
Evergreen diffenbachia. Effects on humans

In offices, various institutions, waiting rooms and many modern houses, one can see such an adorable flower as dienenbachia. The effect on humans of this plant has not yet been fully studied, but some features of it are known. This decorative indoor flower came to us from South America, it is a worthy decoration of any room, but before buying it is necessary to study its positive and negative properties in order to avoid undesirable consequences in the future.

Dieffenbachia belongs to the family of Aroids, this evergreen plant was liked by many of its large leaves with light green divorces. If the flower plays the role of decoration, and no one will touch it, then not only will it not do anything wrong, but it will positively affect the surrounding people. Diffenbachia has many useful properties. Influence on a person it has through the purification of air from microorganisms that cause various diseases. This property of the plant is explained by the presence of phytoncides. Also, a room flower can increase the humidity of the air, thereby reducing dustiness in the room.

In houses and offices of large polluted cities, from the harmful effects on the body of benzene, xylene, formaldehyde and trichloro-tilene, people will be saved by diffenbachia. Influence on humans plant has a positive, because it absorbs dangerous toxins. Although this fact is not proved, it is believed that the flower has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, cures diseases associated with it, so it is recommended to keep the diffenbahia in the house of the elderly.

But still, not everything is as rosy as we would like, the plant also has some negative properties. In South America, the "mute" was considered to be the diffenbachia. Influence on the person it renders through contact of juice with mucous membrane. Previously, slave owners punished her with disobedient slaves. For profanity or excessive talkativeness, they forced the bitten bite to bite the stem of the plant. The poisonous juice promoted a strong edema of the tongue and larynx, so the person suffered a great deal of pain for a long time and remained dumb. If it gets into the eyes, the flower causes blindness, and the skin - a burn.

According to some reports, the plant is able to take man's strength, so it is not recommended to put the couple in the bedroom. Such a bush has nothing to do in a house where there are children or animals, because they can cause tangible damage to the diffenbachia. Flowering can weaken the plant, so the flower that appears must necessarily be cut off. This pretty bush basically holds for the sake of beautiful, motley and large leaves, over the years they will fall off, and the trunk will be bare, so the old plant looks not very decorative.

Before you plant a diffenbachia, you must wear gloves. The same must be done with the cuttings, because the juice on the skin can cause a burn or a small abscess. After working with a flower in the room, you must wash your hands with warm water and soap, and wash your face.

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