Health, Medicine
Flies before the eyes - a sign of hypertension
Flies before the eyes appear every second or third inhabitant of the Earth sooner or later. According to ophthalmological terminology, this entoptic phenomenon is called destruction of the vitreous body. Floating flies in front of the eyes, which seem to be a trifle, have a very negative effect on the quality of life, sometimes introducing a person into a fairly long and severe depression. It should be noted that this phenomenon does not concern problems that are relevant for the medical community. Being an innocuous benign entity, sight-seeing flies, the treatment for which is not found and announced, do not disturb the sight, but only interfere with it. Until now, floating opacities do not belong to pathology.
Flies before the eyes. Causes
Floating opacities occur with very many ailments. Very often this unpleasant symptom accompanies essential hypertension (hypertension). Flies before your eyes are unpleasant, not only because of the impact on the visual process. In the presence of this phenomenon, there is a sharp change in the patient's psychological state-he becomes quick-tempered, nervous, hypochondriac, often melancholic.
It should be noted that flies in front of the eyes against the background of essential hypertension indicate that the disease does not spare internal organs. If you develop this symptom, you need to measure the pressure. When it is increased, measures should be taken to normalize it.
For supporters of the psychophysical method of correction of blood pressure, a relaxation session or exercise of psychophysical discharge in the prone position is recommended. In many cases, these manipulations are sufficient to reduce pressure and stop flashing flies before your eyes.
With a slight increase in blood pressure, but a strong negative effect on the flashing condition of flies, it is advisable to perform a breathing exercise with the application of palms on the eye area. Almost in all cases, this exercise helps to achieve a state of appeasement, and the floating opacities go completely.
Often, to bring the state back to normal, you need an independent head massage.
It should be noted that when there is a vexing floating opacities in the eyes, it is advisable to visit an ophthalmologist. A visit to a specialist will help to ascertain the accuracy of the diagnosis. In this case, one should not forget that flies can appear and with other problems. So floating opacities appear after a sleepless night or a prolonged mental work. In such cases flashing of flies can provoke changes in the vitreous body, in which insignificant seals are formed. They swim behind the lens and cast a shadow on the retina. Thus, an image of flickering opacities appears.
In some cases, flies are the result of prolonged excessive physical stress, increasing intracranial or intraocular pressure. In the event of floating opacities, you should immediately stop physical activity, sit down, or better - lie down and relax.
High blood pressure, a persistent long period, can contribute to a gradual decrease in vision. People suffering from hypertension need regular consultation of an ophthalmologist. The specialist will use special instruments and instruments to inspect the vessels located at the bottom of the eye. They are considered a kind of indicator of the general condition in the body. People with hypertension in 80% have changes on the retina. Therefore, when examining the fundus , the doctor has the opportunity to clarify the stage of the disease and adjust the therapeutic course.
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