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What should I do when my feet sweat? Traditional medicine and pharmaceuticals

Evaporation of moisture from the surface of the body is one of the physiological characteristics of man. However, sometimes increased sweating brings substantial discomfort. So, if a person strongly sweats feet, then he does not want to once again take off his shoes at a party, on the beach, in the gym, in the store's fitting room. It would seem that the usual physiological process, and how many troubles it can bring.

Cause of Sweating

Identification of the problem is the first step towards solving it. This truth is applicable if your feet are sweating. The main reasons why the feet are sweating heavily can be two: the result of increased work of glands and incorrectly selected shoes. After all, unpleasant is not sweating by itself, but the smell that appears as a result of active bacterial multiplication in wet conditions. Synthetic socks, shoes made from non-natural materials or insoles from them - all this is the reason that moisture does not evaporate, but accumulates, being the environment for the development of bacteria. When excessive sweating is not recommended for two days in a row to wear the same pair of shoes. She must manage to get aired.

What if the feet sweat?

If the shoes are chosen correctly, but foot feet are still sweating , then folk medicine will come to the rescue. Baths for the feet - one of the most effective methods to combat sweating.

Bath with sea salt

In a liter of boiled water, you need to dissolve 50-100 grams of sea or ordinary table salt. Immerse your feet in the bath for 10-15 minutes. It is better to treat with a course of at least 10 trays every day or every other day.

Tray with bark of oak

This is one of the most effective methods when the feet sweat. Dried oak bark (100 grams) should be filled with a liter of steep boiling water and put on a slow fire for half an hour. Tannins, which are contained in the bark, perfectly dry the skin and help reduce sweating. Treatment to conduct a course in 10 trays.

Bath with laurel leaf

The laurel leaf also has a drying effect. Approximately ten leaves should be filled with a liter of boiling water and put it for half an hour. Slightly dilute the infusion with warm water and use for the bath.

Pharmaceutical preparations

If you do not trust traditional medicine, and your feet sweat very much, we recommend that you turn to any pharmacy, each of which contains many drugs designed to combat excessive sweating. The most popular products are deodorants for feet, cream and lotions. Their action is to block the work of sweat glands due to the effects of aluminum oxide and zinc, which are part of the drugs. It should be noted that deodorants for the feet can be used at any time of the day, but it is desirable to apply creams and lotions to cleansed skin at night, since in the horizontal position due to special blood circulation the effectiveness of the means will be maximal.

Foot hygiene

It must be remembered that neither traditional medicine nor medications will be effective if the feet sweat, but the rules of elementary hygiene are not observed. So, the feet should be washed at least twice a day, regularly removing the dead necrotic particles.

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