
Monthly with clots - causes and treatment

Monthly with clots, and also unusually copious or painful menstruation happen in the life of any woman. As a rule, the single appearance of such symptoms does not mean that there is a disease. But if the problems are manifested from month to month, then this is an occasion to reflect on the health of your sexual sphere.

Quite often, menstruation with clots is excessively plentiful. In the event that the volume of lost blood is more than 80 grams, blood loss is considered serious, capable of damaging a woman's health. Due to the monthly heavy bleeding, anemia develops in women, so if the amount of blood given out during menstruation is great, you should definitely consult a doctor.

And how can you independently determine how much blood you lose during menstruation. To do this, you need to weigh the clean hygiene pad, and then weigh it again after use. The difference between the two values will be equal to the volume of lost blood. It is necessary to write down these results during all monthly, and then simply add up the obtained values.

By the way, if a woman has iron deficiency anemia, the presence of this disease can be the reason that clots appear during menstruation. Therefore, as a preventive measure, it is necessary to pass a blood test to the level of hemoglobin. Often, after eliminating the signs of anemia, clots in the menstrual discharge disappear.

A slightly different picture is observed if menstruation with clots are observed in a newly-given woman. If more than a month has passed since the birth, the cause of the formation of clots may be the presence of placental particles in the uterus. In this case, scraping of the uterine cavity is prescribed . Another cause of abnormal discharge may be insufficient uterine contraction, when making such a diagnosis, patients are prescribed medications that help bring the uterus back to normal after childbirth.

Monthly with clots often occur against a background of diseases that increase blood coagulability. In addition, such a pathology can occur with thyroid disease, the presence of some inflammatory process, after intrauterine intervention, as well as in the presence of women of bad habits, consisting in the abuse of alcohol and cigarettes.

Another pathology that results in the formation of clots during menstruation is endometriosis. In the presence of this pathology, in addition to this symptom, women note the presence of spotting spotting for a long period after the end of menstruation.

The causes leading to endometriosis are not yet completely clear. Endometrium is a mucous layer, which normally lies in the uterine cavity, it is to this layer that the fetal egg is attached when pregnancy occurs. The disease of endometriosis is characterized by the fact that the endometrium is overgrown and begins to envelop other organs - the ovaries, fallopian tubes, etc. It is believed that the impetus to the development of this pathology is a failure of the immune system.

The presence of endometriosis can cause infertility, because of the proliferation of tissues there are problems with ovulation, and the patency of the fallopian tubes decreases . Treatment of endometriosis with hormonal drugs, sometimes you have to resort to surgical interventions. Modern surgeons perform laparoscopic surgery, which allows for less traumatic interventions.

Thus, the appearance of clots in the menstrual discharge may be a consequence of a serious disorder. Having noticed this, do not postpone the visit to the gynecologist in the long box.

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