
Perforation points: reviews of doctors, instruction

The problem of reducing visual acuity in our age of computer technology is particularly acute. PCs, laptops, tablets and other modern achievements are no doubt useful and useful, but they are the main cause of eye fatigue and visual impairment.

How much time does a person spend on a computer daily? The answers may be different, but it is perhaps difficult to find even one who does not use modern technology at all. The overwhelming number of people spend every day from several tens of minutes to several hours, working at the computer, playing games, communicating in social networks, watching favorite TV shows, etc. And this is a significant burden on the eyes. Everyone knows this, but they continue to spoil their eyesight, forgetting not only to do special gymnastics to relieve tension, but even without observing the recommended breaks in work.

Why does vision deteriorate?

  1. Excessive eye strain. Prolonged action of bright sunlight on the organs of vision; Daily, without interruptions, work at the computer; Reading in poor light - all this leads to overloads, extremely harmful to the retina of the eyes. Disregard of the elementary rules of visual hygiene ends up in a pitiable way.
  2. Lack of training for the muscles involved in focusing the look. It's about the ciliary muscles, the reduction of which affects the curvature of the lens. If a person looks at the screen of a computer monitor for a long time, on a book page or on a TV screen, these muscles practically do not work. And in our body, elements that do not perform their functions for a long time, eventually, atrophy. Reducing the strength and stamina of ciliary muscles leads to a decrease in visual acuity.
  3. Destruction of visual pigment. Retinal cells responsible for perception of visual information and signal formation for the centers of the brain contain a special substance called rhodopsin, which is extremely important for the normal functioning of the eyes. In conditions of vitamin A deficiency, as well as with age, the visual pigment disintegrates, which leads to impaired vision.
  4. Problems with blood circulation. For example, atherosclerosis of vessels feeding the retina often causes a drop in visual acuity. Another disease in which the vessels of the eyes are affected is diabetes mellitus and its complication, such as retinopathy (pathological changes in the walls of the retinal vessels, as a result of which trophic is disrupted and retinal cells begin to experience ischemia).
  5. Dry eyes. Insufficient functioning of the lacrimal glands leads to the fact that the eyes dry, and this has a bad effect on visual acuity.
  6. Deterioration of eye function may be a symptom of the disease. Examples can serve not only the pathology of the organs of vision (cataract, glaucoma, keratitis), but also some other diseases (for example, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, pituitary adenoma).

What to do?

Are there effective methods of preventing visual acuity reduction or adjustments, if the latter did happen?

Everybody knows about gymnastics for the eyes, but for some reason not all of them perform it. But these simple exercises are very effective means of relieving fatigue during visual overloads.

Glasses are already a method of correction. For prevention, no one wears them, it is not necessary and even harmful. By itself, wearing glasses gradually reduces visual acuity, but for those who are already already poorly seen, there is simply no other way out than the constant use of glasses.

However, at the present time, glasses for correcting vision (perforating glasses) are gaining increasing popularity. In contrast to the usual, they do not contribute to the fall of vision when they are constantly worn; Act mainly as a means of prevention, not correction.

What are training glasses and how do they work?

Perforation glasses look like this: the place of glass lenses is occupied by dark plates with many small holes. The principle of their operation is based on the principle of diaphragm, that is, through these holes a lot of focused beams of light fall on the retina, which greatly increases the clarity of the image.

The perforation goggles increase visual acuity and help to relieve tension from muscles involved in accommodation.

Advantages and disadvantages

Perforation glasses improve vision only temporarily. Their action is based on the above-described effect of diaphragm, but after stopping the use of glasses, problems with vision are returned again. So, despite the assurances of advertising, glasses-simulators are not a curative. They are good, first of all, for prophylaxis, as their regular use helps prevent further fall in visual acuity.

It is very convenient that even those with absolutely normal vision can wear such glasses as a simulator to relieve fatigue. Perforating glasses are completely safe and do not exacerbate, in contrast to conventional corrective glasses, problems with eyesight.

The duration of their application is limited by the instruction, but nevertheless, if desired, you can wear them for longer. The absence of harm from their use allows you to sometimes violate the rules. Although, of course, in most cases this is very few people do. Plates in place of lenses significantly reduce the amount of sunlight falling on the retina, so it is not comfortable to stay in these glasses for a long time, especially in low light.

Perforation glasses require several days for adaptation. At first, there is a sense of obstruction before the eyes, discomfort due to reduced illumination. But with the regular use of glasses, all these effects quickly disappear.

How correctly to wear glasses-simulators?

Despite the relative safety, perforation glasses do not suit everyone. Even for them there is a list of contraindications:

  1. Glaucoma.
  2. Retinal pathology.
  3. Progressing myopia.
  4. Nystagmus.

In addition, it is also important to wear perforation glasses-simulators. The instruction clearly advises to use them no more than half an hour a day. This time is more than enough to rest the eyes and restore their efficiency.

The level of illumination is also very important, if you wear perforating glasses. The instruction does not recommend the use of them in the absence of sunlight, as the glasses themselves have a dimming effect. If this rule is neglected, there is a risk of tiring your eyes. After all, lack of lighting for them - a serious load.

What do patients say about glasses-simulators?

Opinions about this method of preventing eye problems diverge, but positive still prevail. Many who used perforating glasses, reviews about them leave about the following:

  1. Sight ceased to worsen.
  2. Eye fatigue decreased.
  3. There was an opportunity to go home without corrective glasses. After all, simulators can be used when watching TV programs or working at a computer, without resorting once again to ordinary glasses, even if it corrects the eyesight well, but still with prolonged wearing unsafe.

Some talk about the ineffectiveness of perforation glasses. Like, vision improves only when you wear them, and then returns to the previous state. But from the point of view of the purpose of these glasses there is no contradiction. Eyeglasses do not heal, their main task is to stabilize the vision at the level that is available now, preventing further deterioration. Those who talk about inefficiency, apparently, do not quite understand what perforating glasses-simulators do. The testimonies of these people show that they either did not read the instruction, or they were misled. Yes, advertising sometimes likes to give these glasses healing properties, but it's not entirely true.

What do the doctor's say?

Often, ophthalmologists recommend their patients wear perforation goggles. The doctors' comments about the latter are usually positive. Of course, no doctor views these glasses as a remedy, as they only improve vision for a while, and this effect is not good. However, as a means of preventing more serious visual disorders, perforation glasses proved to be good.

It is important only to follow the instructions. Although the glasses are positioned as completely harmless, the list of contraindications clearly indicates that they can still harm if they use inept use.

Side effects

Some people noted the appearance of headache, dizziness, nausea and pain in the eyes after wearing perforation glasses.

Why it became possible the emergence of all these unpleasant sensations? Most likely, in this case glasses have been worn for too long, perhaps even in poor lighting. And maybe those on whom glasses have had such an unpleasant effect, have acquired a fake, not the original product.

The use of glasses-simulators in accordance with recommendations (they can be read above) are usually not accompanied by such effects.

A few words in conclusion

Vision is a very important component of a comfortable existence, which is why eye health should be treated very carefully. It's always easier to destroy than to restore. The lost visual acuity is, as a rule, returned very difficult. So take care of your eyes. Do not forget to give them a rest from time to time, and do not be lazy to regularly perform gymnastics to relieve tension.

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