HomelinessTools and equipment

What is a room hygrometer and why is it needed?

Everyone knows the thermometer, one of you heard the word "hygrometer", but for certain many people do not even suspect what kind of object it is and what its purpose is. Let's try to understand.

Hygrometer: definition, types and purpose

Hygrometer is a device for measuring air humidity. There are different types and types, designs and functional purposes. We are also interested in a room hygrometer, which can be used alone or as part of a home meteorological station. Common firms of devices: Testo, Tefal and others.

By the principle of the device, the following types of hygrometers are distinguished:

Weighing. Determines the quantitative content of water vapor in grams per cubic meter of air.

The psychrometric hygrometer is based on measuring the difference in the readings of moistened and dry thermometers.

Hair. It uses the property of a human hair, which is shortened and lengthened when the relative humidity of air decreases and increases, respectively.

Condenser. This room hygrometer is based on air cooling technology to the so-called "dew point" with the condensation of water vapor.

To measure the absolute humidity of air in the laboratory, we use mainly weight and condensation hygrometers. Hair hygrometers are effective at low temperatures - a psychrometer, say, stops working at -10 degrees.

To measure humidity in apartments, the psychrometric hygrometers are usually used. They are easy to use, reliable and optimal for measurements at positive temperatures. Hair devices also have a certain popularity.

Buying a hygrometer electronic (digital) or mechanical, wall or desktop - it's up to you. Our goal is to show all the benefits of such an acquisition.

What is the benefit of this device?

Hygrometers are not very popular now, but in vain. Most people can not even imagine how useful this amazing parting can be.

First of all, it is indispensable for forecasting weather conditions. For these purposes, ideally suited room hygrometer, which can be installed in a forest house or cottage, a recreation center, etc. Place it indoors in such a way that the hygrometer touches the air from the street.

Also, the hygrometer brings great benefit by determining the humidity in your home or apartment, especially if it has small children. So, if a child does not have a cough for a long time, and there is no temperature, you need to maintain a slightly increased humidity. If the apartment for some reason is cold - you should lower the humidity. Inexpensive room hygrometer is simply an indispensable assistant in the effective adjustment of the humidity of the living quarters.

There is another benefit of this amazing device. You can use it to control the moisture in the cellar, while retaining the useful properties of valuable food for a long time.

How does the hygrometer work? Next, consider the principle of its operation using an example of one of many existing models of hygrometers.

The device and the principle of operation for the example of a thermo-hygrometer vit 1

This device is made of polystyrene or materials of similar properties. Hygrometer vit 1 is a psychrometric device. At the heart of his work lies the relationship between air humidity and the difference in the indications of moist and dry thermometers, which are located in the environment in thermodynamic equilibrium.

Two thermometers with scales, a glass feeder filled with distilled water and a psychrometric table are attached to the base of the vit 1. A moistened thermometer takes moisture from the feeder by means of a wick.

We take the readings from both thermometers, determine the difference in the readings and determine the humidity by the psychrometric table from the dry reading and the difference between the dry and moist thermometers.

This room hygrometer is simply indispensable at home.

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