Food and drinkRecipes

Cooking jam from a pear for the winter

Billets from pears are very delicious and aromatic, they are pleasant to use by themselves, and also used as a supplement to desserts, baked goods or even ice cream. With proper preparation, vitamins are preserved. Therefore, making jam from a pear for the winter will be a very good decision. Prepare it There are several ways.

We cook jam from a pear

The recipe allows you to prepare both jam and jam. The difference in sugar - in the first case, the usual, and in the second you need to use jelly. In addition, in jam, fruits can be left with lobules, and for jam or confiture, it is better to wipe them through a sieve. Per kilogram of pears you need 0.5 kilograms of sugar and one lemon. If sugar is not jelly, you can take fifty grams of gelatin. Gem from pears with lemon turns out not so cloying and very tasty. Peel the lemon peel, cut the fruit into pieces. Cut out the pears of the heart, cut them into pieces and put them in a saucepan with a lemon. Add sugar and turn on a small fire. After five minutes, the pears will be given juice, you need to mix everything thoroughly and turn on the fire to the maximum. As soon as the jam boils, again reduce the heat and cook for another quarter of an hour. Jam is ready, and jam needs to be wiped through a sieve. So you get a homogeneous mass without peel. To keep the jam from the pear for the winter well, use sterilized glass jars with tight lids for storage. Store in a dark cool place.

Pear jam with peaches

Gem from a pear for the winter can be different. The classic option involves the use of only pears and lemon, but you can make a stock and with peaches. A light acidity of peaches and a delicate taste of lemon are ideally combined with the taste of pears. Take half a kilogram of pears and as many peaches, a kilogram of sugar and juice of half a lemon. Peel the pears from the cores and peel, peaches remove the skin and bones. Grind the sliced fruit with a food processor or blender. Put into a saucepan, add sugar and cook over low heat, stirring constantly and removing the foam. When the jam thickens, add the lemon juice. Pour ready blank for sterilized jars, tighten the iron or plastic cover tightly and put it away for storage.

Pear jam with apples

Another way that allows you to make an unusual jam from a pear for the winter. In addition to apples, you can add and orange, then the dessert will have a bright citrus flavor. For a kilogram of pears, take the juice of one lemon, a kilogram of sweet and sour or sour apples, a kilogram of granulated sugar. If you prefer a natural taste of fruit, take less sugar, and if you like the sweeter, the amount can be increased to two kilograms. Peel the fruit from the seeds, cut into small pieces. Pour lemon juice and pour sugar, laying in a bowl, send to a slow fire. Stir constantly so that it does not burn. Cook for about forty minutes, then spread over pre-sterilized jars.

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