
When and how often can X-rays be made for children?

One of the first methods to make diagnostics without surgery was X-ray. With his help, it became possible to determine the condition of internal organs, bones.

However, the rays used in the study are radioactive. In large quantities, they are harmful to the body. Therefore, parents reasonably raises the question of how often it is possible to do X-rays to children. Modern methods of examining the body allow you to diagnose without this method. But in some cases you can not do without it.

X-rays are assigned to children only in cases where other approaches are inappropriate. Each parent will agree that it is better to do an x-ray than to treat antibiotics with pneumonia, which is not really there.


To understand how often it is possible to do X-rays to children and their harm is as great for a growing organism, it is necessary to understand the essence of this method. The rays passing through the tissues of the body leave a clear picture of the state of internal systems on the film. This is a reliable method of diagnosis. Therefore, it is still used in various fields of medicine.

X-rays are radioactive. The greatest influence they have on new, developing cells. Therefore, such an effect can negatively affect the work of the body. Radiation in large quantities leads to the formation of radiation sickness. Cell mutations and the appearance of a tumor are also possible.

However, modern X-ray machines emit radiation rays in such small doses that once they can not harm the body. Their total amount affects the body in the same way as staying 2-3 days on the territory of a large industrial city. However, x-rays are prescribed only in extreme cases.

Harm to the child

Asking the question of how often it is possible to do an X-ray to a child, it is necessary to understand what harm the procedure can cause. Children due to their physiological characteristics are 2-3 times more susceptible to radiation than adults.

The longer life that the child expects, creates a theoretically greater potential for the manifestation over time of various consequences of a somatic and genetic nature. Also it should be remembered that children have organs closer to each other. Their development is quite uneven in dynamics. This creates an additional risk of developing pathologies due to such effects.

Another important factor, increasing the risk to the health of the child, is the location of his red bone marrow. It is he who is most susceptible to irradiation. The distribution of red bone marrow in children is not the same as in adults. In toddlers, it is more concentrated in the limbs and skull. Therefore, to irradiation of these sites are particularly demanding.

At what age do X-rays?

Pediatricians often ask questions about whether it is permissible and how often it is possible to do an X-ray to an infant. This procedure is necessary in a number of cases. With a fracture of the jaw, nose, hip joints after the passage of the child's birth canal requires exactly X-ray. Also, in the process of the appearance of the baby in light in particularly difficult cases, skull injuries are possible. In all these situations, an X-ray examination can be performed in the first week after the birth of the child.

In this case, the baby is placed in a special box. It contains a certain system of protection. Therefore, the rays pass exclusively in the area under investigation. This procedure is performed at the lowest radiation levels. For this, the equipment must be a new sample.

X-rays are given to an infant only if there is a pathology that threatens life and development.

Precautionary measures

When studying the question of how often it is possible to do X-rays for children up to a year and older, parents should familiarize themselves with the existing recommendations. First of all, if you can not do without such a survey, you should pay attention to the type of equipment for examination.

If old-style devices are used in the medical facility, the irradiation will be higher than in the new models. If you want to pass an X-ray to a child, it's best to do it in the hospital where the equipment is regularly updated. Such devices give a clear picture with minimal irradiation.

Experienced staff of a medical institution can correctly select the level of radiation exposure. The means of protection will protect other systems of the body from exposure to X-rays.


There are several main areas of the survey, where you may need to do an x-ray. Dentistry is one of them. Studying how often it is possible to do X-rays to children under 3 years old and older, it is necessary to consult WHO recommendations. This organization claims that annual exposure should not exceed 3 mSv / year. In quantitative terms this is about 5-6 times a year.

But it all depends on the type of equipment and type of examination. With dental examinations, the radiation level is so small that the number of pictures that can be taken will be quite large. This is required if it is necessary to decide whether to remove the tooth or treat it. Also, if chronic periodontitis occurs or the root canal is filled, a similar examination is required before the infection of the apex of the root. X-rays are needed when determining teeth rudiments. In some cases, a panoramic examination of the jaw is required.

Chest X-ray and digestive system

Studying how often it is possible to do X-rays to children, it is necessary to pay attention to examination of the chest and food tract. This type of diagnosis is never applied if there are no obvious signs of the disease.

The digestive system is examined by the presented method when foreign objects enter the body.

Chest organs are also examined in the presence of characteristic symptoms of certain diseases. The children do not undergo fluorography annually until the age of 18. If there are signs of the development of pneumonia or tuberculosis, the picture is taken without projection. With an enlarged Mantoux, X-rays are not performed without the presence of other symptoms.


X-rays of the joints are necessary for injuries (fractures, dislocations), as well as suspected dysplasia. In infants, this examination is complicated by the presence of large quantities of cartilaginous tissue. Because of this, the result may be unreliable.

Asking the pediatrician how often it is possible to do X-rays to children with dysplasia, trauma, parents receive ambiguous answers. On the one hand, one-time irradiation does not affect the health of the baby, but on the other hand, certain rules of protection are required. Hip joints are one of the most dangerous areas for examination. Sexual organs should not be irradiated in any way. To do this, they are closed with special material. All areas of the body of a toddler during such surveys should also be protected.

A picture of the skull

Another area in which an X-ray is performed is the examination of the skull. This is required when head injuries occur or if a tumor is suspected of developing.

Asking the question of how often it is possible to do x-ray of the nose to the child, it is necessary to consider the features of this procedure. Irradiation of this part of the body is carried out only in emergency cases in the presence of serious injury.

With maxillary sinusitis, x-rays are never performed. The structure of the maxillary sinuses in young children has some peculiarities. This does not allow us to obtain a reliable picture of the processes occurring in this field.

Since the bone marrow of children is exposed to radiation, in the area of the skull, X-rays are very rarely performed, and only when the danger to the baby's body during treatment without conducting this diagnosis is significant.


The performance of an X-ray examination in children can be significantly different, compared with the procedure for adults. In the room where the X-ray is made, there must be special fixatives. This makes it possible to immobilize the region studied by such irradiation. Therefore, studying how often it is possible to do X-rays to children, consider also the psychological factor.

In some cases, the child must be immobilized medically, anesthetized. This is necessary for long-term tomography. Fixing increases the likelihood of obtaining a good picture.

In this case, do not re-do x-rays and once again irradiate the baby. During the examination, the child's body is protected with special pads. If they are made of lead, the material must be in the case.

First of all, the eyes, the thyroid gland, the genitourinary system require protection. With the right approach, the procedure can be completely safe.

Having considered how often it is possible to do X-rays to children, it will be easier not to be afraid of doing this procedure several times a year. The process requires proper protection. The newer the equipment is used in the survey, the less exposure the child receives. Modern devices can reduce radiation exposure to negligible levels.

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