
About what is trash in culture

Not everyone knows what trash is. Today this short word has several meanings and is represented in many spheres of life: in fashion, art, literature, music, street graphics, cinema.

What is trash? In the literal translation - "trash" (English). But a simple translation is clearly not enough for us. This word has recently acquired a completely new meaning. It is consonant, undoubtedly, to a certain extent with its basic definition. In the most general sense, trash is something that goes to the peak of the universally recognized, breaks the usual framework. Everything done in this style was done hastily, without any respect for the idea, theme, material.

Philosophy and Culture

To understand what trash is as a cultural phenomenon, you need to remember America. The word "trash" there began to be called "white dregs of society", which did not accept traditional customs and norms, but did the opposite. The emerging trend turned into a youth subculture, the basic principles of which were based on the maximalist perception of the world and the psychology of the transitional age. What can be expected from a culture that has been formed among children who are not able to recognize the shades of life, while dividing the world into black and white only? The main principle of such a philosophy was "the more radical, the better." Do everything exactly the opposite. Antimoda. Anticulture. Anti-relationship. So to speak, a mass riot against the "mass" culture.

The phenomenon of trash

He is in active interaction with the glamor, with whom he has many similarities: marginality, exclusiveness, aggressiveness, awkwardness. If you look at the models and manifestations of such a subculture as trash (photo), then it can be easily noticed.


There is a concept of "trash" rock. It is called "treshkor" or "fastcor". He appeared in the 80's, in the US. This is something very similar to hardcore, only in its more rapid variation. Compositions are usually short, filled with piercing and shock riffs. The vocals line often dissonances with instrumental texture. But this manner of performance is by no means anti-musical. The lyrics are social, contain attempts to criticize social phenomena and social injustice.


What is trash in fashion? If you simplify to the maximum, then "fashion trash" - it's horrific colors, causing the model, a combination of incongruous. That is, complete disregard for decency, challenges to public opinion and philistine taste. And yet - it's pervasive piercings and tattoos, countless accessories, acid hair color, dreadlocks, false eyelashes, etc. Here, brightness and originality are important, one can even say brutality, and also unpredictability and energy. Trash models do not appear on the catwalks. They exist in spite of them, as opposed to fashion. If the fashion designers dictate that the current tight trousers, then trash "sews" the widest flare. This style is the desire to stand out from the crowd as unconventional and extraordinary as possible. The main thing is not to have rules, but to be able to be creative.


This style found expression in the cinema. The top three films of this direction (according to the Internet version): "Innocence of Muslims", "Book of the Doomsday" and "Remains."

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