
Cyst of tooth. Symptoms, treatment

The tooth cyst (also known as the jaw cyst) is a protective reaction of the human body. It develops if various bacteria and microbes enter the jawbone through the root canal, which cause an inflammatory reaction. Gradually infected cells die, and a cavity is formed in the jaw itself. After that, around the deadened area appears a cyst - a shell that isolates the affected cells of the tooth from healthy ones.


The tooth cyst looks like a dense capsule that is filled with inflammatory fluid. In diameter, it can reach from four to five millimeters to several centimeters. In the event that the cyst size is less than five millimeters, this doctor's education is called granuloma. The cyst and granuloma are the stages of the inflammatory process in the jawbone. On the x-ray, the cyst looks like an oval dark spot with smooth, well-defined contours.

The tooth cyst happens: radicular, follicular, keratokist (primary), retromolar (paradental), residual, cyst eruption (may be in children aged seven to ten years).

Causes of development of a tooth cyst:

  • Penetration of any infection into the dental tissue;
  • Improper treatment of tooth canals;
  • Complicated caries;
  • Mechanical trauma (stroke);
  • Infectious diseases of the oral cavity and nasopharynx;
  • Developmental defects;
  • Poorly fitted tooth crown (under the crown can get food and stay there).


  • Darkening of the tooth;
  • Almost unnoticeable tooth dislocation;
  • General malaise, headache, lymph node enlargement, fever (with a developed cyst and developed inflammatory process);
  • Pain when eating a meal;
  • Fistulous motion, flux;
  • Swelling of the gums, suppuration;

What complications can occur due to an untreated tooth cyst?

Any disease can give any complications. The patient's task is not to trigger the course of the disease. In the case of a tooth cyst, the following complications can develop:

  • Abscess (foci of purulent confinement);
  • Fractures of the jaw pathological;
  • Loss of teeth;
  • Inflammation of the periosteum ;
  • Phlegmon neck or face;
  • Osteomyelitis, sepsis;
  • Benign tumor, cancer.

How is the cyst of the tooth treated ?

Currently, dentists prefer treatment without tooth extraction using soft, gentle methods. Previously, the tooth cyst was an indication for the removal of the tooth. Depending on the case, this or that method can be applied:

  • Therapeutic: the root canal is washed with special drugs, and then cemented. This method can be used if the cyst diameter is not more than eight millimeters.
  • Surgical: retain teeth, and remove the tops of all affected roots by resection of the apex of the root. The removed tissues are replaced by artificial ones (for example, the implantation of the anterior teeth with complete removal). Completely excise the cyst or excision of its membranes. After prescribe antibiotics. In some cases, it is necessary to remove the cyst with the tooth.

How to avoid negative consequences:

  • If the surface of the tooth is not damaged by tooth decay, but it hurts, it is necessary to do an x-ray. This survey will help determine the presence of a cyst in the early stages of its development;
  • To monitor the condition of the teeth, remove all remnants of food, in time to conduct treatment of the front teeth and the rear;
  • Mouth rinsing with antiseptics;
  • Do not engage in self-medication. If you have a brush, qualified specialist help can be rendered only by the corresponding specialist. Folk remedies in most cases only aggravate the situation;
  • With pain in the teeth and discomfort when eating, you need to undergo a survey.

One small cyst can turn into a big problem. In the power of any person - not to allow this. It is only necessary to monitor the health of the teeth and observe the rules of care.

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