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Treatment of psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide: reviews. Psoriasis: symptoms and treatment. Is it possible to cure psoriasis?

Psoriasis affects the skin of the human body and joints. Psoriasis of the skin is chronic, sometimes in severe form. It is accompanied by the appearance of reddish-burgundy patches rising above the skin with the presence of silvery-white scales (hence the second name for the disease is scaly lichen).

Spots either scatter on the body, like drops, or merge into plaques, forming localized foci, the sizes of which range from tiny to huge. In addition to physical suffering, the disease causes significant psychological discomfort. Because of it, there is social phobia, expressed in reduced self-esteem, the acquisition of inferiority complexes, in the difficulties of communication and difficulties in professional activity.

Does psoriasis concern infectious diseases?

Centuries ago psoriasis was excessively feared, identifying it with leprosy. In the era of Hippocrates, these two diseases were combined into one, calling them "lepra." Now, although people know the answer to the question of whether psoriasis is transmitted, when they meet with a patient who is not really able to infect them, they do not hide the horror.

Most medical scientists believe that the cause of the onset of the disease lies in the negative shifts occurring in the genetic system of patients. This is the main reason, although not the only one. Fortunately, they were completely able to refute the infectious theory of scaly lichen.

Doctors did not record a single case of transmission of psoriasis from sick people to healthy people. They can not get infected even at the time of blood transfusion. Remember hard - psoriasis is not contagious. But he is not aesthetic. Fear causes the skin lesions that are disfiguring the skin.

In addition to the hereditary theory, doctors focus on endocrine and metabolic disorders, as well as changes in the immune system of patients. They often explain the appearance of scaly lichen by transferring all sorts of neuroses and stresses. Physicians at the moment recognize that psoriasis is a mystery to them.

Despite the many causes of the disease, treatment results in a significant weakening of symptoms, prolonged persistent remissions, and in some cases, complete disappearance of psoriasis.

Heredity and psoriasis

Since 60% of patients have or had relatives burdened with the disease, doctors answer the question about whether psoriasis is inherited, answer in the affirmative. They determined the chromosome responsible for the transfer process. And if the patient does not know any of the ancestors suffering from scaly lichen, this does not mean that they were not. The ailment is dozing for years. He can not touch the children and grandchildren, but will amaze the great-grandchildren or great-grandsons.

The disease affects people who have reached the age of 15-25 years. Its development is associated with puberty, when the psyche is particularly vulnerable and the hormonal background is being restructured. Such impulses to the emergence of ailments, such as conscription into the army, service, unhappy love, death of relatives are not uncommon. Start up the action of psoriasis mental disruptions and environmental problems (in industrial cities, the disease flows much more heavily).

The appearance of the disease is so unpredictable that its behavior is equated with the action of an unexploded bomb: when and why it breaks, nobody knows.

Symptoms of psoriasis

Psoriasis begins with the appearance of a rash, which captures small areas. It is a single disjointed plaque, localized in the favorite places. Psoriasis is found on the hands, the head, its scalp, legs, in this or that part of the body. They are affected by the sacrum, knee and elbow joints, external intimate area, axillary hollows and other areas.

Psoriasis disfigured skin is clearly delineated from healthy areas. The surface of plaques from bright pink to a rich red color is covered with loose silvery white scales. Eruptions accompany desquamation. Often the psoriasis weakens in the summer (symptoms). And the treatment, conducted all the time, is not to blame. They make the sun go away. In some people, the symptoms disappear completely.

In addition, psoriasis is characterized by the phenomenon of Kebner (when the disease affects the site of scratches and injuries). With scaly lichen, not only skin integuments suffer, but also joints. If joints are involved in painful processes, an additional concomitant diagnosis arises in patients - psoriatic arthritis.

Treatment of psoriasis

It does not matter, psoriasis is found on the hands or other parts of the body, treatment is carried out in two ways. First of all, efforts are directed at interrupting the cycle that causes the accelerated growth of skin cells. This prevents the formation of plaques and can reduce the inflammatory process. Secondly, local remedies remove scales and smooth out the skin.

Carry out medication and photochemotherapy (when there are no contraindications to it). Phototherapy is prescribed if treatment with medications has not brought success - psoriasis (symptoms) does not decrease. And treatment is required in more radical forms. The photochemotherapy method allows to achieve anti-inflammatory effect and correction of immune processes.

With this technique, psoriatic plaques are affected by UV rays. The skin under the influence of ultraviolet is suppressed inflammatory reactions. This method has side effects, expressed in the withers, redness and aging of the skin.

If photochemotherapy does not succumb to psoriasis, the physician proceeds to methods of systemic treatment, in which he prescribes drugs in injections and orally. The method contributes to a significant weakening of the symptoms of scaly lichen, causing incidentally side effects, consisting in toxic effects on the kidneys and liver.

For this reason, systemic therapy is selected strictly individually, relying on blood tests. During the treatment, blood tests and the patient's health are monitored.

Medicines for psoriasis

To suppress the disease, many tools are used, found by folk healers and developed by official medicine. Medicines are selected individually for the patient, taking into account the type and extent of the ailment and the peculiarities of its course. For example, the initial psoriasis is treated with topical agents.

Affected areas are treated with special solutions, ointments, creams and shampoos. Complicated forms of the disease are eliminated by local hormonal drugs - glucocorticosteroids, which freeze outbreaks of inflammatory processes. Such preparations from psoriasis significantly reduce the peeling and itching in the area of plaques.

With suppression of excessively rapidly dividing epithelial cells, calcipotriol, which is analogous to vitamin D 3 , copes. It is well tolerated by people suffering from scaly lichen. Especially it is effective in combination with glucocorticosteroids.

You can not take hormone preparations for psoriasis for a long time. They are too toxic, give unwanted serious side effects, are addictive, leading to atrophy of the skin, especially those located in areas of natural folds. And after remission, sometimes quite prolonged, the disease flares up with renewed vigor, and its foci grows at the same time, taking the skin clean from plaques.

In attempts to get rid of the disease, salicylic acid is widely used, which has a retarding effect on the rapid division of cells and removes inflammatory responses. In local treatment, ointments are used based on boric acid, tar and zinc oxide. Carry out treatment of psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide. Reviews about it, as well as about other means, are different. Only the doctor will be able to say definitely whether it is worth trying this method to a particular patient or not.

Hydrogen peroxide versus psoriasis

Is it possible to treat psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide? Reviews based on some data and preliminary studies, argue that there are indeed positive results of treatment with hydroperitone.

Theoretical aspects

Hydrogen peroxide to a certain extent is able to remove inflammatory and immunological reactions that occur on the skin. But research in this direction is not completed. Scientists do not understand the mechanism of the drug.

Supporters who advocate the treatment of psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide, whose reviews are publicly available, argue that it mitigates the manifestations of the disease, reduces the number of foci with plaques, eliminates itching. However, all these reviews are unofficial, they are left by the patients using the medication to treat psoriasis. However, negative feedback is written no less than positive.

We are talking about three methods of treating peroxide: its local application, internal use according to Neumyvakin and intravenous injection.

Local peroxide treatment

Local treatment with 3% peroxide solution is ineffective. Perhaps, someone had a remission, but it took too long to reach it (especially if the outbreaks are large).

The second method of topical application involves the use of 30% peroxide (perhydrolys). Women with psoriasis of the head are going to become blondes, using as a paint perhydrol. Thanks to this procedure, they say, they manage to get rid of scaly lichen, hidden by hair.

Removal of plaques with perhydrolem in other places, especially in tender areas, proves to be an intolerable procedure. Peroxide of such concentration causes strong burning, therefore patients cease to perform painful treatment. Negative feedback on this method is more than positive.

Peroxide for internal treatment according to Neumyvakin

According Neumyvakin should take peroxide inside, gradually bringing the dose of the drug to 30 drops. Since the effect of atomic oxygen released from peroxide is not fully understood, many physicians warn of the dangers of using this method of treatment. And again, there are no reliable data on the treatment by official sources. The procedure is under study.

Intravenous treatment with peroxide

With intravenous administration of the drug, atomic oxygen, which has got into the blood, quickly spreads through the cells of the body. It is assumed that it burns pathogenic cells. However, to ensure that the diseased cells will be destroyed, and the healthy ones will remain unaffected until no one can. In addition, this procedure is quite dangerous. It is not suitable for self-treatment. It is performed only by qualified doctors. It has the side effect of triggering premature aging.

When a person realizes that his illness is almost incurable, he is ready to grab for any straw. However, do not forget to include the mind. Whatever the advertised treatment of psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide, the reviews indicate with precision that this method is not a panacea for squamous lichen. Peroxide is not a harmless medicine. It is quite toxic and can do much more harm than good.

Expert opinion

From the results of the study, it is known that there are certain advantages in the treatment of flaky diarrhea with hydrogen peroxide. It increases the permeability of the nail bed, which facilitates penetration into the nail of medicines prescribed for psoriasis. But this fact does not give grounds to believe that it is possible to treat psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide. The responses of medical scientists are as follows: hydrogen peroxide can not be considered a treatment for psoriasis.

Where to treat psoriasis?

The most famous places where psoriasis is treated include the regions located on the coast of two seas - the Dead and the Red. People with psoriasis go to be healed in Israel, Jordan or Safaga. There, dry and hot air increases the effect of sea baths, the water in which is saturated with salts, healing clays and sands.

However, positive results in the treatment of psoriasis have been achieved in clinics and resorts in Russia, CIS countries and Europe. Therapeutic factors of the Sea of Azov are hydrogen sulphide muds and healing clays. In the Kazakh lake Alakol, where psoriasis is treated, completely unique salt waters with chloride-sulphate-sodium composition.

In Azerbaijan, squamous lichen is treated with naphthalan baths, ointments and wraps, and in Abkhazia - on hydrogen sulfide sources. They go to get rid of psoriasis on the hydrogen sulphide keys of Perm, salt lakes located in the Crimea and near Rostov.

Popular Russian clinics where psoriasis is treated

There are many places in Russia where you can try to cure psoriasis. The clinic "PresidentMed" eliminates plaques with the help of effective technology of cold plasma. In the network of clinics "LINLINE" apply painless laser technologies for the treatment of ailment. Visible results are obtained after the first procedure. In the clinic "Urban Resort" modern techniques combine with healing water procedures.

You can treat psoriasis in many other Russian clinics and resorts. The choice of a medical institution depends on the individual case and financial capacity of the patient. For example, they seek treatment at the clinic of Dr. Kupeev, where 10 days of treatment cost about 65,000 rubles. Here they are treated according to the unique technique of phytolaserrophore (this method is not used in any other clinic in the world). Patients undergo 4 courses of treatment.

Free treatment can be achieved by obtaining a quota in federal institutions, where they use PUVA therapy, ointments of non-hormonal origin and effective medicines. The quota is received in the regional and oblast KVD.

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