
A terrible disease is atrophy of the optic nerve

Man is truly a unique being. Every day our eyes process a lot of visual information. We do not even imagine what complex operations are taking place so that a person can see a picture that is understandable to him. Thanks to video pulses that go through the optic nerve, we visually perceive the environment.

However, there are cases in which some areas become impassable. This is atrophy of the optic nerve. Unfortunately, the ailment is increasingly affecting the youth. Just imagine what a tragedy this disease is for the full strength and energy of people. In most cases, the atrophy of the optic nerve is accompanied by the dying of its fibers. Until recently, almost all diseases of this kind caused partial blindness and did not respond to treatment. Physicians believed that the nervous tissue is not restored, and its atrophied areas are lost irrevocably. Now the majority of ophthalmologists state the following: if the degeneration of nerve fibers is partial, then vision is recoverable.

Depending on a number of circumstances, several types of disease are distinguished. There is a primary and secondary atrophy of the optic nerve. In the first case, the ailment is of an independent nature, and in the second case, the disease is caused by another inflammatory process. Depending on the degeneration of the optic nerve, partial and complete atrophy is distinguished. The course of the disease progress divides the ailment into a progressive and stationary form.

If we talk about the causes of atrophy, then they can be different. Consider the main ones: eye and vessel diseases, well-known glaucoma, toxic effects of alcohol and nicotine, inflammation of the brain, various infectious diseases. To understand how an ailment affects the vision of a person, you need to find out what happens during the disease. Only so you can figure it out.

The structure of the optic nerve resembles a telephone wire. One end of it goes to the retina, and the second one is connected to the brain, where all the video information is deciphered. The optic nerve consists of a large number of transmitting fibers that are covered with a membrane. Just imagine: the thickness of the "wire" is not more than two millimeters, and the "thread" is more than a million. Each fiber section is responsible for transmitting a certain type of image. In the event of death, so-called "mute zones" appear. A person is forced to change the angle of his view more often in order to see all the objects normally. That is why the atrophy of the optic nerve causes many unpleasant sensations: the field of vision narrows , there is pain arising during the movement of the eyes. In some cases, the perception of color changes .

Unfortunately, atrophy of the optic nerve, the symptoms of which are listed above - a disease that at the moment can not be quickly eliminated. The main task for an ophthalmologist is to "revitalize" as many nerve fibers as possible. Only in this case there will be a positive recovery trend. To do this, they resort to stimulation of the optic nerve with the help of alternating magnetic fields, electric currents, and lasers. The main thing is the correct diagnosis at the first stages of the disease. When using magnetic stimulation, there is an improvement in blood supply, which leads to a rapid healing process. If the atrophy is partial, after 10-15 sessions, your vision will improve significantly. Electrostimulation involves the use of impulses of an electrical nature. In this case, a special needle is injected directly into the eyeball, and the other electrode is fixed on the skin. Together with the above methods, standard therapy is used. Carry out a blood transfusion, the doctor prescribes vasodilator drugs. In some cases, resort to surgery.

As you can see, atrophy of the optic nerve, the treatment of which is carried out by different methods, is quite a serious disease. In no case should you ignore the deterioration of your vision. You should immediately contact an ophthalmologist who will put the correct diagnosis and in the early stages will help cure the ailment.

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