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Symptoms and treatment of hepatitis B. Chronic hepatitis: treatment

In modern society, people are often interested in the following question: "Hepatitis B - what is it?" Everything is explained by the widespread spread of this disease and increased risk of infection.

Hepatitis B is a serious disease that affects liver cells, which can lead to death. It is caused by the HBV virus. The greatest risk of hepatitis B is in the future, since in most cases it occurs without obvious signs. Symptoms and treatment of hepatitis B is necessary for every modern person. The disease is difficult to treat, but if a person who has hepatitis B, can recover, he develops the necessary antibodies that provide persistent immunity.

In this article we will consider the following issues related to the disease called "hepatitis B":

• How is it transmitted?

• Prevention of the disease.

• Treatment of hepatitis B.

How does the infection occur?

The hepatitis B virus is extremely viable. For him, such factors as boiling, freezing, processing with highly toxic chemicals are not fatal. At room temperature, the virus can survive for a very long time. He poses a danger, even being in a dried old spot of blood or saliva. By the degree of infectiousness, it exceeds by hundreds of times the AIDS virus.

The most common question is: "Hepatitis B as transmitted?". To get sick, a small amount of virus enters the bloodstream of a person. Ways of infection are also mucous membranes and damaged skin. Through the blood, this virus reaches the liver cells, where it settles and multiplies. This changes the tissues of this organ. Own lymphocytes of the diseased person begin to attack and damage the altered cells, damagingly affecting the liver.

The main danger is the blood of a sick person. The most common hepatitis B is transmitted in the following ways:

1. In beauty salons (manicure, pedicure, piercing).

2. In the salons of tattoos (including when permanent make-up is made).

3. In the process of blood or serum transfusion.

4. In the procedure of hemodialysis through the apparatus.

5. When using other people's shaving machines, toothbrushes, towels and other personal care items.

6. Through instruments in medical institutions (dental offices, operating rooms, dressing rooms, donor points, etc.).

7. Through non-sterile syringes (risk group - drug addicts).

8. Sexually transmitted by contact with the sick person (any unprotected communication).

9. From mother to child (infection occurs when passing through the birth canal).

Infection is almost impossible (but acceptable) for kissing, sneezing, breast-feeding a child, using one dish and handshakes. Next, consider the symptoms and treatment of hepatitis B.

What are the signs of infection

The main danger of this disease is that at first symptoms are not expressed. Minor signs begin to appear only when the virus has already multiplied and is active in the body. The incubation of the asymptomatic period takes an average of 2-6 months. Anxiety signs that may indicate an evolving disease:

  • Fatigue and fatigue.
  • Loss of appetite, weight loss.
  • Nausea.
  • Feeling of discomfort in the liver (right hypochondrium).
  • Darkening of urine (the color of brewed tea).
  • Clarification of stool.
  • Jaundice sclera of the eyes and skin.
  • Joint pain.
  • In the biochemical analysis of the blood, signs of impaired liver function are evident.

It should also be noted that in adults these symptoms appear brighter than in children. If these signs are found, it is necessary to take a blood test for hepatitis B antigen, which will confirm or deny the presence of the disease.

Hepatitis carrier

One form of the disease of viral hepatitis B is carriage. In this case, it manifests itself depending on personal immunity and is asymptomatic. The course of this disease often does not go into a chronic form due to the viability of the body, its strength and endurance. Most often, the carrier flows into the chronic form of hepatitis B after 15-20 years.

10 years ago, carrier was not perceived as a hepatitis B disease. Currently, many infectious disease doctors insist that this form of the disease is the beginning of chronic hepatitis B. There is no specific treatment for carriers of the virus, so immunostimulant and restorative courses should be used for prevention. However, it is necessary to know that the carrier is a danger to others because of its contagiousness.

Forms of ailment

The most severe form of viral hepatitis B is the rapid onset of the disease, when the symptoms develop very quickly. Within a few hours there is swelling of the brain, then comes coma and death. The cases of survival of patients after such a disease are very rare.

Also, acute hepatitis B is isolated. In this case, there are possible variants of the disease:

  • Subclinical (symptoms are moderate, no jaundice, minor changes in biochemical blood analysis);
  • Icteric (jaundice, intoxication, pronounced changes in biochemical analysis);
  • Prolonged (a significant duration of the disease, ranging from 3 to 12 months, is most often seen in the elderly);
  • Cholestatic (the features of inflammation are moderately expressed, signs of biliary excretion predominate).

The most common question is: "What are the causes, symptoms and treatment of hepatitis B?" Signs of the acute form of the disease at the initial stage can be compared with the manifestations of the common cold: general weakness, fatigue, nausea, sweating, sore throat, headaches, runny nose, fever Body, cough. Later, there are external signs of a viral disease (jaundice, darkening of urine, clarification of feces, etc.).

One of the most common forms of the disease is the chronic form of hepatitis B. In this case, the incubation period lasts from a month to six months. This disease is tricky in that it is asymptomatic at the initial stage. Only after major changes in the liver does the manifestation of signs of hepatitis begin. There were cases when the virus was found in the blood of a person quite by accident, and the patient did not suspect about his disease and did not experience any discomfort.

Hepatitis B: Diagnosis

Most often people are interested in information about what tests for hepatitis and HIV infection should be taken. Hepatitis B is diagnosed by such tests:

1. Biochemical blood test (shows the liver, you can only indirectly make a diagnosis).

2. Blood test for the "Australian" antigen HBSAg. It should be noted that the negative result of this survey can not exclude the carriage of the virus or inactive form of hepatitis B.

3. Blood test for IgM antibodies (their presence confirms the acute form of the disease).

4. Blood test for IgG antibodies (their presence will allow us to talk about the chronic form of hepatitis B and the carrier of the virus). If you suspect a HIV infection, you need to pass a special blood test. ELISA can detect the virus only after 1.5-3 months after infection. PCR analysis confirms infection after 2-3 weeks after infection.

Chronic hepatitis: treatment

In the chronic form of hepatitis B, an infectious disease-hepatologist is prescribed a course of antiviral drugs:

  • Nuclease analogues contribute to a decrease in the activity of reproduction of this virus in the blood;
  • Interferons reduce pathological changes in the liver.

In addition, regular maintenance therapy is recommended. To this end, hepatoprotectors are assigned, which contribute to the resistance of the liver cells to the penetration of viruses; Immunomodulating drugs that increase the body's overall resistance to infection.

It is also possible to carry out detoxification, when due to special preparations the blood is cleared of various toxins. For general maintenance of the body, it is recommended to take vitamins in courses, as well as strictly follow the diet.

In the case of serious violations of the liver can be surgical intervention. In this case, the liver is transplanted from the donor.

Treatment of an acute form of a disease

If hepatitis B proceeds easily, antiviral treatment is not prescribed. Patients are shown:

  • Detoxification (taking large amounts of water to reduce symptoms and restore fluid levels in the body);
  • Strict diet (with the refusal of alcohol and taking toxic drugs).


Full recovery is possible. With proper treatment, lifestyle and observation by a doctor, it occurs within a few years. In the event that you are sick with an acute form of hepatitis B, there is a possibility that it will pass into a chronic form. Carrier, proceeding asymptomatically, can persist throughout life, without manifesting itself in serious complications or liver diseases.

If necessary treatment is not performed, hepatitis B can lead to such serious diseases as cirrhosis or liver cancer.


If the question of whether hepatitis B - what it is, all the more or less clear, then we will specify how to avoid this disease. To reduce the likelihood of infection with the hepatitis B virus, the following recommendations should be observed:

  • Timely vaccination against hepatitis B.
  • Protected sex.
  • Compliance with hygiene rules.
  • Passage of preventive medical examinations.


Vaccination against hepatitis B is carried out during the first day of life of the baby. Often, women ask such a question: "Why do you need to vaccinate your child so early?" The fact is that when a hepatitis B infection occurs in the first 12 months after birth, the baby becomes the carrier of the virus for the rest of his life. If you consider the asymptomatic course of the disease, you can seriously fear for the future health of the child. In time, untreated hepatitis B often causes complications such as cirrhosis or liver cancer.

This vaccination is carried out for all children, since it is sometimes impossible to identify her carrier of hepatitis B during a mother's pregnancy. The fact is that the analysis that is prescribed when bearing the fetus confirms only the chronic or acute form of the disease.

In the Russian Federation, vaccinations against hepatitis B are carried out according to the scheme 0-1-6. This means that the vaccination occurs in three steps: at birth, at 1 month and at half a year. If the mother is the carrier of the virus, the vaccination is carried out according to the scheme: 0-1-2-12. The inoculation is injected into the anterior part of the thigh intramuscularly.

An adult should also be vaccinated against hepatitis B. This is due to the widespread spread of the disease in Russia and around the world. Vaccination is carried out in three stages according to the scheme 0-1-6. It must be carried out at certain times without delay, otherwise the body will not develop effective immunity against this disease.

Contraindications to vaccination against hepatitis B are as follows:

  • Allergy to baking yeast.
  • Acute respiratory diseases.
  • Meningitis.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Diabetes mellitus type 1.

A little about hepatitis C

The likelihood of contracting the hepatitis C and B virus occurs under the same circumstances. Symptoms are manifested only in the acute course of the disease and are manifested in the form of general fatigue, weakness, joint pain, digestive disorders. Jaundice with hepatitis C develops very rarely. After the transfer of acute hepatitis C, a complete recovery of the patient is possible, as well as the transition of the disease to a chronic form or carrier.

Symptoms and treatment of hepatitis B and C are similar in many respects. The probability of cure is possible in 60-80% of cases, provided that a timely request to a medical institution is made.

Vaccination against viral hepatitis C does not currently exist, therefore, to prevent infection, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of doctors.

Types of ailment

Viral hepatitis is a very insidious disease. Its danger lies in an asymptomatic current, while one of the vital organs, the liver, collapses. It is his condition that is directly affected by hepatitis.

The types of this disease are the following: viral hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, F (G). They have a different course, infection also occurs for various reasons. The only thing that unites them is the similarity of symptoms and the detrimental effect on the liver of a person. For diagnosis and treatment, you need to go to a medical facility and take tests.


With timely diagnosis, you can achieve full recovery from a disease such as hepatitis. The types of this virus are different. Some require expensive and long-term treatment, while others can be eliminated without special therapy.

Many people who become ill with hepatitis B do not receive the necessary treatment, since antiviral drugs are quite expensive. The minimum price of the course for one month is 10,000 rubles, and taking medication is necessary for a year or more. If the cure does not occur, after the interruption the necessary medications will be prescribed again.

Is it possible to defeat chronic hepatitis? Treatment depends on timely treatment in a medical institution. If you find the disease in time, the symptomatology will not complicate your life, and the therapy will be faster, more effective and cheaper.

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