Health, Diseases and Conditions
Whether it is possible to get rid of a balanoposthitis at the child?
How to get rid of balanoposthitis in a child? What is the difference of this ailment? What are its primary symptoms? This is what we will talk about as much as possible in this article.
Main reasons
- The development of balanoposthitis in a child specialists are primarily associated with microflora in the body, or rather staphylococcus, proteus, E. coli. The thing is that these microorganisms penetrate quite easily into the internal systems of organs when basic hygiene standards are violated. Infrequent diaper change, poor hygiene means, relatively rare washing up - all these factors lead to the development of balanoposthitis in a child.
- With this ailment, the cause will also have to be found in detergents, or rather in washing powders. After all, they often provoke the development of contact dermatitis as a minor allergic reaction to some of their components.
- On the other hand, another common cause of balanoposthitis in a child is the imperfection of the structure of the external genitalia. Here we are talking about the narrowing of the foreskin. However, experts warn that in the absence of inflammatory processes and severe urination disorders, no additional treatment is required.
According to experts, this kind of ailment occurs relatively suddenly and is primarily manifested in the form of a slight reddening on the head of the penis. The child begins to constantly cry and be capricious, he has severe pain when urinating, and the body temperature also rises rapidly. Under the skin of the penis itself, the so-called smigma becomes noticeable, which in the absence of qualified treatment quickly turns into pus. This is how the purulent balanoposthitis occurs in the child. Subsequently, without therapeutic assistance, the problem is already in a chronic stage.
If primary symptoms are detected, it is recommended that parents immediately seek help from a pediatric surgeon or a urologist. As for conservative home treatment, it implies compliance with all the rules of hygiene. So, it is recommended to wash it after every feces. Before using the diaper, wipe the skin thoroughly with a special moisturizer. As for non-traditional therapy, in this case, a great option are the baths using chamomile, calendula and furacillin solution. Antibiotics are prescribed exclusively as a last resort when the disease is started, and the methods listed above do not help at all. In chronic stages, surgical intervention is also often required, in which circumcision is circumcised.
In this article, we examined the main causes of such a disease as balanoposthitis in children, whose photo is not listed for aesthetic reasons. We hope that the recommendations for treatment will be useful. Be healthy!
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