HealthWomen Health

What to do if there are vaginal discharge with the smell of fish

All women who are in reproductive age have a discharge. Depending on the day of the cycle, age, state of health, they can be different in density, intensity and transparency. On the quality of the discharge, one can form an idea of a woman's health.

If vaginal discharge with the smell of fish have a thick white, yellowish or even greenish color, then it is possible to predict with accuracy that the woman has bacterial vaginosis.

Changes in discharge can be accompanied by such unpleasant sensations as burning, itching. Sometimes urination becomes painful. If there are discharges with the smell of fish, you need to contact the gynecologist.

Similar phenomena occur if a woman has sexually transmitted diseases, such as trichomoniasis, gonorrhea or gardnerellez.

The last infection is not a classic venereal disease. Gardnerella lives in the body of healthy women, but is found in common infectious diseases, with reduced immunity and sexually transmitted.

Most often, it is during gardnerellez accompanied by the smell of rotten release fish. Treatment of this infection is required. Rising from the urethra to the uterus and the ovaries, it causes inflammation and reduces the overall immunity of the body.

In addition, that there are secretions with the smell of fish, it is possible to suspect this infection if they become grayish in color, a little foams, while the labia is swollen, there is burning sensation when urinating and discomfort after intercourse.

Usually, drugs with metronidazole, antibiotics of penicillin series, anti-inflammatory suppositories are prescribed. Sometimes it is enough to normalize the vaginal flora with topical preparations with probiotics.

White discharge with the smell of fish can occur with bacterial vaginosis and without identifying the gardnerella in the analysis results.

Sometimes discharge with the smell of fish appear during a hormonal failure, with improper nutrition, with supercooling. They can be transparent, but still point to some pathology in the genital area. It is advisable to take a smear - gynecological analysis, which the doctor takes on the glass for further examination under a microscope in the laboratory to find out what caused this unpleasant smell.

Its culprit can even be yeast fungi, which can be easily disposed of with adequate treatment for 2-3 days. Most often, with an infection called candidiasis, topical drugs (in the form of vaginal tablets and suppositories) are used.

Treatment in each case appoints a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the development of the disease. And drugs have to take on a couple with the sexual partner, even if his symptoms are not manifested.

It is especially dangerous when discharge with the smell of fish appears in women of childbearing age. In the event that the disease goes into a chronic form, it can provoke premature birth, miscarriage, permanent recurrent inflammation.

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