all the strings with one finger. Fighting the guitar is the way all the strings sound at the same time, so you need to put your fingers clearly and correctly.

There are a lot of varieties of guitar combat. The most important of them are "six", "eight", "four", rumba, soul and others. In each case, the basis is the correct jamming of the strings. The battle on the guitar has its own symbols:

Legend of a game of combat


What is implied

V or ↑

Hit down from the sixth string to the first

V or ↓

Hit up from the first string to the sixth




Jamming without striking the strings with the help of the edge of the palm


Jamming with the thumb


Jamming with the help of the edge of the palm


Use of thumb


Using the index finger


Bass string

For example, using these designations, the battle "six" on the guitar without jamming Will look like this:

↑ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↑ ↓


If we add jamming to the notation, we get:

↑ + ↑ + ↓


The battle of the "eight" on the guitar can also be depicted with the help of the scheme:

↑ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓


The diagram shows that the game uses a stub with a thumb, but for excellent sound it is recommended to learn how to play this fight without jamming. And only when the song begins to pour from the tormented guitar strings, you can learn to insert jamming.

Another popular fight on the guitar is thieves. The second name is the Quartet. With this method, the thumb of the hand strikes the bass string (depending on the chord, it can be 6, 5 or 4 strings), then moves downward with the index finger and instantaneous jamming with the edge of the palm. On the diagram it looks like this:


↑ ↑ ↑ ↑


But the most important thing is that there are a lot of variations on the theme of guitar combat, and in order to find the right variant for a particular song, you need to listen to the rhythm. And only he will tell the right fight.

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