Homeliness, Tools and equipment
Generators for cottages - options
What is a summer season in our country? For many trips to suburban areas are associated not only with the banal cultivation of the garden and traditional shish kebabs - it's also memories of childhood, warm summer evenings in nature with the family, a special, incomparable atmosphere. Therefore, we are so concerned about summer plans for the coming season. I want to have time and relax in blissful solitude, and gather relatives, and talk with friends, not to mention the typical summer chores. And, of course, I want this time to pass with the greatest possible comfort.
Well, comfort in the country, away from centralized systems of electricity and water, provide only a variety of electrical appliances. Prepare food and warm up tea, dig up beds, mow the lawn, wash dishes - everywhere there are electronic helpers that need to be connected to the mains. Someone in this case relies on the care of the management of dacha societies, and someone sets up a generator.
That's only generators for cottages are very different. What are the options and what to choose? Actually, there are a lot of options, but by and large they all boil down to two groups: generators for emergency cases and connecting a small number of household appliances and generators for the uninterrupted supply of electricity throughout the country.
First of all, you should determine the power. The power of the optimal power generator depends on the energy consumed, and on the purpose of the generator itself. For example, if you need a generator only to secure your power supply with some electrical appliances, a small two-kilowatt generator will suffice. The generator, which will work around the clock, should be powerful enough. However, many holidaymakers say that the round-the-clock operation of the generator is unprofitable, and they prefer to use the generator as an emergency or auxiliary source of electricity. As a rule, such units include a gasoline generator.
Diesel generators, in turn, are represented by high-speed and low-speed variants. The latter have a great resource and create a more tolerable noise background. But at the same time they are more expensive. If you decide to buy a diesel generator, it will be advisable to choose a model with an autostart and noise protection.
Gas generators are no less reliable, powerful and economical than diesel ones, however they are more fire-dangerous and require extreme caution when operating.
According to the management method, the only correct option for a summer residence will be a generator with manual control, since remote control requires the presence of computer networks. And dacha plots in most cases do not yet have those.
The choice of the manufacturer of an electric generator is not the last thing. This is the case when brand fame matters, and it is not worth saving on quality. What is worth buying is easy to learn from reviews on the World Wide Web. But this is not all - any expensive quality equipment from time to time requires qualified service, and the availability of accessible service centers is necessary. The decisive factor in choosing a generator manufacturer can be warranty service - the warranty period can be quite long.
Thus, there are a lot of alternatives for the dacha, and the choice is entirely individual, but making such large purchases, it is better to listen to the aforementioned advice of specialists.
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