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Icon of the Mother of God "Healer". Church in the name of the icon of the Mother of God "Healer"

The Orthodox Church reveres the Mother of God above all the saints, glorifies Her more than the Angels, the Archangels and all the ethereal powers of the Heavenly. Believers Christians have always expressed their love for the Theotokos, as manifested in the numerous Slavonic chants dedicated to Her.

The Virgin icons in Orthodoxy

There are several hundred different icon-painting images of the Virgin, venerated by the Orthodox and recognized by the Holy Church as miraculous. The Most-holy Theotokos is prayed even for the salvation of the soul, although it is customary to ask only for the One God.

Many times the Mother of God showed the power of Her intercession through miraculous icons, thereby showing her great love for all Orthodox Christians. One of these icon-painting images is the icon of the Mother of God "Healer", a photo of which is presented below. Let's talk about it in more detail.

Icon of the Mother of God "Healer"

The history of the Blessed Virgin icon "Healer" begins with the IV century. Many Christians prayed in a wonderful way, asking for salvation and intercession. The Most Holy Theotokos always heard sincere prayers, helping every needy Christian. Historical events that preceded the appearance of this icon are described in the work of Saint Demetrius of Rostov "Runo Irrigated".

According to the church legend, the details of this event are as follows. One pious clergyman named Vikenty Bulvinensky, who lived in the 4th century in Kartalinia (Georgia), used to leave the temple to make a warm and sincere prayer to the Blessed Virgin. But one day he was visited by a serious illness caused by the defeat of the tongue. At the same time, the clergyman experienced unbearable pains and periodic obscuration of the mind. In the brief minutes, when the pain subsided, he came to himself and prayerfully turned to the Blessed Virgin Mary for help.

Once, after another suffering, the clergyman saw near his bed the Angel praying to the Theotokos about the recovery of Vikenty. The Blessed Virgin immediately heard the request and herself came to heal the sick man. After this miraculous vision Vikenty fully recovered, and the pain and suffering ceased. The priest told about the miracle that was happening, and this event was the reason for writing the icon.

The Mother of God "Healer" on the holy icon is depicted standing patient at the bedside, but this image belongs to a later time. The original Kartalinsky "Healer" was lost, and also the unknown description of his image remained. The icon of the Mother of God "Healer" is glorified by the miraculous, its celebration is performed on October 1.

Miraculous list of the XVIII century

At the end of the XVIII century in Russia was also glorified by the great miracles list with this icon. Long since, many believers have come with heartfelt prayers to a wonderful image. Christians from many Russian cities came to worship the holy icon, receiving numerous healings from mental and bodily diseases. The Icon of the Mother of God "Healer" was kept in the Moscow Alekseevsky Convent. After the revolution, she was transferred to the Resurrection Church in Sokolniki.

The Icon of the Mother of God "Healer" and in our days helps all Orthodox Christians who earnestly pray. Through faith and hope, many receive healing for various health problems, as well as a lack of mother's milk, with difficult births, etc.

National veneration of the Theotokos

Since ancient times in Russia special love and reverence have been given to the Blessed Virgin Mary, which was reflected in the numerous hymns dedicated to Her. One of such laudatory works is the Akathist Icon of the Mother of God "Healer", which describes the history of the glorification of the icon, as well as various miracles that emanate from it.

There are many icon images, revealed to the Christian world under various circumstances. The miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Healer" is considered one of the most revered in Orthodoxy, because through her the Theotokos incessantly exhibits various miracles of healing and help to believing Christians.

Earth life of the Queen of Heaven

Information on the earthly life of the Blessed Virgin Mary is extremely small. In the Gospel narratives, only certain moments related to Her activities are described:

  1. The Birth of Jesus Christ.
  2. Youth of the Savior.
  3. The first miracle of the Savior, committed in Cana of Galilee.
  4. The only time is during the preaching of Jesus Christ (Matthew 12: 49-50).
  5. Standing at the Cross.

Why so little information about the Theotokos that have survived to this day? This is due to the Christian character of the Most Holy Mother of Christ, manifested in such features as silence and modesty. Having great piety and faith in the One God, she was deeply humble and patient.

The role of the Theotokos in the salvation of the world

The role of the Virgin in the public consciousness is connected with the salvation of mankind. For many millennia the people of God waited for the promised Savior, trusting in deliverance from sin and eternal death. Through His prophets, the Lord repeatedly promised that the Savior will be born of the Virgin. Therefore, the Jewish people were so respected with women giving birth and despised the barren, honoring them for sinners.

Thanks to the humility and holiness of the Most Holy Theotokos, our salvation, which occurred through the earthly incarnation of the Son of God, became possible. Being the Mother of God's Son, Mary became the true Mother to all Christians. With the miraculous incarnation of the Savior, the Mother of God showed true humility, patience, accepting voluntary torment in anticipation of the Divine Suffering of her Son. Thanks to the Theotokos, today we all have the opportunity to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.

In addition, after the Holy Assumption the Most Holy Theotokos appeared many times to many people, giving help through the phenomenon of icons. The history of each individual icon is a description of events and miracles revealed during the glorification of various images of the Virgin. And in each case, the Mother of God manifested herself as a great intercessor of Orthodox Christians, helping, healing, comforting, supporting and saving the faithful children of the Church of Christ.

That is why love for his Heavenly Mother, the Virgin Mary, is so strong in Russia. That is why Her icons are so venerated and glorified.

Help of the Virgin

Prayer to the "Healer" - the icon of the Mother of God - gives Christians faith in the real help of the Virgin, thanks to which many believers find solace in sorrow, and also receive real healing from various diseases.

The Most Holy Theotokos, being the Mother of God Himself, is closer to Him than all saints. The Lord Jesus Christ, dying on the Cross, entrusted the Most Holy Theotokos to the adoption of all mankind. The Virgin Mary has become a true Mother to all people, unceasingly showing Her great love and help to all who ask. Mother's prayer always works wonders, and the prayer of the Mother of God before the Throne of God has a special power and boldness.

Prayer of Our Lady "Healer"

There is a pious custom to perform a special prayer before the icon of the Virgin . Many priests advise also to apply to the Most Holy Theotokos with their words, the main condition is that prayer should come from the heart, be sincere and full of humility.

The prayer of the Mother of God "Healer" is set forth in Orthodox prayer-books and akathists. Its meaning is very deep - here are listed numerous miracles, revealed by the Virgin through His holy icon. Also, a request is made to the Mother of God that She should not stop praying to her Son about sinful people who have faith, hope and hope.

Prayer to the "Healer" - the icon of the Mother of God - helps all those who believe in Her holy help. The Virgin Mary, through the prayers of Christians, gives them real consolation in sorrows and sorrows, supporting on a difficult life path.


The veneration of the Virgin was known in the first centuries of Christianity. In the Roman catacombs, which were the first temples for Christians, in the excavations were found wall murals of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This confirms the ancient tradition of the iconographic image of the Queen of Heaven as a sign of her deep respect among Christians.

Icons of the Virgin reveal to the believers the Christian dogma. According to the patristic literature, "The Holy Virgin is superior to all and all the greatness of her dignity." Church prayer is called the Blessed Virgin "Queen of the Good", "Hope", "Intercessor of the orphans", "Wanderers the Witness", "Joy of the Grieving", "Patroness of the Offended".

God's Mother Healer is a great helper to all Christian believers in our day, showing various miracles of healing to all needy.

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