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Canopy for air conditioning for a few hours

On the wall block located on the side of the street, it is easy to guess that this room is air-conditioned. This block is quite strong, and its base is able to withstand heavy winter loads in the form of snow or frozen water. However, this fact is not a guarantee that the unit will withstand icicle attacks.

Often above the block is a visor for the air conditioner. This design is not supplied with the device, and its manufacture falls completely on the shoulders of the owners of the air conditioner. Installation of the visor is mandatory in cases where the roof of the house is gable and on the eaves hang icicles, which, when falling, can damage the outdoor unit.

To avoid unpleasant situations, it is necessary to install a visor for the outdoor unit of the air conditioner. For a person who knows how to use a tool, it is not difficult to build such a structure.

First, you need to determine the dimensions that will have a visor for the air conditioner. This is very simple: you just need to look in the technical passport, which indicates the dimensions of the air conditioner. If this is not found, just measure the dimensions of the outer block with a tape measure. The most common size of the visor is 1x0.5 meters.

Prefabricated frame is made on which the visor will be fixed. When it is manufactured it is recommended to use a metal corner, which will ensure the strength of the structure and it will not be expensive for money. The corner itself must necessarily be galvanized, which will prevent the appearance of corrosion. The height of the support should be 25 centimeters.

The angle of inclination, under which the surface of the visor is located to the ground, should be around 70 degrees. An increase in the angle of inclination of this design will result in the accumulation of snow on the surface of the visor in the winter, which can eventually lead to a disastrous result.

The material with which you can cover the visor for the air conditioner is varied. The cheapest material in this case is channel polycarbonate. This material can be easily processed, and a variety of colors will allow you to choose the most suitable option.

For fixing the roofing material to the frame, which is made specially for the visor for the air conditioner, it is best to use self-tapping screws. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the corner from which the frame is welded and the thickness of the selected material for the roof. In most cases, enough self-cutters 25 mm in length for metal.

Mount the peak to the wall is best anchored bolts. This will give the construction the necessary strength and resistance to various weather conditions, which will exclude its separation from the wall during a strong wind.

Thus, to produce a visor for the air conditioner, the price of which will be low, it is possible and independently. This will eliminate damage to the outdoor unit and protect it. Making this simple design with your own hands, you can save your money.

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