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Hormonal failure in women: treatment, drugs. Causes of imbalance

A stable hormonal background is important at any age. After all, it plays an important role for women's health. The amount of hormones in the body depends on the state of health, mental state, stress resistance and attractiveness of the young lady. A variety of cysts, fibroids in the ovaries, uterus or mammary glands may indicate that there was a hormonal failure in women. Treatment, drugs for which must be prescribed only by a doctor, can improve health and return the lady its attractiveness.

Hormonal background in women

What is hidden under this name? There are two hormones that are responsible for the functioning of the female body. This is estrogen and progesterone. Their number depends on the menstrual cycle, the processes of puberty. They affect the reproductive function.

If the hormonal background in women is violated, then the diseases of the reproductive system develop, the regularity of menstruation can be disturbed.

However, not always such changes in the body indicate the development of diseases. For example, hormonal failure during pregnancy is the norm. During this period, the development of human chorionic gonadotropin - the newest hormone - begins in the body. The number of estrogen and progesterone is increasing.

Quite natural changes occur in the period when the woman turns 50. They point to the climax. In this period, the production of eggs ends. Accordingly, the hormonal background also changes.

Causes of failure

The pathogenesis of disorders can depend on genetics, from various endocrine and venereal diseases. Also, the change in the amount of hormones is affected by abortion. Not the least role is played by trauma to the genitals.

The most common causes of hormonal failures in women:

  1. Sexual development. In adolescence, girls experience hormonal disorders.
  2. Climax. As a rule, in 50 years, a woman has to face a decrease in the production of hormones. This can affect both health and appearance of the lady.
  3. Reception of hormonal medicines. These drugs must be prescribed by the doctor after a comprehensive examination. If the medicines are adequately matched, then they do not lead to a hormonal imbalance.
  4. Pregnancy. During this period, all women experience hormonal failure.
  5. Postpartum period. There are new changes in the body of a woman. There is another hormonal failure, after childbirth. This is due to the beginning of milk production. And the body gradually returns to its original state.
  6. Stressful situations. Disorders of nervous nature affect the functioning of the endocrine system. Namely, she is responsible for the production of hormones.
  7. Wrong diet. Overeating, enthusiasm for fast food and diets restrict the intake of substances in the body that are necessary for its proper functioning. Including for the production of hormones.
  8. Excessive physical activity.
  9. Disorder of the day and bad habits.
  10. Obesity. The production of hormones in this disease is greatly reduced.

Characteristic symptomatology

With such violations in the body, it is important to begin treatment in time. Therefore, you need to know what are the signs of hormonal failure symptoms.

Signs of imbalance in the body:

  1. A sharp change in mood, taking place for no apparent reason.
  2. Weight gain with a balanced diet.
  3. Malfunction in the menstrual cycle. This is a very important symptom, indicating a hormonal failure. Delay lasting less than 28 or more than 35 days is considered a pathology. Except when such a cycle has been established from the very beginning. Menstrual irregularities are also considered to be profuse or insignificant.
  4. The state of fatigue in normal sleep and rest.
  5. A woman can not sleep in the evening, despite the fatigue. The reason for this condition is neurosis.
  6. Decrease or total absence of sexual desire.
  7. Severe headaches.
  8. Acne.
  9. Hair loss.


There are symptoms that indicate a failure in the production of various hormones. Therefore, when they manifest, a check is necessary.

You can suspect problems by the following signs:

  1. Multiple fractures show that the body is disrupted parathyroid hormone. In this case, in addition to therapy, the diet should be adjusted towards dairy products and fish.
  2. Unreasonable change in body weight. In this case it is necessary to pass the analysis TTG. What is it? This is a special study that reveals the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone. With the increase of this substance, hypothyroidism develops (a sharp increase in weight). With a decrease, hyperthyroidism (weight loss).
  3. Constant thirst. Perhaps a lower content of insulin. This can lead to diabetes.
  4. Hypertension, heart palpitations, sweating. Increased adrenaline. To reduce it you need more time to give relaxation and give up bad habits.
  5. Failures in the menstrual cycle. Excess levels of the hormone prolactin. Because of this, menstruation can stop, and a woman loses the ability to conceive. Most likely, the cause is a stressful condition. But there is a danger that the problem is caused by the pituitary adenoma. To reduce the level of prolactin, you need more rest.
  6. Decreased libido (sexual desire). Indicates a decrease in the amount of estrogen. It is considered the norm when the level of the hormone decreases after 35 years. If women of childbearing age lack sexual desire and feel dryness in the vagina, be sure to see a doctor to restore the level of estrogen.
  7. Excessive amount of hair on the body of a woman indicates an increased level of testosterone. Such a sign can be the result of the use of steroids and drugs against hypertension.

If these symptoms are found, consult a specialist immediately. Such changes indicate a hormonal failure in the body of a woman.

Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity need to be more attentive to their health. It is important to pay attention to the manifestation of the above signs of hormonal failure. After all, the woman's body is very fragile. It is often subjected to changes in the level of hormones.

Diagnostics of the state

To identify the hormonal failure apply methods such as:

  • laparoscopy,
  • Ultrasound,
  • blood tests,
  • Hysteroscopy (examination of the uterus),
  • The analysis TTG (what is it and in what situation it is necessary to hand over it or him, it has been told or said above).

However, the diagnostic methods may vary slightly. It depends on the woman's symptoms.

With the delivery of blood for the maintenance of hormones, failures in the work of the adrenal and ovaries, thyroid gland pathology are revealed. Also, causes of irregularities in the menstrual cycle are established. This analysis helps to detect various neoplasms.

If there are problems with the skin, as well as with obesity and menopause, a hormonal test is done.

Violations in women can manifest themselves in different ways. Not necessarily all symptoms should be present, indicating the presence of hormonal pathology. Someone may have dryness in the vagina, others - fibrocystic tumors in the chest or a sharp appearance of wrinkles.

Exacerbation of premenstrual syndrome, accompanied by soreness in the joints and chest, irritability and absent-mindedness, is also an indicator of hormonal failure. Sharp or weight loss, sudden problems with eyesight and skin indicate the presence of abnormalities in the endocrine system.

Possible consequences

Hormonal failure can be the cause of various diseases, some of which have a chronic form.

Unpleasant consequences:

  • Diseases of mammary glands;
  • Miscarriages;
  • infertility;
  • Fibrocystic formations in the mammary glands;
  • Uterine myoma;
  • Polycystic ovary;
  • asthma;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • migraine;
  • Stroke, heart attack;
  • diabetes;
  • Malignant tumors.

Typically, such disruptions occur in women aged 40-50 years. But now the number of young patients who have a hormonal failure is increasing. What to do?

It is important that even young girls are attentive to their body. It is necessary to monitor the regularity of the menstrual cycle in order to exclude the onset of serious consequences. If you suspect any violations, you should always contact your doctor. It is easier to regulate the level of hormones than to treat a serious illness later.

Methods of treatment

If a woman, based on the symptoms, assumes the presence of hormonal disorders in her body, she urgently needs to see a doctor. It can be a gynecologist or a therapist. The doctor will conduct a survey. The hormonal background of the body will be determined by the indices of the tests. If the level of any component does not correspond to the norm, a treatment is prescribed to correct the amount of its production.

Therapy of hormonal failure is carried out by a combination of two directions:

  • Elimination of causes that provoked hormonal failure in women;
  • Treatment (drugs are appointed based on the survey), regulatory violations.

Usually, hormone medications are included in the therapy. They allow you to restore the menstrual cycle. Help to regulate the level of hormones. All medications are prescribed by the doctor, based on the results of the survey. The doctor also recommends an individual diet, which must be strictly adhered to. Surgical intervention is permissible only in cases where the cause of pathology is the diseases of the reproductive system, which can not be cured in any other way.

When taking hormonal medications, you should consider that they have a lot of contraindications. Therefore, the process of therapy with such medicines should be monitored by a doctor. Self-medication with hormonal drugs is strictly prohibited!

These violations are corrected for a long time. Treatment can last for several months. At early detection of failures, they are easier to correct. Therefore, you should visit a gynecologist for an examination twice a year.

Medication Therapy

It should once again emphasize that only a competent specialist can prescribe, if a hormonal failure in women is detected, treatment. Drugs should be taken strictly according to the scheme indicated by the doctor. In addition, the doctor constantly monitors the dynamics of treatment and can make adjustments to therapy.

Most often, oral contraceptives are prescribed. These medicines are divided into two groups: single-phase and two-phase. The choice and schedule of taking the medicine is exclusively a doctor. Remember that these contraceptives have a large list of side effects that can lead to irreversible consequences, up to a lethal outcome.

As a rule, a complex treatment is prescribed for a woman:

  1. Prescribed the intake of vitamins A, E and calcium.
  2. Vitamin E is recommended. It regulates the level of progesterone and estrogen. Improves the structure of nails and hair.
  3. For the adjustment of the menstrual cycle, preparations can be prescribed: Mastodinone, Cyclodinone.
  4. To reduce the unpleasant symptomatology caused by menopause, the drug "Climadinone" can be administered to therapy.

And do not forget that it is very dangerous to fight on your own with pathology. In such cases, most often does not bring relief, but aggravates the hormonal failure in women's treatment. Drugs should correct violations, and therefore without a detailed examination, they can not be picked up.

Effective recipes

Helping to restore hormonal failure of folk remedies. However, they can be used only after consulting a doctor.

Such recipes are effective enough:

  1. Vitex is sacred. This herb acts soothingly, relieves swelling and pains in the chest. It also helps in regulating the menstrual cycle and promotes conception. Prepare the infusion from the evening. A tablespoon of grass is covered in a thermos and poured with boiling water (2 items). The thermos was covered with a lid and left to stand for night. Ready-made infusion is drunk in small portions throughout the day instead of water.
  2. The Voronets. Helps with menopause, removing symptoms such as hot flashes, a sharp change in mood. Accept this herb in two ways. In a cup, pour a teaspoon of herbs, pour boiling water (1 tablespoon), add honey and drink instead of tea. Spirituous tincture of voronets - 100 g of raw material pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist a few days. Take one teaspoon 2 times a day.
  3. Goatee Goose. Helps with menstruation, which are accompanied by severe pain. A teaspoon of herbs is poured into a glass of boiling water and insisted. Drink every day for a week before the monthly, 2 glasses of infusion. The intake of grass during menstruation is discontinued.
  4. Linseed oil. It contains phytoestrogens that regulate the level of estrogen in the body. Take it cold, drinking 2 tablespoons of oil per day. You can also fill them with salads.

Folk remedies can help in adjusting the hormonal background only if they are taken for a long time.

Preventive actions

There are rules that will help to detect the onset of hormonal failure or prevent it:

  • Pay attention to all violations of menstruation;
  • Mark the cycle in the calendar;
  • Visit the gynecologist regularly;
  • Try to avoid stressful situations;
  • Observe the diet and daily routine;
  • Limit or even refuse alcohol and smoking.

Following these rules, each woman can significantly reduce the risk of hormonal disorders in her body.

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