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White discharge in men: causes and treatment

When allocation in men - is it worth worrying about? Sometimes women have, or rather, whitened. But few know that the appearance of different types of secretions is also characteristic of the male sex. As a rule, representatives of him do not pay much attention to this, but only until the whites begin to inconvenience. This occurs when the urethra in men begins to release fluid or mucus. Most often this condition is the norm, but in some cases it may indicate a disease.

To see abundant discharge is very easy. Most often they appear after a dream or after urination. If the white discharge in men is seen during a strong excitement, it means that with health, everything is in order. It is necessary to be worried when this does not happen during sexual intercourse. If this symptom is manifested regularly, most likely, an inflammatory process is under way. Also, white discharge in men can be a symptom of a disease that is sexually transmitted, for example, chlamydia.


It happens that a man becomes infected with thrush. This is a very rare phenomenon, but such cases are encountered in practice. Symptoms of this disease in men are white, curd discharge from the urethra. The reason may be a decrease in immunity, the intake of antibiotics, treatment with chemotherapy or infection from your partner. White discharge in men can be due to a disease such as urethritis. During the inflammation of the urethra, the mucosa begins to produce red blood cells, white mucus and fluid that accumulate in the areas of inflammation. The next reason why guys develop leukemia is the damage to the urethra by chemicals, such as salt crystals. If there are white discharge in men from the urethra, which are accompanied by burning and itching, this may be a sign of chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis. These diseases require medical attention. Isolations having a foamy consistency mean that a man Was infected with the most common disease - trichomoniasis. Well, the most dangerous and unpleasant disease in men is prostatitis. Symptoms are also white discharge, there is a difficulty with urination, problems in intimate life begin. Proceeding from the above, it can be concluded that all the discharges that bring discomfort - is the result of the inflammatory process. The body thus manifests protection or response to infection. The abundance of such secretions in men indicates the scale of a dangerous disease.


In all cases, you need to see a doctor immediately. Allocations of any kind are cause for concern. It is necessary during the treatment to refrain from any sexual relations. If it does not work, then at least use condoms. In no case can not be treated at home independently. After all, this can lead to the transfer of infection from the front of the urethra to the back, that is, to the prostate or testicles. Well, the most serious consequence may be impotence or infertility.

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