
Points of Professor Pankov: reviews. Pankov's points: myth or reality?

The modern world is full of all kinds of information. The area of medical discovery is especially interesting for people. Often you can hear about such a miracle device, like Pankov's glasses. The responses of very many practitioners are quite encouraging, but there are also no such bright impressions as the advertisement of the device promises. What are the miracle glasses, and what is the essence of their application in the field of vision restoration for adults and children?

The technique of impact on the eyes of quantum glasses by Professor Pankov

The essence of the innovative method of treating Pankov's eyes is to restore the vision by applying a color radiation to the retina. The structure of the human eye is such that it distinguishes colors according to the impulse of the brain to certain nerve endings. When various colors are applied to the eyes at a rapid pace, all tissues and nerve endings are stimulated, the blood supply is improved and the areas that seem to no longer fulfill their function are revived.

The new device, used in many medical centers for restoring vision, has positive reviews. Pankov's glasses, according to many experts in the field of ophthalmology and color therapy, deserve the attention of those people who lose sight or have side effects from working at the computer.

At its core, Pankov's quantum glasses are an exercise stimulator that improves the physiological function of each component of the eye apparatus. A lot of opinions are centered around the theme today, what are Pankov's quantum glasses. Reviews are both flattering and negative.

Where can I find detailed information about the Pankov device?

Before the design of the device was approved and allowed for mass production for medical applications to treat people's sight, the author, Professor Pankov, wrote an interesting paper on the possibility of restoring eyesight with the help of eye effects on all shades of the rainbow.

How look glasses Pankov, reviews about this device can be found without any problems. But in contradictory information from different vendors, it is not always possible to specifically understand what all the same treats this device and how to use it. Therefore, in most cases, those who really need help in restoring their vision, turn for explanations to the book of the professor, describing the physiological significance of each color, the Rainbow of Enlightenment. Points Pankov, reviews about them are directly related to the book.

Today, the market of medical devices is full of fakes, the instructions of the sold devices in almost every second case include descriptions from the author's source, but they are not entirely specific with regard to their application in practice.

The book describes the methods of affecting the eyes of artificial lighting, which is a warm-up. But not always exercises, for example, watching fish in an aquarium with colored lighting, gives an effect. But the deserved recognition due to the rhythm of their work was created by the author of the device - the glasses of Professor Pankov. Reviews, of course, can not give a detailed answer about the effectiveness of the device. To get a reliable assessment of glasses for the restoration of vision, one must also know the opinion of professional ophthalmologists.

Without the appointment of an ophthalmologist, the device is not used in practice. The effect of it can be professionally evaluated only by a specialist.

Effect of glasses on the restoration of vision

Pankov's glasses work on the eyes in this way:

  • Due to the supplied light signals there is a massage of the eye muscles; The spasm of the pupil is removed, which narrows and expands during exercise;
  • Due to the rhythmic work of the eye apparatus, the outflow of intraocular fluid improves, and the anterior chamber of the eye receives a fluctuation in the depth of perception of the image;
  • Muscle contraction improves blood circulation, which results in effective microcirculation in the retina of the eye, improves nutrition of all tissues, and therefore, visual perception improves.

In most cases, positive reviews of Pankov's glasses deserve to be used as a simulator for the prevention of unexplained eye diseases, as well as for training people's eyes whose professional sphere of activity is associated with a great load of vision: computer scientists, accountants, cashiers, scientists, pilots.

Recommendations for the use of training glasses

Pankov's glasses are prescribed by an ophthalmologist with an initial degree of cataract, astenopia, amblyopia, progressive myopia, glaucoma, strabismus, myopia, advanced farsightedness, optic nerve atrophy, retinal dystrophy.

If you rely on positive feedback, Pankov's glasses should also be used to prevent complications in the postoperative period if surgery was performed in the eye area.

Factors causing the use of glasses

  • Analyzing all the reviews, Pankov's glasses should be used as a simulator for office workers who do not actually have interruptions in their work while processing data on computer equipment.
  • Positively, the students also respond to the instruments, which have to strain their eyesight reading books day and night.
  • Useful points Pankova and those who instead of ordinary glasses wear modern lenses, from which tired eyes and often blush.
  • In many situations, the ophthalmologist prescribes the training with the device, if he is sure of the threat of the development of this or that eye disease.
  • Particularly useful is the use of the device in the diagnosis diagnosed by a specialist - a spasm of accommodation.

Possible contraindications to the use of an innovative simulator for vision

It is not allowed to use Pankov's device in cases of severe inflammation of the eyes, mental illnesses, oncology, diseases of the central nervous system, pregnancy, severe diabetes, pulmonary tuberculosis, recovery from a heart attack or stroke, and also practice on children under three years of age is not recommended.

All pros and cons of using a device for restoring vision

As already mentioned above, very many people who happened to encounter Pankov's glasses in practice, note the positive effect after undergoing a course of treatment under the supervision of an ophthalmologist. The number of patients in childhood in the total ratio exceeds the number of patients of middle and old age. Practice speaks of the importance of correcting visual defects at an early age.

People who decide to use the device without prescribing a doctor can not appreciate the effect professionally, so many negative reviews that link this discovery to nothing more than quackery.

Advice of professional ophthalmologists regarding the use of Pankov's glasses

Each ophthalmologist, before assigning a course of treatment with Pankov's glasses, always before this puts a clear diagnosis. The device may not give positive changes to the improvement of the state of vision, if the disease is too triggered. Pankov's glasses can be used only after drug treatment, after the removal of inflammation.

Therefore, ophthalmologists do not recommend their patients and people with vision problems to engage in unauthorized treatment at home, without knowing a clear diagnosis.

Where can I buy Pankov glasses?

What exactly should not be done, based on the above, so it is to acquire the device through online stores. The reason for this is a lot of counterfeits of an effective medical device and a lot of advertising.

Moreover, the advertisement of the device mostly accentuates the attention of the buyer not on its training purpose, but on medicinal properties. Particularly active Pankov points are offered on the sites of megacities. So, for example, an assessment was made of the opinions on this device of residents of St. Petersburg, who bother to purchase it through virtual vendors and try it in practice. If you study these reviews, Pankov's glasses (SPB - not the only region whose inhabitants fell into the tricks of advertisers) caused a lot of negative characteristics and distrust of this innovation.

So restore your vision is worth visiting an ophthalmologist, and if you buy the device, then only on the advice of a competent doctor, who certainly does not advise bad.

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