HealthDiseases and Conditions

Atrophy is what? The causes and signs of atrophy

Atrophy is a decrease in the volume of functioning tissues or organs that were originally formed normally. Reduction occurs by reducing the size of one cell, and then the rest of the number of cells that make up the tissue.

The development of atrophy leads to a complete cessation of the vital activity of the organ. Before this, its function decreases.

Local atrophy is divided into several types, depending on the causes of its development:

  • Dysfunctional atrophy (from inaction).
  • Ischemic atrophy.
  • Neurotic atrophy.
  • Atrophy from pressure.

Dysfunctional atrophy develops from inaction. There is a decrease in the function of a particular organ. For example, prolonged bed rest after a fracture leads to atrophy of the musculature.

With narrowing the lumen of the arteries that feed the organ, atrophy is caused by ischemia. This narrowing of the arteries is accompanied by hypoxia. Hypoxia provokes a decrease in the volume of cells, and then a decrease in the function of the organ.

Neurotic atrophy has the property of developing with denervation.

In the presence of an encapsulated benign tumor, pressure is exerted on the bone tissue, which can cause atrophy.

Causes of general atrophy

1. Cancer depletion.

2. Lack of nutrients.

3. Endocrine cachexia.

4. Cachexia for infectious diseases of chronic form.

5. Cerebral cachexia.

First, during the general atrophy, the fat stores disappear from the fat depots, and then the development of atrophy of the skeletal musculature begins.

If the cause of development of atrophy is identified and its elimination, it is possible to partially and sometimes completely restore the structure and function of the damaged organ. If sclerosing processes have gone too far, recovery is impossible.

Amyotrophy. Symptoms

During the process of muscle atrophy, there is a decrease in their volume and the degeneration of muscle fibers. They become thinner than usual, and if the case is particularly severe, the number of muscles is reduced to zero.

With the development of muscle atrophy, deformation of the tissue occurs, with the replacement of the muscular with the connective, in which the motor function is impracticable.

This disease is divided into two types:

- primary atrophy;

Secondary atrophy.

In the case of the defeat of the muscle itself, the primary form is diagnosed. Most often it develops as a result of trauma, intoxication, bruising or physical overwork.

In the case of post-traumatic complications or the transfer of any infections, a secondary form of the disease may develop. This form is much more common than the first.

For all types of muscle atrophy, there is a common symptom - a damaged muscle is diminishing in volume, and this is especially noticeable when compared with a healthy one.

Atrophy of muscles: treatment with Bubnovsky's method

The causes of muscle atrophy are as follows:

- aging of the body;

- disturbed metabolism;

- parasitic and infectious diseases;

- Insufficiency of enzymes.

The Bubnovsky method is a unique technique, which is protected by the copyright patent. According to this technique, a complete myofascial examination is first carried out, after which the evaluation of the condition of muscles and joints in the complex is performed, and then the location of the triger zones is indicated.

The restoration program is installed after all the studies. The recovery program is formed strictly individually. Supplementation with balneotherapy and cryotherapy.

Brain atrophy

The human brain decreases with age as in volume and weight. Brain atrophy often develops in the frontal part, which is responsible for executive functions, such as control, planning, behavior.

Causes of brain atrophy

As a rule, cerebral atrophy is caused by genetic factors. And the external influence only aggravates the course of the process.

There were no other reasons for the time of the research.

Symptoms of brain atrophy

Disease begins with changes that occur in the person. The patient becomes sluggish, inactive, indifferent. Gradually there is a decrease in the ability to think productively, there is a depletion of vocabulary. Motor skills also deteriorate. After a while the patient does not recognize the objects, can not understand why they are needed, and accordingly, can not use them. The problem of orientation due to memory impairment develops. A few years later, brain atrophy provokes a complete moral and physical disintegration of the individual - marasmus.

Treatment of brain atrophy

The patient should be kept in familiar living conditions, as soon as atrophy began to manifest. This will help him to preserve the life stereotypes for a longer time. For the patient, it is necessary to create such conditions that he is busy with his usual affairs, and also lay less in the light of day, but move more. When you move to the hospital, the patient's condition can deteriorate dramatically, but if there is no permanent home care, moving to a hospital or special boarding is necessary.

Atrophy of the optic nerve

Atrophy of the nerve of the eye is the dying out of the fibers of the nerve of the eye and their replacement by a connective tissue. Atrophy of the optic nerve can be both congenital and acquired. And also it is classified into primary and secondary.

A group of diseases caused by genetic factors is congenital atrophy. It has been observed since birth, when vision suffers from early childhood.

Acquired atrophy of the nerve of the eye develops after the defeat of retinal cells. Its causes may be short-sightedness, glaucoma or trauma.

Causes of optic atrophy

- Directly eye disease.

- Diseases of the nervous system.

- Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

- Injuries of the eye.

- Heredity.

Symptoms of optic atrophy

- Decreased vision.

- The appearance of cattle (blind spots).

- Narrowing the field of view.

- Deterioration of color visibility.

Atrophy is a relatively common disease. To avoid it, it is necessary to pass a course of treatment with various injuries, to lead an active lifestyle, to get involved in something, to strive for something and at the first signs of a disease it is necessary to apply to a specialist.

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