Sports and FitnessWeight loss

Why do you need to calculate the body mass index?

Obesity has long been the number one problem in many countries around the world. They are affected not only by adults, but also by children. Excess body weight makes a person not only aesthetically unpleasant, but also physically unhealthy.

People with superfluous fatty deposits suffer from diseases of the heart, joints and brain. Some people so start the situation that they can not even move independently, then a vicious circle arises: weight prevents you from moving, and the lack of physical activity leads to an even greater accumulation of kilograms.

Opposite situation develops with dystrophy, although many are also susceptible to it. Moreover, this state is not always connected with material difficulties (as in the countries of the third world), until adolescence is driven by adolescent girls, trying to acquire a model appearance. The result of fashionable "diets" is a lack of strength, a violation of hormone exchange, infertility or even death.

Such a simple figure of physique, as the body mass index (BMI) can say a lot about a person. It would seem that to calculate it you need to know only your height and weight, but this is enough to understand whether a person is suffering from obesity, or, conversely, from lack of weight. Often this figure is calculated in gyms and fitness centers for those who come to classes.

How to calculate body mass index?

Find out your mass index will be interesting for everyone.

So, the formula by which it is calculated looks like this : the weight of a person (measured in kg) / height of a person (measured in meters), squared.

Consider an example:

The girl weighs 60 kg, and her height is 167 cm.

Calculation: 60 / (1.67 * 1.67) = 21.58. This is the result.

How to evaluate the result of BMI calculation?

If the BMI = less than 16.5, then the person suffers from a pronounced lack of weight.

With a BMI = 16.5 - 18.4, then there is a lack of weight.

BMI = 18.5 - 24 is the norm.

With BMI = 25 - 29, that is, pre-fatigue.

BMI = 30 - 34 is considered obesity of the I degree.

BMI = 35 - 39 - hence, there is obesity of the II degree.

BMI = more than 40 is considered obesity of the third degree.

Such a calculation is not suitable for athletes, because a high BMI in them can be associated with developed muscles. Also, it will not be possible to correctly assess the weight of pregnant, breastfeeding women, children and the elderly.

After the calculation it becomes clear what it is necessary to do to each individual person. At low rates, you need to gain weight, and at high - it should be dropped.

At normal rates fitness can be engaged only in the cosmetic purposes, it is not necessary to grow thin.

If the body mass index is in the area of pre-fattening, it is worth paying close attention to your health. With the appearance of extra pounds, the risk of developing hypertension, diabetes and arthritis increases. Although in Israel, a study was conducted, the result of which suggests that the optimal BMI for men is 25-27.

Obesity is more susceptible to men, women begin to suffer them after the onset of menopause.

Body mass index and metabolic syndrome (MT).

MT is characterized by a complex of pathological processes in the human body, which can lead not only to the onset of diabetes mellitus (type II), but also cardiovascular diseases.

If a man has a waist circumference exceeding 102 cm in diameter and a woman has 88 cm, blood pressure is higher than 130 by 80 mm Hg, and a person has a sedentary lifestyle and smokes, he is at risk of vascular accidents (heart attack and Stroke). The syndrome is confirmed by changes in laboratory tests, when the fasting glucose level (in the blood) is above the level of 6.1 mmol / l, and the cholesterol index is more than 5 mmol / l).

But it is overweight that is considered the main factor in the development of hypertension and diabetes. In addition, the liver, brain and reproductive system suffer. The first and basic condition in the complex of therapeutic measures of the metabolic syndrome is a low-calorie diet and physical activity.

To know and control your weight means to embark on a path leading to a healthy life.

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